Prehistoric Archaeology

El Pleistoceno medio y superior inicial en el Noreste de la Península Ibérica

Prehistoric Archaeology / Catalan Studies / Lithic Technology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Paleolithic Europe / Lower Paleolithic / Middle Pleistocene / Catalonian History / Lower Paleolithic / Middle Pleistocene / Catalonian History

A Paracas Bowl: Part II

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Cosmology (Anthropology) / Aztecs / Ceramics (Art History) / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Archeology / The Moche of northern Peru / Aztec Iconography / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Art / Prehistoric Archeology / The Moche of northern Peru / Aztec Iconography / Aztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology

Excavación arqueológica de urgencia en Casa del Río II (Aljaraque, Huelva). El corte A.

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Geoarchaeology / GeoArcheology / Prehistory / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarchéologie / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarchéologie

Los concheros arqueológicos de Cañada Honda y El grillito (Estuario del Odiel, Huelva)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Geoarchaeology / GeoArcheology / Mediterranean prehistory / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Coastal geoarchaeology / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarqueología / Quaternary Geoarchaeology / Geoarchéologie / Prehistory / Coastal geoarchaeology / Geoarchaeology and Lithic Studies / Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Geoarqueología / Quaternary Geoarchaeology / Geoarchéologie

Uranium series dating reveals a long sequence of rock art at Altamira Cave (Santillana del Mar, Cantabria)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Unesco / Symbolism / World Cultural Heritage / Upper Paleolithic / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Chronology / Ice Age Cave Art / UNESCO world heritage / Series De Uranio / Altamira / World Cultural Heritage / Upper Paleolithic / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Rock Art / Rock Art / Chronology / Ice Age Cave Art / UNESCO world heritage / Series De Uranio / Altamira

El Bronce final en la provincia de Ciudad Real: yacimientos y nuevas perspectivas.

Prehistoric Archaeology / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Edad Del Bronce / Lanscape Archeology / Edad del Bronce de la Mancha

Los grabados rupestres de Marruecos: una gran variedad iconográfica grabada en la roca

Prehistoric Archaeology / Moroccan Studies / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Rock Art / Moroccan Archaeology

Arqueología de la roca grabada: paisajes rupestres de la cuenca del ued Nun (Marruecos).

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Moroccan Studies / Rock Art (Archaeology) / Moroccan Archaeology

Estudios funcionales en Prehistoria: ¿qué información nos aportan los útiles líticos?.

Functional Analysis / Prehistoric Archaeology / Lithic Technology

Análisis tecnológico de las piezas de jadeíta y pedernal del cinturón de poder y de la banda frontal de K´inich Janaab´ Pakal de Palenque

Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Archaeometry / Archaeology of Personal Adornment / Classic Maya (Archaeology) / Maya Archaeology / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Mesoamerica / Arqueología / Mayan Studies / Maya Epigraphy, Maya Archaeology, Maya Art History / Arqueologia / Archaeology of Palenque, Mexico / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Lithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory / Arte Lapidario / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Lapidaries and Precious Stones / Jewelry and Body Adornment / Archaeology of Personal Adornment / Classic Maya (Archaeology) / Maya Archaeology / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Mesoamerica / Arqueología / Mayan Studies / Maya Epigraphy, Maya Archaeology, Maya Art History / Arqueologia / Archaeology of Palenque, Mexico / Mesoamerican Studies / Stone carving and lapidary techniques / Lithics Nephrite Jadeitite Neolithic Prehistory / Arte Lapidario / Gemology and the lapidary proces now and of antiquity / Lapidaries and Precious Stones / Jewelry and Body Adornment

Producción y distribución de objetos de concha en Xochicalco, Morelos

Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Archaeomalacology / Mesoamerican Archaeology / Archaeological Method & Theory / Archaeometry / Mesoamerica / Craft production (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Epiclassic Mesoamerica / Arqueologia / Arqueologia experimental / Xochicalco / Ancient artisans / Archaeological Method & Theory / Archaeometry / Mesoamerica / Craft production (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Epiclassic Mesoamerica / Arqueologia / Arqueologia experimental / Xochicalco / Ancient artisans
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