Representative Democracy

La crisis de la democracia participativa y el ejercicio de la contrademocracia

Social Movements (Political Science) / Representative Democracy / Direct Action / Contrademocracia

Repensar la representación desde el prisma de la autoridad (2015)

Legitimacy and Authority / Hannah Arendt / Political Representation / Authoritarianism / Alexandre Kojève / Representative Democracy / Manifestations of Authority and Power / Representative Democracy / Manifestations of Authority and Power

Democracia Paritaria. El Reto de la No Discriminación

Women's Studies / Social Representations / Women's Rights / Democracy / Direct Democracy / New Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy / Women's Empowerment / Women and Gender Studies / Representativeness / Representative Democracy / Gender parity / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Parity Democracy / New Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy / Women's Empowerment / Women and Gender Studies / Representativeness / Representative Democracy / Gender parity / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Parity Democracy

Democracia representativa, conflito e justiça em J. S. Mill

Justice / Democracy / Political Representation / John Stuart Mill / Representation / Representative Democracy / Theory of Political Representation / Representative Democracy / Theory of Political Representation

Inter-level trust in a multilevel political system

Trust / Local Government / Democracy / Multi-level governance / Political trust / Multilevel governance / Party Politics / Representative Democracy / Local Democracy / Trust in Political Institutions / Multilevel governance / Party Politics / Representative Democracy / Local Democracy / Trust in Political Institutions

Deliberative Democracy, Participation, and OECD Peer Reviews of Environmental Policies

Political Science / Empowerment / Business and Management / Representative Democracy

Temporalidad, sociabilidad y democracia (Colombia y su siglo XIX)

Public Opinion / Sociability / Temporality / Representative Democracy / Opinion Publica / Temporalidad / Sociabilidad / Cultura Letrada / Democracia Representativa / Literate Culture / Temporalidad / Sociabilidad / Cultura Letrada / Democracia Representativa / Literate Culture

Deliberative Democracy as Open, Not (Just) Representative Democracy

Jurgen Habermas / Deliberative Democracy / Elections / Deliberation / Openness / Representative Democracy / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Nadia Urbinati / Majority rule / Representative government / Democracy and Electoral Politics / Robert A. Dahl / Representative Democracy / Crisis of Representative Democracy / Nadia Urbinati / Majority rule / Representative government / Democracy and Electoral Politics / Robert A. Dahl


Democracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and Practice / Democratization / Media and Democracy / Representative Democracy / Democracia / Democracy and Citizenship Education
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