School buildings

Colegio Santa Teresa en Málaga de Manuel Barbero y Rafael de la Joya (1963)

Architecture / Modern Architecture / History of architecture / School buildings / Spanish Architecture (XXth Century)

César Ortiz-Echagüe en Suiza y Alemania. Viaje de ida y vuelta de la arquitectura escolar

Modern Architecture / School buildings / Spanish Architecture (XXth Century)

El edificio escolar como instrumento para la enseñanza. El desarrollo de la escuela primaria en España, 1956-1972

Modern Architecture / History of architecture / School buildings / School Building Design / Spanish Architecture (XXth Century)

El Proyecto de edificios para institutos politécnicos; 1972

School buildings / Building Design / Building Codes and standards

concepcion fabricacion de mobiliario escolar

Case Studies / Evaluation / Sri Lanka / UK / Tunisia / School buildings / Secondary schools / School furniture / School buildings / Secondary schools / School furniture

nearly Zero Energy Schools in Mediterranean Region- ZEMedS IEE Project

Building Energy Simulation / School buildings / NZEB
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