Roman History

Un tonsor en Calderuela / Soria

Roman History / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Latin Epigraphy / Roman Epigraphy / Roman social history / Ancient economy / Roman social and economic history / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Epigraphy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Epigrafia / Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Epigrafía romana / Roman Society / Epigrafia romana / Greek and Roman Social History / Roman social history / Ancient economy / Roman social and economic history / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Epigraphy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Epigrafia / Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Epigrafía romana / Roman Society / Epigrafia romana / Greek and Roman Social History

260 – Tarracina: comptum non compitum

Roman History / Latin Epigraphy / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina

Copa Drag.27b de sigillata sudgálica hallada en el ager laminitanus

Roman History / Ceramics (Art History) / Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology) / Terra Sigillata / Maritime Trade Ceramics (Archaeology) / Ceramics / Roman pottery workshops x Late Roman Pottery Workshops x Roman pottery workshops of Hispania x Late Roman Pottery Workshops of Hispania x Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía x Terra Sigillata Hispánica x / Ceramica Romana / Oretania / Laminium / Terra Sigillata Sud-gallica / Millau -La Graufesenque / Ceramics / Roman pottery workshops x Late Roman Pottery Workshops x Roman pottery workshops of Hispania x Late Roman Pottery Workshops of Hispania x Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía x Terra Sigillata Hispánica x / Ceramica Romana / Oretania / Laminium / Terra Sigillata Sud-gallica / Millau -La Graufesenque


Roman History / Wetlands / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Historical Wetlands

La explotación romana de la vegetación riparia y el análisis espacial de la ocupación rural. Roman exploitation of riparian vegetation and spatial analysis of rural settelment.

Roman History / Landscape Archaeology / Archaeological GIS / Roman agriculture / Landscape Archaeology, Field Archaeology, Archaeological GIS / Roman land use and the agrarian economy / Riparian vegetation / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Roman land use and the agrarian economy / Riparian vegetation / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania)

ROMAN NAVY: 396. Sobre IRC III 48 de Emporiae: la presencia de un posible trierarchus embarcado en una penteris, en C. Chillet, C. Courrier, L. Passet, eds., Arcana Imperii. Mélanges Yves Roman, Lyon 2015, pp. 333-339.

History / Ancient History / Military History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Historical Archaeology / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman military history / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Catalonia / Historia / Emporiae / Navigation / Hispania / Storia Romana / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Storia / História / Ancient Navigation / Epigrafia / History of Navigation / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Epigrafía romana / Roman navy / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Ancient Ships / Ancient navigations / Historia de Catalunya / Empúries / Emporion / Emporiton / Catalonian History / Ships / Roman Archaeology / Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Historical Archaeology / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman military history / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Catalonia / Historia / Emporiae / Navigation / Hispania / Storia Romana / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Storia / História / Ancient Navigation / Epigrafia / History of Navigation / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Epigrafía romana / Roman navy / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Ancient Ships / Ancient navigations / Historia de Catalunya / Empúries / Emporion / Emporiton / Catalonian History / Ships / Roman Archaeology / Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Hotel Locarno. Un instabile approdo / An Unpredictable Haven

Roman History / Photography / Architecture And Photography / Fine Art Photography / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / Still Image / Haven Cities / Roman Art / Still Image / Haven Cities

Hoc Signo Victor Eris: el crismón como nuevo símbolo del poder imperial. Su reflejo en las acuñaciones monetales de la dinastía constantiniana.

Ancient History / Roman History / Early Christianity / Late Roman Empire / Christian Iconography / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Roman Imperial Coins / Storia Romana / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Late Roman Coinage / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Roman Imperial Coins / Storia Romana / Constantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity / Late Roman Coinage
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