Roman History

Los santuarios de Cales Coves (Alaior, Menorca) (M. Orfila, G. Baratta, M. Mayer, E. Sánchez, M. Gutiérrez y P. Marín). Llibres d’Alaior 20. Alaior, 2015

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Roman Religion / Arqueología / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Roman Archaeology / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Roman Archaeology

Tracia e Mesia

Roman History / Roman Empire

Plutarco: Lisandro y Sila- Vidas paralelas

Greek History / Roman History / Romanian History / Ancient Greek History / Plutarch, Greek Literature / Lucius Cornelius Sulla / Plutarchus / Lisandro De Esparta / Lucius Cornelius Sulla / Plutarchus / Lisandro De Esparta

\"El denuesto del maquillaje femenino: Tópico literario y concepción ideológica patriarcal\", en R. Casado Mejía et al. (eds.), Aportaciones a la investigación sobre mujeres y género, Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2014, pp. 103-119. ISBN 978-84-943120-3-8.

Gender Studies / Classics / Latin Literature / Roman History / Women's Studies / Gender and Sexuality / Makeup and Cosmetics / MAKE UP / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ancient Greece and Rome / Patriarchal Society / Make Up and Culture / Gender and Sexuality / Makeup and Cosmetics / MAKE UP / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ancient Greece and Rome / Patriarchal Society / Make Up and Culture

ANCIENT ROMAN GAMES / Le tesserae lusoriae delle Isole Baleari, in C. FERRANDO, B. COSTA (eds.), In amicitia. Miscel·lània d’estudis en homenatge a Jordi H. Fernández, Eivissa 2014, pp. 69-74.

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Art History / Media and Cultural Studies / Humanities / Cultural Sociology / Historical Archaeology / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Material Culture Studies / Heritage Studies / Serious Games / Popular Culture / History and Classical tradition studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Identity (Culture) / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Culture / Culture Studies / Funerary Archaeology / Intangible cultural heritage / Cultural Memory / Social History / Latin Epigraphy / World Cultural Heritage / Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture) / Roman Epigraphy / Classical Reception Studies / Cultural Anthropology / Roman Empire / Heritage Management / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Spain (History) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / History of mentality (Classics) / Archeologia / Material Culture / Cultural Patrimony / Arqueología / Spain / Historia Social / Heritage / Board Games / Historia / Games / Arqueología histórica / Ciências Sociais / Roman games / Arqueologia / Patrimonio Cultural / Hispania / Ancient board games / Storia Romana / Museum and Heritage Studies / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Roman Small Finds / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Archeologie / Instrumentum domesticum / Storia / Cultura / Archéologie / Patrimoine / História / Historia Cultural / Roman Art / Humanities and Social Sciences / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Archeologia Classica / Archeologia Romana / Epigrafia / Epigraphy on Instrumentum Domesticum / Patrimonio / History of Humanities / Archaology / Juegos / Pollentia (Roman city, Mallorca) / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Tesserae / History of Board Games / Archäologie / Patrimônio Histórico / Epigrafía romana / Património Cultural Imaterial / HISTORY OF MALLORCA / Patrimônio Cultural / Humanidades / Instrumentum Inscriptum / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman bone artefacts / Epigrafia romana / Baleares / Roman board games / Patrimonio cultural inmaterial / Balearic Archaeology / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Klassische Archäologie / JUEGOS TRADICIONALES / Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities / Provinzialrömische Archäologie / Cultural Haritage / Culural Heritage / Roman Archaeology / Gallo-roman instrumentum / Romanización En Menorca / Archäologie der römischen Provinzen / UNESCO world heritage / Manufatti in osso / Ibiza Romana / Instrumentum Domesticum Inscriptum / Archeology / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Classics and Ancient History / Ancient Toys and Games / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Art History / Media and Cultural Studies / Humanities / Cultural Sociology / Historical Archaeology / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Material Culture Studies / Heritage Studies / Serious Games / Popular Culture / History and Classical tradition studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Identity (Culture) / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Culture / Culture Studies / Funerary Archaeology / Intangible cultural heritage / Cultural Memory / Social History / Latin Epigraphy / World Cultural Heritage / Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture) / Roman Epigraphy / Classical Reception Studies / Cultural Anthropology / Roman Empire / Heritage Management / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Spain (History) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / History of mentality (Classics) / Archeologia / Material Culture / Cultural Patrimony / Arqueología / Spain / Historia Social / Heritage / Board Games / Historia / Games / Arqueología histórica / Ciências Sociais / Roman games / Arqueologia / Patrimonio Cultural / Hispania / Ancient board games / Storia Romana / Museum and Heritage Studies / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Roman Small Finds / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Archeologie / Instrumentum domesticum / Storia / Cultura / Archéologie / Patrimoine / História / Historia Cultural / Roman Art / Humanities and Social Sciences / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Archeologia Classica / Archeologia Romana / Epigrafia / Epigraphy on Instrumentum Domesticum / Patrimonio / History of Humanities / Archaology / Juegos / Pollentia (Roman city, Mallorca) / Epigrafia, Hispania Romana / Tesserae / History of Board Games / Archäologie / Patrimônio Histórico / Epigrafía romana / Património Cultural Imaterial / HISTORY OF MALLORCA / Patrimônio Cultural / Humanidades / Instrumentum Inscriptum / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman bone artefacts / Epigrafia romana / Baleares / Roman board games / Patrimonio cultural inmaterial / Balearic Archaeology / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Klassische Archäologie / JUEGOS TRADICIONALES / Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities / Provinzialrömische Archäologie / Cultural Haritage / Culural Heritage / Roman Archaeology / Gallo-roman instrumentum / Romanización En Menorca / Archäologie der römischen Provinzen / UNESCO world heritage / Manufatti in osso / Ibiza Romana / Instrumentum Domesticum Inscriptum / Archeology / Patrimonio Culturale: Valorizzazione / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Classics and Ancient History / Ancient Toys and Games

