Root-Mean Square Error

Evaluación de un Modelo para Simular el Flujo de Radiación Neta Sobre un Viñedo cv. Cabernet Sauvignon

Energy Balance / Root-Mean Square Error / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Temperature Gradient / Air Temperature

Estimación de la Evapotranspiración de Tomate Usando el Modelo Interacción Suelo - Vegetación - Atmósfera (ISBA)

Sensitivity Analysis / Seasonality / Evapotranspiration / Root-Mean Square Error / Tomato / Heat Flux / Leaf Area Index / Relative Humidity / Soil Heat Flux / Air Temperature / Wind Speed / Lycopersicon esculentum / Heat Flux / Leaf Area Index / Relative Humidity / Soil Heat Flux / Air Temperature / Wind Speed / Lycopersicon esculentum

Multiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences

Engineering / Earth Sciences / Work Environment / 3-D Reconstruction / Root-Mean Square Error / Laser scanner / Three Dimensional / Field Data / Laser scanner / Three Dimensional / Field Data

A comparison of fundamental methods for iso surface extraction

Computer Graphics / Root-Mean Square Error / Comparative method / Hausdorff Distance / Point of View

Three-dimensional ray tracing on Delaunay-based reconstructed surfaces

Mechanical Engineering / Ray Tracing / Root-Mean Square Error / Applied Optics / Optical physics / Finite Element Model / Three Dimensional / Delaunay Triangulation / Surface Fitting / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Finite Element Model / Three Dimensional / Delaunay Triangulation / Surface Fitting / Electrical And Electronic Engineering
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