Roman Glyptics and Jewelry

VIZCAÍNO SÁNCHEZ, J., 2015, \"Un entalle con la representación de Júpiter entronizado hallado en el teatro romano de Carthago Nova\", Locus Amoenus, 13, 2015, pp.5-14.

Iconography / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Iconography / Engraved gems / Intaglios / Roman Art / CARTHAGO NOVA / Hispania romana / Roman Glyptics and Jewelry / Roman and Late Antiquity Iconography / Ancient Greek and Roman Iconography / Ancient Intaglios / Glíptica / Roman Art / CARTHAGO NOVA / Hispania romana / Roman Glyptics and Jewelry / Roman and Late Antiquity Iconography / Ancient Greek and Roman Iconography / Ancient Intaglios / Glíptica

Camafeu de vidre amb retrat de Lívia. Camafeo de vidrio con retrato de Livia

Roman Temples / Ancient Glass / Roman Glass / Roman imperial cult / Roman Glyptics and Jewelry

A Glass Cameo with a Portrait of Livia

Roman Iconography / Roman Glass / Roman imperial cult / Roman Glyptics and Jewelry / Roman Archaeology
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