Self and Identity

Antonio Cortijo Ocaña. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o la búsqueda de identidad.

Intellectual History / Self and Identity / Identity (Culture) / Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / Early Modern Poetry / Early Modern Visual Poetry

\"El consagrado en la era digital: oportunidades y desafíos\", in \"Verdad y Vida\" 266 (2015) p. 11-37

Self and Identity / Social Networks / Digital Culture / Religious Studies / Facebook Studies / New Evangelization / Vida Consagrada / New Evangelization / Vida Consagrada

Selfless Experience

Philosophy of Mind / Self and Identity / Consciousness

El cuerpo en la red: el ser descorporizado

Self and Identity / Internet Studies / Body Image / Representation

La Identidad Atlética y sus determinantes en futbolistas de Estudiantes de Caracas Sport Club: Aportes al Futbol Venezolano

Sport Psychology / Self and Identity / Motivation (Psychology) / Organizational Commitment / Soccer


Critical Theory / Discourse Analysis / Neuroscience / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Criminology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Cognitive Science / Personality Psychology / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Neuropsychology / Inorganic Chemistry / Neurology / Psychiatry / Music / Economics / Anthropology / Philosophy / Philosophy of Mind / Political Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / Visual Studies / Social Work / Social Anthropology / Cultural Sociology / Self and Identity / Languages and Linguistics / Memory (Cognitive Psychology) / Marxism / Death / Death Studies / History of Medicine / Literature / Sociolinguistics / Literature and cinema / Depression / Educational Psychology / History Of Psychoanalysis / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Social Representations / Mindfulness / Cultural Theory / Philosophy of Medicine / Medical Education / Sexuality / Sexual Violence / Deconstruction / Gender and Sexuality / Theory of Mind / Identity (Culture) / Philosophy of Art / Energy / Embodied Mind and Cognition / Jungian psychology / History of Sexuality / Contemporary French Philosophy / Hysteria / Biology / Literary Theory / Psychology of Culture / Anthropology Of Art / Friedrich Nietzsche / Martin Heidegger / Franz Kafka / Sigmund Freud / Cognitive Neuropsychology / Schopenhauer / Metaphysics of Mind / Extended Mind / Critical Discourse Analysis / Memory Studies / Michel Foucault / Philosophy of Mass Art / Jacques Derrida / Great Depression / Georges Bataille / Nietzsche / Peter Sloterdijk / Wittgenstein / Nihilism / Phenomenology of the body / Music Cognition / Freud and Lacan / Biopolitics / Psychoanalysis And Literature / Derridean Deconstruction / Heidegger / Dreams (Psychology) / Cognitive Neuroscience / Hospitality / Cultural Anthropology / Thanatology - Death Studies / Dreams / Medicine / Depression (Psychology) / Karl Marx / Contemporary Philosophy / Mind Mapping / Estudios Culturales / Clinical Pharmacy / Literatura / Marquis De Sade / Lou Andreas-Salome / Filosofía / Arte Contemporanea / Filosofía contemporánea / Psicología / Filosofia contemporanea / Psicología clínica / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Psicología Infantil / Etnografía / Artes / Arte / Major Depressive Disorder / Historia del Arte / Filosofia da Mente / Antropología Social / Psicoanálisis / Esquizoanálisis / Psikologi / Arte contemporáneo / Neuropsicología / Psihologie / Psiquiatria / Etnobiologia / Deutsche Sprache / Neurological Physiotherapy / Clinical Neurology / Freudian Literary Theory / Filosofía del arte / Clinical Sciences / Psicoterapia / Erotismo / Entrevista Psicológica / Filosofia contemporânea / Psikologi Sosial / Facultad de Psicología / Psicologia Clinica / Anthropology of Religion / Neurology and Psychiatry / Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca / Revista Observaciones Filosóficas / Esquizofrenia / Teoría de la Mente / Peter Sloterdijk Spheres / Criminology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Cognitive Science / Personality Psychology / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Neuropsychology / Inorganic Chemistry / Neurology / Psychiatry / Music / Economics / Anthropology / Philosophy / Philosophy of Mind / Political Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / Visual Studies / Social Work / Social Anthropology / Cultural Sociology / Self and Identity / Languages and Linguistics / Memory (Cognitive Psychology) / Marxism / Death / Death Studies / History of Medicine / Literature / Sociolinguistics / Literature and cinema / Depression / Educational Psychology / History Of Psychoanalysis / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Social Representations / Mindfulness / Cultural Theory / Philosophy of Medicine / Medical Education / Sexuality / Sexual Violence / Deconstruction / Gender and Sexuality / Theory of Mind / Identity (Culture) / Philosophy of Art / Energy / Embodied Mind and Cognition / Jungian psychology / History of Sexuality / Contemporary French Philosophy / Hysteria / Biology / Literary Theory / Psychology of Culture / Anthropology Of Art / Friedrich Nietzsche / Martin Heidegger / Franz Kafka / Sigmund Freud / Cognitive Neuropsychology / Schopenhauer / Metaphysics of Mind / Extended Mind / Critical Discourse Analysis / Memory Studies / Michel Foucault / Philosophy of Mass Art / Jacques Derrida / Great Depression / Georges Bataille / Nietzsche / Peter Sloterdijk / Wittgenstein / Nihilism / Phenomenology of the body / Music Cognition / Freud and Lacan / Biopolitics / Psychoanalysis And Literature / Derridean Deconstruction / Heidegger / Dreams (Psychology) / Cognitive Neuroscience / Hospitality / Cultural Anthropology / Thanatology - Death Studies / Dreams / Medicine / Depression (Psychology) / Karl Marx / Contemporary Philosophy / Mind Mapping / Estudios Culturales / Clinical Pharmacy / Literatura / Marquis De Sade / Lou Andreas-Salome / Filosofía / Arte Contemporanea / Filosofía contemporánea / Psicología / Filosofia contemporanea / Psicología clínica / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Psicología Infantil / Etnografía / Artes / Arte / Major Depressive Disorder / Historia del Arte / Filosofia da Mente / Antropología Social / Psicoanálisis / Esquizoanálisis / Psikologi / Arte contemporáneo / Neuropsicología / Psihologie / Psiquiatria / Etnobiologia / Deutsche Sprache / Neurological Physiotherapy / Clinical Neurology / Freudian Literary Theory / Filosofía del arte / Clinical Sciences / Psicoterapia / Erotismo / Entrevista Psicológica / Filosofia contemporânea / Psikologi Sosial / Facultad de Psicología / Psicologia Clinica / Anthropology of Religion / Neurology and Psychiatry / Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca / Revista Observaciones Filosóficas / Esquizofrenia / Teoría de la Mente / Peter Sloterdijk Spheres

