
La cancillería real de Alfonso X - Actores y prácticas en la producción documental

Medieval History / Bureaucracies & Bureaucratic Workers / Medieval Studies / Prosopography / Paleography / Diplomatics (Medieval) / Charters and Paleography / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Paleografia / Scribes / Prosopografia / Chancery Studies / Medieval Prosopography / Alfonso X / Medieval scribes / Diplomatics (Medieval) / Charters and Paleography / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Paleografia / Scribes / Prosopografia / Chancery Studies / Medieval Prosopography / Alfonso X / Medieval scribes

El escolasticismo entre centros y periferías. La creación de una identidad europea, Universitat de Girona, Institut de Recerca Històrica/Centre de Recerca d\'Història Rural, 12è Seminari d\'història medieval, Curs 2015–2016, December 18, 2015

Cultural Studies / European Studies / Medieval Philosophy / Medieval History / Medieval Theology / Identity (Culture) / Manuscript Studies / Prosopography / Medieval Church History / Cultural Identity / Cultural Memory / History of the Clergy / Medieval France / Church History / European identity / Networking / Cross-cultural transfers / Medieval Crown of Aragon / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / Texts and transmission / Medieval Germany / Medieval Spain / Catalonia / Religious Studies / Victorines / School / Medieval Paris / Centre-Periphery Relations / Peter Lombard / Scholasticism / Medieval Prosopography / Peter Comestor / Theology and Religious Studies / Medieval Monasteries / Medieval Scholasticism / Regular Canons / Augustinian Canons / Glossed Bibles / Identity (Culture) / Manuscript Studies / Prosopography / Medieval Church History / Cultural Identity / Cultural Memory / History of the Clergy / Medieval France / Church History / European identity / Networking / Cross-cultural transfers / Medieval Crown of Aragon / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / Texts and transmission / Medieval Germany / Medieval Spain / Catalonia / Religious Studies / Victorines / School / Medieval Paris / Centre-Periphery Relations / Peter Lombard / Scholasticism / Medieval Prosopography / Peter Comestor / Theology and Religious Studies / Medieval Monasteries / Medieval Scholasticism / Regular Canons / Augustinian Canons / Glossed Bibles

AA. VV., I Jornadas de aproximación interdisciplinar para el estudio de la Antigüedad.

Prosopography / Philo of Alexandria / Anthropology of the Ancient World / Classical philology / Tartessos / Roman Prosopography / Greeks and Jews. Roman Alexandria. Philosophia platonica. Community of Therapeutai. / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / Middle Platonism / Filon De Alejandria / Roman Prosopography / Greeks and Jews. Roman Alexandria. Philosophia platonica. Community of Therapeutai. / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / Middle Platonism / Filon De Alejandria

ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS OF THE ISLAND OF MINORCA: 404. Personatges de Mago amb relacions directes amb altres indrets de les Insulae Baliares, en C. Andreu, C. Ferrando, O. Pons, eds., L’entreteixit del temps. Miscel•lània d’estudis en homenatge a Lluís Plantalamor Massanet, Palma 2015, pp. 257-264.

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Heritage Conservation / Prosopography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Historia / Late Roman Society / Arqueologia / Hispania / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Inscriptions / História / Roman Epigraphy Economy Society / Roman Prosopography / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Epigrafia / Insulae Baliares / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Roman Society / Balearic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Romanización En Menorca / Women In Roman Society / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Heritage Conservation / Prosopography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Epigraphy / Roman Empire / Menorca / Minorca / Baleares /Balearic Islands / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Historia / Late Roman Society / Arqueologia / Hispania / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Spain / Epigraphy / Inscriptions / História / Roman Epigraphy Economy Society / Roman Prosopography / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Epigrafia / Insulae Baliares / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Roman Society / Balearic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Romanización En Menorca / Women In Roman Society / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades

Para pensar una base de datos y otros recursos electrónicos en investigaciones históricas sobre carreras técnicas: el caso de los fiscales de Río Grande del Sur

Prosopography / Elites (Political Science) / History of Elites / Databases / Historia Social / Elites / Ministério Público / Teoria e metodologia da história / Prosopografia / História da Informática / Data Structures / História Social / História do Direito do Brasil / História Social Das Profissões / Base De Dados / História Das Instituições Jurídicas / Ministerio Publico / Elites / Ministério Público / Teoria e metodologia da história / Prosopografia / História da Informática / Data Structures / História Social / História do Direito do Brasil / História Social Das Profissões / Base De Dados / História Das Instituições Jurídicas / Ministerio Publico

J. Vilella, C. Buenacasa, J. A. Jiménez, P. Maymó, J. Sales y R. Villegas, \"Grup de Recerques en Antiguitat Tardana (GRAT)\", Pyrenae. Número especial 50 Aniversari (2015), p. 277-297

History / Archaeology / Roman History / Prosopography / Late Antiquity / Patristics and Late Antiquity / Roman Prosopography / Medieval Prosopography / Roman Archaeology / Patristics and Late Antiquity / Roman Prosopography / Medieval Prosopography / Roman Archaeology

A VERY SINGULAR ROMAN CAREER FROM TUFICUM: 407. La carrera de Sextus Aetrius Ferox de Tuficum (regio VI), Picus, XXXV, 2015, pp. 73-85.

