Roman History

EL YACIMIENTO ROMANO DEL SECTOR 9 DEL PGOU DE TORREJÓN DE VELASCO Nuevos datos para el poblamiento rural tardorepublicano, Julio-claudio y Flavio en el SE. de la Comunidad de Madrid

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Village Studies / Roman Villae / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Roman pottery workshops of Hispania / Archeologia / Arqueología / Hispania / Archéologie / Madrid / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Historia de Madrid / Hispania romana / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Roman pottery workshops of Hispania / Archeologia / Arqueología / Hispania / Archéologie / Madrid / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Historia de Madrid / Hispania romana / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman Archaeology / Archeology

CRUCE DE LOECHES De villa altoimperial y tardoantigua, a nudo de comunicaciones de época moderna

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Geology / Geomorphology / Roman History / Architecture / Landscape Archaeology / Roman Villae / Fluvial Geomorphology / Roman roads / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Geomorphology and Active tectonics / Arqueología / Arquitetura / Hispania / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / Madrid / Geologia / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / vias romanas; calzadas; caminos; via; Hispania; ingenieria romana; puente romano; presas romanas; acueductos romanos; acueducto romano; roman roads; roman bridges; roman engineering; roman dams; viae; pontes; aque; saeptum; portus; urbes; traianus / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ancient and Roman Roads / San Fernando De Henares / Architecture / Landscape Archaeology / Roman Villae / Fluvial Geomorphology / Roman roads / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Geomorphology and Active tectonics / Arqueología / Arquitetura / Hispania / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / Madrid / Geologia / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / vias romanas; calzadas; caminos; via; Hispania; ingenieria romana; puente romano; presas romanas; acueductos romanos; acueducto romano; roman roads; roman bridges; roman engineering; roman dams; viae; pontes; aque; saeptum; portus; urbes; traianus / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ancient and Roman Roads / San Fernando De Henares

EL ASENTAMIENTO RURAL HISPANO ROMANO DE ”VAL DE LA VIÑA” (ALOVERA, GUADALAJARA) Nuevos datos para la producción del vino en el ager de la ciudad de Complutum

Archaeology / Roman History / Architecture / Landscape Archaeology / Roman Villae / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Arqueología / Arquitectura / Arqueología De La Arquitectura / Arqueologia / Hispania / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / History of wine / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Villas Romanas / Archaeology of Roman Wine / Guadalajara / History of Guadalajara / Hispania romana / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Complutum / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Archeologia / Arqueología / Arquitectura / Arqueología De La Arquitectura / Arqueologia / Hispania / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / History of wine / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Villas Romanas / Archaeology of Roman Wine / Guadalajara / History of Guadalajara / Hispania romana / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Complutum / Roman Archaeology / Archeology

Moneda y construcción de la Vía Augusta

History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Iconography / Landscape Archaeology / Ritual / Roman Religion / Numismatics / Archaeology of Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman roads / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Greek Numismatics / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Archeologia / Archaeology of Ritual / Archaeology of Roman Religion / Arqueología / Roman coins / Ritual Studies / Coins finds as archaeological artefacts / Ancient Numismatics / Roman Provincial Coinage / Ancient Coins / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Rituals / Ancient Roads / Numismatica / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics / Roman Republican Coinage / Ritual Practices / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Landscape Archaeology / Ritual / Roman Religion / Numismatics / Archaeology of Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman roads / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Greek Numismatics / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Archeologia / Archaeology of Ritual / Archaeology of Roman Religion / Arqueología / Roman coins / Ritual Studies / Coins finds as archaeological artefacts / Ancient Numismatics / Roman Provincial Coinage / Ancient Coins / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Rituals / Ancient Roads / Numismatica / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics / Roman Republican Coinage / Ritual Practices / Roman Archaeology / Archeology

LA ÉPOCA VISIGODA EN EL OCCIDENTE DE LA MESETA NORTE. Provincias de León, Zamora y Salamanca (ss. V al VIII d.C.)

Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Early Medieval Pottery - Visigotic period / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Arqueologia / Antigüedad Tardía / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Visigothic / Historia Antigua. España romana. Tardoantigüedad. Visigodos. Edad Media. Organización del territorio. Valle del Tiétar. Ávila. / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Archaeology Visigothic Spain Art Late Antiquity / Visigothic Coins / Visigothic Archaeology / Visigothic fiscal system / Suevic and Visigothic Hispania (5th-8th centuries) / Late Roman and Visigothic Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Early Medieval Pottery - Visigotic period / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Arqueologia / Antigüedad Tardía / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Visigothic / Historia Antigua. España romana. Tardoantigüedad. Visigodos. Edad Media. Organización del territorio. Valle del Tiétar. Ávila. / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Archaeology Visigothic Spain Art Late Antiquity / Visigothic Coins / Visigothic Archaeology / Visigothic fiscal system / Suevic and Visigothic Hispania (5th-8th centuries) / Late Roman and Visigothic Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Archeology

El Horreum de la ciudad romana de Bracara Augusta (Braga, Portugal): funcionalidad, tipología y contexto, Sautuola XVIII, 2013, 143-156..

Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Roman Empire / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Roman Architecture / Roman horrea / Roman Archaeology / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Roman Architecture / Roman horrea / Roman Archaeology

El bronce de El Picón (Pino del Oro). Procesos de cambio en el occidente de Hispania

Roman History / Latin Epigraphy / Arqueología / Roman Spain / Roman jurisprudence / Roman Archaeology


History / Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Medieval History / Medieval Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Medieval Art / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Early Medieval Pottery - Visigotic period / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Arqueologia / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Castilla y León / Salamanca / Visigothic / Visigothic Coins / Visigothic Archaeology / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Reino De León / Medieval History / Medieval Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Medieval Art / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Early Medieval Pottery - Visigotic period / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Arqueologia / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Castilla y León / Salamanca / Visigothic / Visigothic Coins / Visigothic Archaeology / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Reino De León

I.1. LA ÉPOCA VISIGODA EN EL OCCIDENTE DE LA MESETA NORTE. PROVINCIAS DE LEÓN, ZAMORA Y SALAMANCA (ss. V al VIII d.C.). La colección de D. Serafín Tella en la Catedral de Ciudad Rodrigo

Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Archéologie / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Arqueología / Arqueologia / Archéologie / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology

Barbaria Capta: conquista y conmemoración en las monedas romanas de época altoimperial

Roman History / Iconography / Numismatics / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Numismatica / Roman Archaeology / Numismatica / Roman Archaeology


Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Archeologia / Lusitania (Archaeology) / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Roman Lusitania / Castilla y León / Salamanca / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Archeologia / Lusitania (Archaeology) / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Numismatics / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Roman Lusitania / Castilla y León / Salamanca / Visigothic fiscal system / Roman Archaeology / Archeology

El urbanismo y su evolución histórica en la Tarraco Romana

Roman History / Roman Architecture / Roman Archaeology

\"Animales exóticos como actores-verdugos en los espectáculos romanos\", II Foro Gratuv de jóvenes Investigadores, 14-16 octubre 2015.

Roman History / Emperor Nero / Roman Amphitheater / Animals in Roman spectacles / Damnatio Ad Bestias

QUEVEDO, A. (2015) - Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova (s. II-III d.C.), Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery, 7, Oxford, 408 p. [Summary download]

Ancient History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Pottery (Archaeology) / Material Culture Studies / Urban History / Archaeological Method & Theory / Urban Studies / Funerary Archaeology / Urbanism / Late Antiquity / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Roman Pottery / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Late Roman Pottery / Antiquity / Ancient Shipwrecks / Pottery / Historia / Cities / Late Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery / Pottery technology and function / Roman Architecture / Pottery studies / Roman Art / Pottery kilns / Topografia Antica / Ports / Roman Archaeology / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Pottery (Archaeology) / Material Culture Studies / Urban History / Archaeological Method & Theory / Urban Studies / Funerary Archaeology / Urbanism / Late Antiquity / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Roman Pottery / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Late Roman Pottery / Antiquity / Ancient Shipwrecks / Pottery / Historia / Cities / Late Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery / Pottery technology and function / Roman Architecture / Pottery studies / Roman Art / Pottery kilns / Topografia Antica / Ports / Roman Archaeology

La antigüedad grecolatina en debate (ed. Julián Macías; comp. J. Cardigni. P. Grinstein, R. Illarraga, R. Laham Cohen, E. Noce, D. Paiaro, M. Requena y A. Sapere), Actas de las II Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Antigüedad Grecolatina, Bs. As., Rhesis. 248 pp. ISBN 978-987-3729-01-0

Ancient History / Greek Literature / Roman History / Greek Tragedy / Late Antiquity / Latin Language and Literature / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient myth and religion / Greek Myth / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Antiquity and Late Antiquity / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / History of Rome / Ancient Greece / Ancient Greek Language / Greek mythology / Ancient Rome / Greek Philology / Classical Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy / Ancient Greek Literature / Antigüedad Tardía / Early Christianity, Late Antiquity / Historia Antigua Clásica / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Antiguedad Tardia, Arqueologia Cristiana, Estudios De Ceramica / Latin Language and Literature / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient myth and religion / Greek Myth / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Antiquity and Late Antiquity / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / History of Rome / Ancient Greece / Ancient Greek Language / Greek mythology / Ancient Rome / Greek Philology / Classical Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy / Ancient Greek Literature / Antigüedad Tardía / Early Christianity, Late Antiquity / Historia Antigua Clásica / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Antiguedad Tardia, Arqueologia Cristiana, Estudios De Ceramica

LA CIRCULACIÓN MONETARIA EN LA ULTERIOR: EL CASO DE LAS CECAS CON ESCRITURA IBÉRICA MERIDIONAL. Baetica Renascens. 2 vols., Federación Andaluza de Estudios Clásicos-Instituto de Estudios Humanístico-Grupo Editorial 33, Cádiz-Málaga, 2014, vol. I, pp. 279-297. ISBN: 978-84-942322-4-4. pp. 261-277.

Economic History / Roman History / Historia / Economia / Castulo / Roman Archaeology / Circulación Monetaria En El Sur Peninsular / Obulco / Cecas ibéricas / Roman Archaeology / Circulación Monetaria En El Sur Peninsular / Obulco / Cecas ibéricas
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