Mujeres y economía en la Hispania romana. Oficios, riqueza y promoción social

Roman History / Sociology of Work / Women's History / Women in the ancient world / Latin Epigraphy / Roman Economy / Evergetism / Historia De Las Mujeres / Historia Antigua Clásica / Roman Women / Roman Imperial Women / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Roman Economy / Evergetism / Historia De Las Mujeres / Historia Antigua Clásica / Roman Women / Roman Imperial Women / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico


Roman History / Roman Law / Late Antiquity / Historia Antiga / Historia / Storia Romana / Derecho Romano / Diritto romano / Storia Romana / Derecho Romano / Diritto romano


Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique Archaeology / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Byzantine History / Byzantine Archaeology / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Antigüedad Tardía / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Byzantine art / Visigothic / Visigothic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ribarroja del Turia / Plan de Nadal / Byzantine History / Byzantine Archaeology / Archeologia / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Architecture / Visigothic Sculpture / Arqueología / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Antigüedad Tardía / Roman Architecture / Archéologie / Visigoths / Visigodos / Byzantine art / Visigothic / Visigothic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ribarroja del Turia / Plan de Nadal

Marcus Ulpius Traianus pater in the East in J. de la Villa et al. (eds.), Ianua Classicorum. Temas y formas del mundo clásico (Actas del XIII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos), vol. II, Madrid, 2015, pp. 681-688

Ancient History / Roman History / Roman East / Syria / Ancient Near East / Near and Middle East Archaeology (Hellenistic, Roman and Byzatine times) / Trajan / Near and Middle East Archaeology (Hellenistic, Roman and Byzatine times) / Trajan

Rev. A. Piganiol, L’Empire chrétien, 2a. ed. puesta al día por A. Chastagnol, Paris 1972, en Pyrenae, 9, 1973 p. 208.

Christianity / History / Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Art History / Humanities / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Late Antiquity / Classical philology / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Christian Archaeology / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Cristianismo / Roman Emperors / Latin philology / Humanidades / Roman Archaeology / Art History / Humanities / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Late Antiquity / Classical philology / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Christian Archaeology / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Cristianismo / Roman Emperors / Latin philology / Humanidades / Roman Archaeology

42. Las legiones romanas de época monárquica y republicana: un ejército armado por el Estado

Roman History / Ciudadanía / Armas / Roman legions / Talleres / Impuestos de guerra / Asamblea centuriada / Impuestos de guerra / Asamblea centuriada

La campaña de Juliano en Persia (363 d.C.). Un análisis critico, Desperta Ferro 29, 2015; Julian\'s Persian Campaign (AD 363). Critical Analysis/View, Desperta Ferro 29, 2015

Religion / Military History / Military Science / Military Intelligence / Strategy (Military Science) / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / History of Christianity / Naval Warfare / Naval History / Logistics / Iranian Studies / Early Christianity / History of Iran / Shipping/ Transport Logistics / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Paganism / Intelligence and Espionage / Iranian History / Roman military history / Roman Army / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Sassanian Persia / Sassanid Empire / Late Roman Army / Pagan/Christian Relations in the Early Middle Ages / Roman military equipment / Roman-sassanid wars and diplomacy / Roman Archaeology / Roman History / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / History of Christianity / Naval Warfare / Naval History / Logistics / Iranian Studies / Early Christianity / History of Iran / Shipping/ Transport Logistics / Byzantine Studies / Late Antiquity / Paganism / Intelligence and Espionage / Iranian History / Roman military history / Roman Army / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Sassanian Persia / Sassanid Empire / Late Roman Army / Pagan/Christian Relations in the Early Middle Ages / Roman military equipment / Roman-sassanid wars and diplomacy / Roman Archaeology

Recensión: OLESTI VILA, Oriol. Paisajes de la Hispania romana. La explotación de los territorios del Imperio. Sabadell: DSTORIA edicions, 2014.

Roman History / Territoriality / Hispania / Arqueología del Paisaje / Territorio / Historia de Roma / Roman Archaeology / Territorium / Historia de Roma / Roman Archaeology / Territorium

\"Memoria, historia y odio en la Periégesis de Pausanias\", Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 17 (2015), pp. 347-369

Greek Literature / Roman History / Memory Studies / Ancient Greek History / Pausanias / Periegesis
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