History / Ancient History / Military History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Roman Historiography / Humanities / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Historiography / Roman Law / Prosopography / Ancient Historiography / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman social history / Roman roads / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Archeologia / Arqueología / Italy / Historia / Roman social and economic history / Ancient Roman Social History / Roman Italy / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Arqueologia / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Classical Literature / Ancient Roads / Archéologie / História / Roman Army Studies / Roman Prosopography / Humanities and Social Sciences / Prosopografia / Epigrafia / Historiografia / Picenum / History of The Marches (Italy) / Italic Archaeology, Etruscology, Greek and Roman Archaeology / Roman magistrates / Historiografía / Epigrafía romana / Humanidades / Roman Society / Imperial Roman Army / Greek and Roman Social History / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ancient and Roman Roads / Tuficum / Viae Publicae Romanae / Fabriano / Classics / Roman History / Roman Historiography / Humanities / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Historiography / Roman Law / Prosopography / Ancient Historiography / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman social history / Roman roads / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Archeologia / Arqueología / Italy / Historia / Roman social and economic history / Ancient Roman Social History / Roman Italy / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Arqueologia / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Classical Literature / Ancient Roads / Archéologie / História / Roman Army Studies / Roman Prosopography / Humanities and Social Sciences / Prosopografia / Epigrafia / Historiografia / Picenum / History of The Marches (Italy) / Italic Archaeology, Etruscology, Greek and Roman Archaeology / Roman magistrates / Historiografía / Epigrafía romana / Humanidades / Roman Society / Imperial Roman Army / Greek and Roman Social History / Roman Archaeology / Archeology / Ancient and Roman Roads / Tuficum / Viae Publicae Romanae / Fabriano

“La Inquisición por dentro”: inquisidores y fiscales al final del Antiguo Régimen\", en Honra e sociedade no mundo ibérico e ultramarino. Inquisiçao e Ordens Militares. Séculos XVI-XIX, Casal de Cambra, Caleidoscopio, 2013, pp. 155-181

Cultural History / Early Modern History / Prosopography / Spanish History / Social History / 18th Century Spain / Historia Social / The Spanish Inquisition / Inquisitors / Prosopografia / Inquisición Española / 18th Century Spain / Historia Social / The Spanish Inquisition / Inquisitors / Prosopografia / Inquisición Española

Prosopografía y redes sociales: notas metodológicas sobre el estudio de la masonería en Costa Rica

Social Networks / Prosopography / Freemasonry / Research into Freemasonry / History of Freemasonry / The spiritual foundations of Freemasonry / Redes sociales / Redes Sociais / Analise de Redes Sociais / Prosopografia / Masonería / Historia de masonería / The spiritual foundations of Freemasonry / Redes sociales / Redes Sociais / Analise de Redes Sociais / Prosopografia / Masonería / Historia de masonería

Élites y organización de la religión en las provincias romanas de la Bética y las Mauritanias: sacerdotes y sacerdocios

Roman Religion / Prosopography / Latin Epigraphy / Roman provincial administration / Roman social history / Roman Empire / Roman North Africa (Archaeology) / Roman provinces / Religions of the Roman Empire / Roman Baetica / Mauretania Tingitana / Roman imperial cult / Roman Prosopography / Roman Priests / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Hispania romana / Mauretania Caesariensis / Baetica / Priestesses / Roman Empire / Roman North Africa (Archaeology) / Roman provinces / Religions of the Roman Empire / Roman Baetica / Mauretania Tingitana / Roman imperial cult / Roman Prosopography / Roman Priests / Roman cities of Baetica (Hispania) / Hispania romana / Mauretania Caesariensis / Baetica / Priestesses

ROMAN AFRICA\' S GOVERNORS: 408. ¿Propiedades de los Minicii Natales de Barcino en África? en P. Ruggeri, ed., L’Africa romana. Momenti di continuità e rottura: bilancio di trent’anni di convegni L’Africa romana, Roma 2015, pp. 1511-1520 .

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Prosopography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman social history / Roman North Africa (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Historia / Roman social and economic history / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Roman North Africa / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Roman Architecture / História / Roman Prosopography / Prosopografia / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía romana / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Classics and Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Prosopography / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Roman Army / Roman Epigraphy / Roman social history / Roman North Africa (Archaeology) / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Historia / Roman social and economic history / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Roman North Africa / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Roman Architecture / História / Roman Prosopography / Prosopografia / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía romana / Humanidades / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Classics and Ancient History


Modern History / Prosopography / Modernism / Hispanic Studies


Modern History / Prosopography / XVIII century / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Historia De Las Instituciones Político-administrativas
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