
La práctica reflexiva: Hacia una visión social y dialógica del desarrollo profesional del magisterio puertorriqueño / Reflective practice: Towards a social and dialogic approach of Puerto Rican teachers\' professional development

Reflective Practice / Reflective practice in education / Teachers' professional development / Reflection / Desarrollo profesional docente / Práctica, Docente, Práctica Reflexiva / Reflexión / Práctica, Docente, Práctica Reflexiva / Reflexión

A low loss reflectarray element based on a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) with a parasitic strip

Reflection / Dielectric Resonator Antenna / Frequency / Insertion Loss / Dielectric Losses / C band

A compact electronic speckle pattern interferometry system using a photopolymer reflection holographic optical element

Engineering / Optics / Industrial Engineering / Reflection / Proceedings / Interferometry / Light Intensity / Photopolymer / Photopolymers / Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry / Interferometry / Light Intensity / Photopolymer / Photopolymers / Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

A compact electronic speckle pattern interferometry system using a photopolymer reflection holographic optical element

Engineering / Optics / Industrial Engineering / Reflection / Proceedings / Interferometry / Light Intensity / Photopolymer / Photopolymers / Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry / Interferometry / Light Intensity / Photopolymer / Photopolymers / Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry

Contemplative Science: An Insider Prospectus

Education / Higher Education / Attention / Metacognition / Productivity / Bias / Contemplative Studies / Competition / Medicine / Reflection / Cooperation / Industrial Psychology / Teaching Methods / Physicians / Comparative Analysis / Selection / Scientific Research / Bias / Contemplative Studies / Competition / Medicine / Reflection / Cooperation / Industrial Psychology / Teaching Methods / Physicians / Comparative Analysis / Selection / Scientific Research

Al pueblo de Arauca

Public Opinion / Colombia / Politics / Reflection / Arauca, Colombia

Articulo sobre el metodo en F. Martinez por Christian Rodriguez

Reflection / Filosofía / Sociología / Discusión

Del Atlántico al Pacífico: reflexiones del Diario de Viaje del Teniente de Navío D. Francisco Xavier de Viana

Reflection / Relato De Viajes / Expedición / Expedition / Reflexión / Story of travel

\"Aproximaciones a la obra ensayística de Jorge Edwards\". María del Pilar Vila (Universidad Nacional de Comahue)

Reflection / Subjectivity / Literary Genres / Géneros literarios / Essay / Subjetividad / Ensayo / Reflexión / Jorge Edwards / Subjetividad / Ensayo / Reflexión / Jorge Edwards

Fomento de la práctica reflexiva sobre el aprendizaje mediante el uso de tecnologías móviles

Lifelong Learning / Reflection / Mobile technologies / Awareness / Reflexion

Cielo en la tierra bajo nuestros pies

Reflection / Literatura / Poems

Fomento de la práctica reflexiva sobre el aprendizaje mediante el uso de tecnologías móviles

Lifelong Learning / Reflection / Mobile technologies / Awareness / Reflexion
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