Factores de riesgo y protección en la monoparentalidad: un abordaje desde la subjetividad.

Self and Identity / Subjectivity Studies / Protective and Risk Factors / Single Parenting / Psychological Adjustment


Social Psychology / Self and Identity / Cyborg Theory / Informatics / Social Representations / Identity (Culture) / Identity politics / Critical Posthumanism / Postmodernism / Categorization / Transhumanism/Posthumanism / Cyborg Anthropology / Categorical data analysis / Identidad / Psicología Social / Cyborgs / Identidades / Autoconcepto / Identity (Culture) / Identity politics / Critical Posthumanism / Postmodernism / Categorization / Transhumanism/Posthumanism / Cyborg Anthropology / Categorical data analysis / Identidad / Psicología Social / Cyborgs / Identidades / Autoconcepto

Identidad personal y ontología de la persona

Ontology / Self and Identity / Personal Identity

La lírica excéntrica, o el reseteo del sujeto poético en Jorge Riechmann

Self and Identity / Contemporary Literature / Community / Lyric poetry / Subjectivity

Tracing \'Identity\'

Self and Identity / Ethnomusicology / Identity (Culture) / Ethnicity and National Identity

IDENTIDADES INESTABLES. Avatares, evoluciones y teorías de la subjetividad en la narrativa española actual

Spanish Literature / Self and Identity / Poststructuralism / History and Memory / Postmodernism / Intersubjectivity / Psychoanalysis And Literature / Autobiographical Self-Representation / Postmodern Literature / Identity / Metamodernism / Literature After Postmodernism / Neurosciences / Intersubjectivity / Psychoanalysis And Literature / Autobiographical Self-Representation / Postmodern Literature / Identity / Metamodernism / Literature After Postmodernism / Neurosciences

Identidades inestables. Introducción: Identidad y sujeto en la posmodernidad y más allá

Spanish Literature / Self and Identity / Postmodernism / Poststructuralist Theory / Identity / Metamodernism / Literature After Postmodernism / Metamodernism / Literature After Postmodernism
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