Roman Archaeology

L´atelier D´amphores à huile Dr. 20 de Las Delicias à Ecija (Prov. de Séville, Espagne)

Roman Pottery / Anfore / Roman Archaeology / Anfore Romane / Alfarerías Romanas

Nueva dedicación de un praefectus del ala II Flavia procedente de Fuente Encalada de Vidriales (Zamora), Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2015.

Roman History / Roman Religion / Roman provincial administration / Roman military archaeology / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Archaeology / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Archaeology

Conjunto de malacofauna (varios taxones)

Archaeomalacology / Cooking and Food Preparation (archaeology) / Roman fishing and fish processing / Septem / ancient history of the Strait of Gibraltar / Roman Archaeology / Roman Fish Sauce Trade / Roman Archaeology / Roman Fish Sauce Trade

Conjunto de motivos estampados en terra sigillata africana (ARSW D)

Roman Pottery / ARSW Roman Red Slip Ware / Roman Archaeology

Conjunto de ánforas africanas tardorromanas

Roman Pottery / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Roman Amphorae / Late Roman Amphorae / African amphorae / Roman Archaeology

10. Instrumental pesquero tardopúnico

Fishing Gears / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Roman fishing and fish processing / Archaeology of fishing / Roman Archaeology

La región de Metagonia, la estrategia defensiva de Aníbal en Libia y en Iberia, y los primeros tratados entre Cartago y Roma

Roman History / Phoenicians / Roman Republic / Polybius / Roman provincial administration / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Carthage (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Roman Spain / Cartagena / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Bastetania / Phoenician trade / The Punic Wars (Hannibal and Hamilcar) / Oretania / Carthage and Numidia / Roman Archaeology / Tito Livio / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Carthage (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Carthage (History) / Tartessos / Roman Spain / Cartagena / PHOENICIANS IN THE WEST, TARSHISH-TARTESSOS Ph. D. scholarship in History. Official acknowledgment of educational and research capability by the University of Huelva, Spain / Bastetania / Phoenician trade / The Punic Wars (Hannibal and Hamilcar) / Oretania / Carthage and Numidia / Roman Archaeology / Tito Livio

F. Quesada, M. Camacho 2014 \"El recinto fortificado ibérico tardío del Cerro de la Merced (Cabra) y un posible monumento ibérico previo. Un problema de puntos de vista\"

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Spatial archaeology / Spatial analysis (Archaeology) / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Siege Warfare / Ancient Fortifications / Cultura ibérica / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / Roman Archaeology / Siege Warfare / Ancient Fortifications / Cultura ibérica / Archaeology Iberian Prehistory Iron Age / Roman Archaeology

Las Caleras. Poblado, necrópolis y minería de “espejuelo” junto a la calzada Toledo- Segóbriga.

Archaeology / Archeology of Roman mining / Arqueología / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Lapis Specularis / Roman Archaeology

El barniz negro en el Cerro de la Gavia (Madrid)

Roman Pottery / Black Glazed Pottery / Roman Archaeology

MENCHON, J.: “Gestió del patrimoni històric a Tarragona, comentaris.” 7 trobada de les Egipciaques. Centres Històrics, el valor del context. Patrimoni 2.0 – UB, Barcelona 28-29 novembre de 2013. Barcelona 2014, p. 153-182.

Heritage Conservation / Medieval Archaeology / Cultural Heritage Management / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Roman Architecture / Tarraco / Tarragona / Roman Archaeology / Roman Architecture / Tarraco / Tarragona / Roman Archaeology
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