Roman History

Aportaciones al estudio de la ocupación púnica y romana en San Fernando (Cádiz). La intervención arqueológica en la carretera de Camposoto

Roman History / Roman Pottery / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Arqueologia / San Fernando / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Villae Maritimae / Roman Archaeology / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Villae Maritimae / Roman Archaeology

Trabajo de Fin de Máster: la idea del vegetarianismo en el mundo grecorromano y su traspaso al cristianismo primitivo / Master Thesis: the idea of vegetarianism in Greece and Rome, and its transfer to early christianity

Roman History / Neoplatonism and late antique philosophy / Asceticism / Stoicism / Seneca / Vegetarianism / Plutarch / Ancient Philosophy / Monasticism / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Porphyry / Ancient vegetarianism / History of Christian Asceticism / Vegetarianism / Plutarch / Ancient Philosophy / Monasticism / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Porphyry / Ancient vegetarianism / History of Christian Asceticism

Catilina: Desigualdad y revolución

Roman History / Social movements and revolution / Late Roman Republic / Conspiracy of Catilina / Roman Republic's crisis

La gestión del agua en la antigua Tarraco

Roman History / Water Management / Roman Archaeology

Espartaco en la arqueología

Roman History / Roman Republic / Spartacus / Spartacus and the Slave Revolt

\"Reyes y dioses: La realeza divina en las sociedades antiguas\", ARYS 12, 2014, pp. 9-28

Ancient History / Classics / Roman History / Roman Religion / Ancient Religion / Kingship (Medieval History) / Roman imperial cult / Emperor worship and Roman religion / Ruler Cult / Roman Emperors / Rulership / Ancient ruler cult / Kingship (Medieval History) / Roman imperial cult / Emperor worship and Roman religion / Ruler Cult / Roman Emperors / Rulership / Ancient ruler cult

El paisaje minero en la Celtiberia Citerior. La organización de la explotación de los recursos minerales / The mining landscape in Celtiberia Citerior. Organizing the exploitation of mineral resources

History / Ancient History / Economic History / Archaeology / Roman History / Landscape Archaeology / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Roman Mining and Metallurgy / Ancient Mining and Metallurgy / Roman Archaeology / Celtiberian Archaeology / Landscape Archaeology / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Roman Mining and Metallurgy / Ancient Mining and Metallurgy / Roman Archaeology / Celtiberian Archaeology

\"Viriato\", en Leonardo Romero Tobar (ed.): Temas literarios hispánicos. Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2013, pp. 293-307.

Comparative Literature / Spanish Literature / Roman History / Iberian Studies / Portuguese Literature / Literary History

Identidades y conflictos: la arena romana en discusión

Roman History / Identity (Culture) / Gladiators / Historia Antigua Clásica / Gladiators, Roman Iconography / Munera Gladiatoria Y Ludi Circenses

La Objetividad del Cuerpo

History / Ancient History / Military History / Cultural History / Roman History / Art History / Medieval History / Islamic History / Historia / Art History / Medieval History / Islamic History / Historia

La puesta en valor de las calzadas romanas: estudio y recuperación social del patrimonio arqueológico inmueble

History / Archaeology / Roman History / Roman roads / Arqueología / Patrimonio Cultural / Roman Archaeology / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione / Patrimonio Cultural / Roman Archaeology / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione

La intrínseca relación entre la literatura occidental y Roma

Roman History / Literatura / Literaturas Occidentales

La Cova dels Jurats (Calescoves, Alaior, Menorca), en Álvarez, J.M., Nogales, T., Rodà, I (Eds.), XVIII CIAC: Centro y periferia en el mundo clásico S. 3. 463-466, Mérida (Orfila, M., Sánchez, E., Gutiérrez, M., Marín, P. y Gavini, A.). Mérida, 2014.

Roman History / Romance philology / Roman Religion / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispanic Studies / Roman Archaeology / Hispanic Studies / Roman Archaeology


Roman History / History of Religion / Roman Religion / Islamic Studies / Islamic History / Islam / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient Greek History / Parthian Empire / Parthian Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Islam / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient Greek History / Parthian Empire / Parthian Archaeology / Roman Archaeology
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