Spanish Italy

\"1650. Velázquez en la corte pontificia. Galería de retratos de la Roma hispanófila\", in: Cortes del Barroco. De Bernini y Velázquez a Luca Giordano (cat. exp. Palacio Real de Madrid; Palacio Real de Aranjuez), Madrid, SEACEX, 2003, pp. 35-52.

Early Modern Italy / Giovan Pietro Bellori / Velazquez / Artistic relations between Italy and Spain / Art Patronage during the XVIIth Century / Diego Velazquez / Accademia di San Luca, Roma / Spanish early modern History, Habsburg dynasty / CARDINALE CARLO CAMILLO MASSIMO / Spanish Italy / Spanish Artists in Italy / Spanish Rome / Camillo Astalli / Cardinal Peretti di Montalto / XVIIth century Rome / Corte pontificia / Diego Velazquez / Accademia di San Luca, Roma / Spanish early modern History, Habsburg dynasty / CARDINALE CARLO CAMILLO MASSIMO / Spanish Italy / Spanish Artists in Italy / Spanish Rome / Camillo Astalli / Cardinal Peretti di Montalto / XVIIth century Rome / Corte pontificia

«Guerra permanente e reti di clientele: la cooptazione degli ‘stranieri’ nelle élite lombarde (1536-1559)», in PATRIZIA SPINATO BRUSCHI – JAIME JOSÉ MARTÍNEZ (a cura di), Cuando quiero hallar las voces, encuentro con los afectos, Roma 2013, pp. 517-532

Military History / Economic History / Renaissance Studies / Habsburg Studies / Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN) / Italian Wars / Fiscal History / New Military History / Spanish Italy / Italian Wars / Fiscal History / New Military History / Spanish Italy

\"Sombra del gobernador y cuello de la República: el Gran Canciller del Estado de Milán\", en G. Mazzocchi (ed.), El corazón de la Monarquía. La Lombardia in età spagnola, Pavia, Ibis, 2010, pp. 15-41.

Political History / Early Modern Italy / Courts and Elites (History) / Early modern Spain / Milano / Milan / Spanish Monarchy / History of Milan / History of Political Institutions / Renaissance Milan / Ducato di Milano / Spanish Italy / Milan / Spanish Monarchy / History of Milan / History of Political Institutions / Renaissance Milan / Ducato di Milano / Spanish Italy
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