Ritual Practices

3-cerro y 4-mundo: los números del banquete en las ofrendas quechuas

Religion / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Sociology of Religion / Anthropology / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Ritual / Cultural Landscapes / Shamanism / Andes / Andean Culture / Religious Studies / Andean studies / Votive offerings / Ritual Practices / Anthropology of Religion / Andean Peru / Cosmovision Andina / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Ritual / Cultural Landscapes / Shamanism / Andes / Andean Culture / Religious Studies / Andean studies / Votive offerings / Ritual Practices / Anthropology of Religion / Andean Peru / Cosmovision Andina

Serafino, G., \"Los “últimos” tlahmaquetl nahuas: continuidades e innovación en la Montaña de Guerrero, México\", Anales de Antropología, Vol. 50-II, 2016, pp. 288-302.

Cosmovision / Shamanism / Indigenous Peoples / Ritual (Anthropology) / Mesoamerica / Anthropology of Shamanism / Ritual Practices / Anthropology of Religion / Sciamanesimo / Anthropology of Shamanism / Ritual Practices / Anthropology of Religion / Sciamanesimo

Pasión Huamachuco (cortometraje etnográfico, 14\')

Film Studies / Ritual / Andes / Peruvian History / Documentary Film / Archaeology of Ritual / Semana Santa / Ritual Practices / PASION DE CRISTO / Archaeology of Ritual / Semana Santa / Ritual Practices / PASION DE CRISTO

De la vida, la muerte y otras trivialidades

Death / Social Representations / Ritual / Representaciones Sociales / Muerte / Ritual Practices / Prácticas rituales / Ritual Practices / Prácticas rituales


Archaeology / Paleopathology / Osteoarchaeology / Spain (History) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Bioanthropology / Roman Spain / Paleopathology, Biological Anthropology, Dental Anthropology / Paleopatologia / Historia de la medicina y la salud, paleopatologia, saberes y practicas populares en salud / Ritual Practices / Bioanthropologie / Roman Archaeology / Paleopathology, Paleodemography / Bioanthropology / Roman Spain / Paleopathology, Biological Anthropology, Dental Anthropology / Paleopatologia / Historia de la medicina y la salud, paleopatologia, saberes y practicas populares en salud / Ritual Practices / Bioanthropologie / Roman Archaeology / Paleopathology, Paleodemography

El ritual funerario en Baelo Claudia durante el Alto Imperio (ss. I-II d.C.)

Archaeology / Roman History / Postcolonial Studies / Funerary Archaeology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Roman Necropolis / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Ritual Practices / Roman Archaeology / Roman Necropolis / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Ritual Practices / Roman Archaeology

Crafting Secular Rituals. A Practical Guide (2017)

Ritual Theory / Ritual theory and practice (Archaeology) / Rites of Passage / Contemporary Rites of Passage Programming / Ritual creativity / Ritual Practices / Secular / Secular Ceremony and Ritual / Non-religious rituals and ceremonies / Emerging Ritual / Ritual Practices / Secular / Secular Ceremony and Ritual / Non-religious rituals and ceremonies / Emerging Ritual

MARCADORES GRÁFICOS Y TERRITORIOS TRADICIONALES EN LA PREHISTORIA DE LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA Graphical markers of traditional territories in the prehistory of Iberian peninsula

European Studies / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Ritual / Symbolism / Symbolic Interaction / Funerary Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Funeral Practices / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Megalithic Monuments / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Neolithic Europe / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Ritual Practices / Funerary Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Funeral Practices / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Megalithic Monuments / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / Neolithic Europe / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Rock Art / Ritual Practices

Los ritos funerarios y su simbología en el mundo griego antiguo

History / Ancient History / Greek History / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Ancient Religion / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient Greek Religion / Ritual (Anthropology) / Anthropology of Death / Ancient Greek History / Ritual Theory / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Funeral Rites / Ritual Practices / Ritos funerarios / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient Greek Religion / Ritual (Anthropology) / Anthropology of Death / Ancient Greek History / Ritual Theory / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Funeral Rites / Ritual Practices / Ritos funerarios

Los fondos numismáticos romanos del Museo de Historia y Arqueología de Silla (València) (MARS): apuntes sobre los hallazgos monetarios romanos en l´Horta Sud

History / Ancient History / Archaeology / Ritual / Roman Religion / Numismatics / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Archeologia / Archaeology of Ritual / Roman coins / Medieval numismatics / Ancient Numismatics / Roman Provincial Coinage / Ancient Coins / Roman Imperial Coins / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics / Ritual Practices / Numismatics / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Archeologia / Archaeology of Ritual / Roman coins / Medieval numismatics / Ancient Numismatics / Roman Provincial Coinage / Ancient Coins / Roman Imperial Coins / Coins / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics / Ritual Practices

Ritualidad y prácticas culturales

Ritual / Bolivia / CARNAVAL / Ritual Practices / Oruro / Carnaval de Oruro

La materialidad de la muerte en la necrópolis de Baelo Claudia. Ritos y creencias en contexto. The materiality of death in the necropolis of Baelo Claudia

Archaeology / Funerary Archaeology / Archaeology of death and burial / Roman Necropolis / Ritual Practices / Roman Archaeology

Sacrificio, Fundación y Territorio: Etnoarqueología de un Ritual en la Hispania Céltica / Sacrifice, Foundation and Territory: Ethnoarchaeology of Ritual in Celtic Iberia

Ethnohistory / Archaeology / Folklore / Celtic Studies / Medieval History / Ethnoarchaeology / Ethnography / Interdisciplinarity / Symbolic Boundaries / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Ritual / Protohistory / Territoriality / Foundation Ritual / Comparative ethnography / Ritual Animal Sacrifice / European Protohistory / Longue durée / Ritual Practices / Rituals of Foundation / Foundation Sacrifice / Law Ritual / Asturian Ethnography / Galician Ethnography / Portuguese ethnography / Comparative Studies, Ethnography & Anthropology / Ethnoarchaeology / Ethnography / Interdisciplinarity / Symbolic Boundaries / Religion and ritual in prehistory / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Ritual / Protohistory / Territoriality / Foundation Ritual / Comparative ethnography / Ritual Animal Sacrifice / European Protohistory / Longue durée / Ritual Practices / Rituals of Foundation / Foundation Sacrifice / Law Ritual / Asturian Ethnography / Galician Ethnography / Portuguese ethnography / Comparative Studies, Ethnography & Anthropology

Rituales de comensalidad en el Bronce Final de la Iberia atlántica: artefactos metálicos, contextos e interpretación

Material Culture Studies / Metalwork (Archaeology) / Commensal Politics (Archaeology) / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Consumption and Material Culture / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Atlantic Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age / Ritual Feasting / Bronze Age Metalwork / Ritual Practices / Bronce Atlántico / Bronze Age Commensality / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Atlantic Bronze Age / Late Bronze Age / Ritual Feasting / Bronze Age Metalwork / Ritual Practices / Bronce Atlántico / Bronze Age Commensality

El Endocanibalismo en Los Rituales Funerarios Del Pueblo Yanomamo

Anthropology of Death / Antropología Social / Yanomami / Ritual Practices
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