Roman Archaeology

(2008): Complejos termales en Asturias

Roman History / Roman Baths (Archaeology) / Roman Architecture / Roman Archaeology

Diana Gorostidi Pi: Géza Alföldy y las inscripciones romanas de Tarraco (1975-2011): novedades y nuevas perspectivas

Roman History / Roman Epigraphy / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Archaeology

El concepto de skeuomorphismus y la difusión del vidrio en época augustea

Classical Archaeology / Classics / Glass / Glass (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Roman Empire / Augustan Principate / Skeuomorphism / Ancient Glass / Roman Glass / Augustus / Roman Spain / Roman Archaeology / Roman Empire / Augustan Principate / Skeuomorphism / Ancient Glass / Roman Glass / Augustus / Roman Spain / Roman Archaeology

La trampa al descubierto: acerca de un dado trucado conservado en el MNAR

Classical Archaeology / History of Toys and Play / Roman Small Finds / Toys / Roman Archaeology / Roman Dice

Nuevo tintero de bronce con decoración de oro y plata

Roman Small Finds / Mérida / Augusta Emerita / Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds / Roman writing equipment / Roman Archaeology

Pinturas murales de la ciudad romana de Iesso: resultados preliminares de la caracterización de los pigmentos mediante técnicas no destructivas / Roman wall paintings from the city of Iesso: characterization of pigments by means of non destructive techniques

Archaeometry / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Non-destructive techniques of analysis of archaeological art historical materials / Roman Wall Painting / Roman Archaeology / Roman stuccoes

Ager Tarraconensis 2. El poblament - Estudi dels materials - Analítiques

Archaeometry / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Archaeology

Crisis ciudadana a partir del siglo II en Hispania: un modelo teórico de causas y dinámicas aplicado al conventus Carthaginensis

Latin Epigraphy / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Conventus Carthaginensis

A propósito de la Laus Hispaniae de Plinio el Viejo (NH, 37, 77) y la economía de Calagurris Iulia

Roman Pottery / Roman Economy / Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Conventus Caesaraugustanus / Calagurris

Vámos Péter et al: Interjú Alföldy Géza professzor úrral

Roman History / Roman Historiography / Roman Archaeology / Géza Alföldy

La transició del municipium Iluro a Alarona (Mataró)

Late Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Pottery / Roman ceramics / Late Roman Spain / Roman Archaeology

Una lectura más de la carta sobre la tegula de Villafranca de los Barros (Mérida)

Archaeology / Historical Linguistics / Basque Studies / Basque linguistics / Spanish Linguistics / Latin Epigraphy / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Romance Languages / Vulgar Latin / Popular Romance Studies / Romance / Romance Studies / Roman Archaeology / III Century AD / Iruña-Veleia / Latin Epigraphy / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Romance Languages / Vulgar Latin / Popular Romance Studies / Romance / Romance Studies / Roman Archaeology / III Century AD / Iruña-Veleia

Cherokee Language Initial Prefixes

Creative Writing / Roman History / Languages and Linguistics / Old Norse Literature / Roman Religion / Old Norse Language / Mythology (Old Norse Literature) / Old Norse Religion / Roman Archaeology / Gold bracteates / Old Norse Language / Mythology (Old Norse Literature) / Old Norse Religion / Roman Archaeology / Gold bracteates
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