Series TV

Los expedientes secretos X la sombra del poder.docx

Series TV / The X Files / Political Power

El efecto Lucifer. Mal y redención en el relato televisivo

Television Studies / Heroism / Moral Philosophy / Series TV / Sympathy / Antihero

Big data, realidad y ficción en House of Cards

Cultural Studies / Media Studies / Digital Media / Audience and Reception Studies / Social Media / Series TV / Social Media Marketing / Big Data / Big Data Analytics / Campañas electorales / Netflix / The Real and the Fictional / Matteo Renzi / House of Cards / Series TV / Social Media Marketing / Big Data / Big Data Analytics / Campañas electorales / Netflix / The Real and the Fictional / Matteo Renzi / House of Cards

The Good Wife: el protagonismo de los secundarios

Television Studies / Series TV / TV Series / The Good Wife...

Galavant... cómo ha cambiado el cuento

Television Studies / Series TV / Television / TV Series

Hannibal cocina de nuevo

Television Studies / Series TV / Television / Hannibal / TV Series / Hannibal Lecter

Death Note, metadona para Hannibal

Television Studies / Manga and Anime Studies / Series TV / Anime / Hannibal Lecter / Death Note

La traición a Vanessa Ives

Series TV / Television / TV Series / Penny Dreadful Tv Serie / Penny Dreadful, horror / Penny Dreadful

Flesh and bone: Danza en carne y hueso

Television Studies / Series TV / TV Series

Diálogos entre lo bello y lo macabro en Hannibal

Television Studies / Series TV / Visual Arts / TV Series / Hannibal Lecter

Empoderamiento femenino vs micromachismos en las series contemporáneas: el caso de Vanessa Ives

Gender Studies / Television Studies / Series TV / TV studies / TV Series / Cinema and Television / Penny Dreadfuls / Micromachismos / Penny Dreadful Tv Serie / Penny Dreadful, horror / Penny Dreadful / Cinema and Television / Penny Dreadfuls / Micromachismos / Penny Dreadful Tv Serie / Penny Dreadful, horror / Penny Dreadful


Series TV / Comunicación Audiovisual / Socialdemocracy / Socialdemocracia

Filosofia y cultura popular tapa 1

Music / Philosophy / Popular Culture / Literature and cinema / Pop Culture / Cinema / Series TV / Filosofía / Cultura Popular / Música / TV Series / Cinema / Series TV / Filosofía / Cultura Popular / Música / TV Series
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