Pressure Gradient

Stretch Activates Nitric Oxide Production in Pulmonary Vascular Endothelial Cells In Situ

Fluorescence Microscopy / Immunohistochemistry / Protein synthesis / Signal Transduction / Free Radical / Endothelial Cells / Mice / Blood Pressure / Nitric oxide / Animals / Kinase inhibitor / American / Shear Stress / Enzyme / Rats / Nitric Oxide Synthase / Endothelial cell / Shear Strength / Shear Force / Vascular Endothelial Function / Pressure Gradient / Cell Cell Interaction / Pulmonary circulation / Endothelial Cells / Mice / Blood Pressure / Nitric oxide / Animals / Kinase inhibitor / American / Shear Stress / Enzyme / Rats / Nitric Oxide Synthase / Endothelial cell / Shear Strength / Shear Force / Vascular Endothelial Function / Pressure Gradient / Cell Cell Interaction / Pulmonary circulation

Mitochondrial gene expression and respiratory enzyme activities in cardiac diseases

Mitochondria / Gene expression / Biological Sciences / Mitochondrial DNA / Humans / Aortic stenosis / Female / Male / Physical sciences / Cytochrome c oxidase / Enzyme / Steady state / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Oxidative phosphorylation / Multienzyme complexes / Enzyme activity / Pressure Gradient / Cardiac Disease / Biochemistry and cell biology / Heart Diseases / Aortic stenosis / Female / Male / Physical sciences / Cytochrome c oxidase / Enzyme / Steady state / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Oxidative phosphorylation / Multienzyme complexes / Enzyme activity / Pressure Gradient / Cardiac Disease / Biochemistry and cell biology / Heart Diseases

Non-diffusive, non-local transport in fluids and plasmas

Earth Sciences / Plasma Physics / Statistical Test / Probability Density Function / Diffusion Model / Pressure Gradient / Elementary Particles / Pressure Gradient / Elementary Particles
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