Roman History

Aproximación a la figura de una matrona romana culta y poderosa. El caso de Julia Domna.

Roman History / Women's Studies / Women's History / Women and Culture / Estudios de Género / Género / Emperatrices romanas / Género / Emperatrices romanas


Roman History / Roman Law / Diritto Privato / Droit Romain / Derecho Romano / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Römisches Recht / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Römisches Recht

Corduba romana, capital de la provincia Hispania Ulterior Baetica

Roman History / Roman provincial administration / Hispania romana

Gentes procedentes de Campania en la explotación de las minas de Carthago Nova

Maritime Archaeology / Roman History / Maritime History / Prosopography / Latin Epigraphy / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Underwater Archaeology / Ancient Maritime Trade Routes / Lead Ingots / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Underwater Archaeology / Ancient Maritime Trade Routes / Lead Ingots / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology

La serliana en el Imperio Romano: paradigma de la arquitectura del poder. Una lectura de la arquitectura y la iconografía arquitectónica romanas (The serliana in Roman Empire...), Roma: L\'Erma di Bretschneider, 2015

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Iconography / Art History / Art / Architecture / Renaissance Studies / Roman Religion / Numismatics / Architectural History / History of Art / Architectural Theory / Italian Renaissance Art / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Imperial Rome / Architectural Heritage / Classical Reception Studies / Roman Empire / Roman Iconography / Toreutics / Ancient Rome / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / History of Arts / Roman Emperors / Architecture and power / Roman Archaeology / Sebastiano Serlio / The Roman Empire / Serliana / Art History / Art / Architecture / Renaissance Studies / Roman Religion / Numismatics / Architectural History / History of Art / Architectural Theory / Italian Renaissance Art / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Imperial Rome / Architectural Heritage / Classical Reception Studies / Roman Empire / Roman Iconography / Toreutics / Ancient Rome / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / History of Arts / Roman Emperors / Architecture and power / Roman Archaeology / Sebastiano Serlio / The Roman Empire / Serliana

ARA·PACIS·AVGVSTAE: An Astro-Archaeological Analysis (Abstract)

Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Roman Religion / History of Astrology / Classical Art / Vitruvius / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Archaeoastronomy / Imperial Rome / Ancient Greek Iconography / Classical Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Roman Temples / Augustus / Greek ritual, religion, and mythology (especially catasterism myths), ancient astronomy, and religious timekeeping / Ancient Rome / Augustan Rome / Astroarchaeology / Roman Sculpture / Monumental architecture of the roman empire / Roman imperial cult / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / Ara PAcis / Technology and 3D Visualisation for Scientific Research in Archaeology / Ancient astrology / ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE / Octavianus Augustus / History of astronomy, ancient sundials, islamic astronomical instruments / Augustus Caesar / Tellus / Architecture and Astronomy / Roman Archaeology / Venus Genetrix / Res Gestae / Archaeoastronomy SEAC / Classical Art / Vitruvius / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Archaeoastronomy / Imperial Rome / Ancient Greek Iconography / Classical Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Roman Temples / Augustus / Greek ritual, religion, and mythology (especially catasterism myths), ancient astronomy, and religious timekeeping / Ancient Rome / Augustan Rome / Astroarchaeology / Roman Sculpture / Monumental architecture of the roman empire / Roman imperial cult / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / Ara PAcis / Technology and 3D Visualisation for Scientific Research in Archaeology / Ancient astrology / ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE / Octavianus Augustus / History of astronomy, ancient sundials, islamic astronomical instruments / Augustus Caesar / Tellus / Architecture and Astronomy / Roman Archaeology / Venus Genetrix / Res Gestae / Archaeoastronomy SEAC

La Bética en el concierto del Imperio romano

History / Ancient History / Classics / Roman History / Spain (History) / Roman Baetica / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Baetica / Roman Baetica / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Baetica

“fututa sum hic: Female Subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti.” Classical Journal 108.3 (2013): 319–45.

Roman History / History of Sexuality / Women in the ancient world / Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology) / Gender and sexuality in the ancient world / Roman Archaeology / Lambda CC / Roman Archaeology / Lambda CC

Consideraciones jurídicas en torno al Proceso contra Jesús de Nazaret

Roman History / Roman Law / Historical Jesus / Jesus Christ / Droit Romain / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Diritto romano / Storia Del Diritto Romano / Diritto romano

La Continencia de Escipión. Un episodio entre los límites de lo real y lo legendario

Roman History / Reception of Antiquity / Punic Wars / Second Punic War

Rev. J. M. Díaz de Bustamante, Draconcio y sus carmina profana, Santiago de Compostela 1978, en Faventia 2/1, 1980, pp. 164-165.

History / Ancient History / Classics / Latin Literature / Roman History / Late Latin Literature / Humanities / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Literature / Late Antiquity / Classical philology / Late Roman Empire / Late Antique Literature / Historia / Literatura / Late Antique Latin Poetry / The Greek and Latin Classics / Letteratura Latina / Letteratura Greca E Latina / História / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Dracontius / Humanidades / Literatura Romana / Ancient Literature / Literatura Latina / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Letteratura Romana / Dracontius' Orestis tragoedia / Draconcio / Draconzio / Late Latin Literature / Humanities / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Literature / Late Antiquity / Classical philology / Late Roman Empire / Late Antique Literature / Historia / Literatura / Late Antique Latin Poetry / The Greek and Latin Classics / Letteratura Latina / Letteratura Greca E Latina / História / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Dracontius / Humanidades / Literatura Romana / Ancient Literature / Literatura Latina / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Letteratura Romana / Dracontius' Orestis tragoedia / Draconcio / Draconzio

Salustio: fragmentos de las Historias

Latin Literature / Roman History / Late Roman Republic / Sallust / Roman Literature / Roman historians

Congreso Internacional Ciudades en Transición: Cambios y dinámica evolutiva a finales del Alto Imperio

Roman History / Urbanism (Archaeology) / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Urban archaeology / Ancient Topography (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Ancient Topography / Topografia Antica / Arquitectura y urbanismo / Arqueología urbana / Topografia / Urbanismo romano / Arqueología / Ancient Topography / Topografia Antica / Arquitectura y urbanismo / Arqueología urbana / Topografia / Urbanismo romano

Claudio, un dios que murió envenenado.

Ancient History / Roman History / Micology

Recordant el professor Géza Alföldy

Roman History / Roman Epigraphy / Alföldy / Géza Alföldy

Rev. C. Miguelez Ramos, El vidrio romano en el Museo del Puig des Molins, Ibiza 1989, en Faventia, 14/2, 1992, pp. 112-113.

History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Glass / Glass (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Ancient Glass / Roman Glass / Roman Spain / Roman Art / Eivissa / Roman Archaeology / Humanities / Glass / Glass (Archaeology) / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Ancient Glass / Roman Glass / Roman Spain / Roman Art / Eivissa / Roman Archaeology
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