Philosophy of Literature

Las Vasijas Quebradas (límites, hospitalidad, sobrevida y contagio entre lo extranjero y lo propio)

Critical Theory / Cultural Studies / Comparative Literature / Philosophy / Aesthetics / Translation Studies / Literature / Hospitality Studies / Poetry / Cultural Theory / Utopian Studies / Translation theory / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Poetics / Symbolism / Walter Benjamin / Ezra Pound / Translation of Poetry / Utopian Literature / Hospitality / Translation and Interpretation / Translation / Literary translation / Filosofía / Traducción / Teoría Literaria / Teoría Crítica / Wilhelm von Humboldt / Traducción e interpretación / Teoría De La Traducción / Poética Y Retórica / Translation Studies / Literature / Hospitality Studies / Poetry / Cultural Theory / Utopian Studies / Translation theory / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Poetics / Symbolism / Walter Benjamin / Ezra Pound / Translation of Poetry / Utopian Literature / Hospitality / Translation and Interpretation / Translation / Literary translation / Filosofía / Traducción / Teoría Literaria / Teoría Crítica / Wilhelm von Humboldt / Traducción e interpretación / Teoría De La Traducción / Poética Y Retórica

Espacio político y morfología de la literatura europea, daimon, 2004

Philosophy of Literature / Literary Theory / Humanism / Romanistik / Teoría de la literatura y Literatura Comparada

La autonomía del arte en Benjamin y Heidegger: a propósito de la interpretación de Burkhardt Lindner

Philosophy / Aesthetics / Art History / History of Ideas / Art Theory / Hermeneutics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Walter Benjamin / Martin Heidegger / 20th Century Philosophy / Artistic Autonomy and Social Change / Benjamin, Walter / 20th-century German philosophy / History of Aesthetics / Contemporary Philosophy / Estética / Filosofía / German Philosophy / Filosofía contemporánea / Estetica / Hermenéutica / Estética, Filosofía Del Arte / Filosofía del arte / Estética y Teoría del arte / Phenomenology/Post-Phenomenology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Early Frankfurt School and Walter Benjamin, Marx and Western Marxism, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy and Literatureocial and / Aesthetic Autonomy / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Art Autonomy Contemporary / Estetica Y Teoria Del Arte / The autonomy of art and the art as image debate / Aesthetics and the philosophy of art / Hermeneutics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Walter Benjamin / Martin Heidegger / 20th Century Philosophy / Artistic Autonomy and Social Change / Benjamin, Walter / 20th-century German philosophy / History of Aesthetics / Contemporary Philosophy / Estética / Filosofía / German Philosophy / Filosofía contemporánea / Estetica / Hermenéutica / Estética, Filosofía Del Arte / Filosofía del arte / Estética y Teoría del arte / Phenomenology/Post-Phenomenology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Early Frankfurt School and Walter Benjamin, Marx and Western Marxism, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy and Literatureocial and / Aesthetic Autonomy / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Art Autonomy Contemporary / Estetica Y Teoria Del Arte / The autonomy of art and the art as image debate / Aesthetics and the philosophy of art

Y en cuanto a esa frase \"estudiar con espiritu literario..\" (1998)

Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / Literature / Peirce / Philosophy of Literature / Terminology / Charles S. Peirce / Charles Sanders Peirce / Peirce, Charles S. / C. S. Peirce / Terminology / Charles S. Peirce / Charles Sanders Peirce / Peirce, Charles S. / C. S. Peirce

Ficción y narración: aspectos ontológicos y cognitivos

Philosophy / Aesthetics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Ontology of Art / Narrative Theory / Empathy (Philosophy) / Fiction / Cognitive aesthetics / Philosophy of mind: emotions, rationality. / Narrative Theory / Empathy (Philosophy) / Fiction / Cognitive aesthetics / Philosophy of mind: emotions, rationality.

Boletín de Estética, Nº 34

Philosophy Of Language / Aesthetics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Conceptual Metaphor / Giorgio Agamben / Metaphor / Meaning / Michel Foucault / Cognitive Linguistics / Donald Davidson / Ontology of Art / History of Aesthetics / Agamben / Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten / Estética / Filosofía del arte / Posthistory / Giorgio Agamben / Metaphor / Meaning / Michel Foucault / Cognitive Linguistics / Donald Davidson / Ontology of Art / History of Aesthetics / Agamben / Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten / Estética / Filosofía del arte / Posthistory

Boletín de Estética, Nº 30

Aesthetics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Jorge Luis Borges / Walter Benjamin / Schopenhauer / Philosophy of History / W.G. Sebald (Area Studies) / Fiction / Estética / Xul Solar- Rudolf Steiner-Jorge Luis Borges- Schopenhauer / Schopenhauer / Philosophy of History / W.G. Sebald (Area Studies) / Fiction / Estética / Xul Solar- Rudolf Steiner-Jorge Luis Borges- Schopenhauer

Boletín de Estética, Nº 29

Critical Theory / German Literature / Philosophy Of Language / Aesthetics / Ethics / Theodor Adorno / Philosophy of Literature / Walter Benjamin / Natural History / Aesthetics and Ethics / Aesthetics and Politics / Theodor W. Adorno / W.G. Sebald (Area Studies) / Holocaust Literature / Kantian ethics / Estética / Estetica / Holocaust and Genocide Studies / Estética Y Política / Aesthetic Experience / Ética (Filosofia) / W.G. Sebald / Holocaust Shoah / Filosofía del arte / Arte y política / Estética y Teorías del arte. Arte contemporáneo. Etica y política. / Filosofía y Literatura / Experiencia Estética / Literatura y política / Ética e Filosofia Moral / Wg Sebald / Etica Filosofica / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Theodor Adorno / Philosophy of Literature / Walter Benjamin / Natural History / Aesthetics and Ethics / Aesthetics and Politics / Theodor W. Adorno / W.G. Sebald (Area Studies) / Holocaust Literature / Kantian ethics / Estética / Estetica / Holocaust and Genocide Studies / Estética Y Política / Aesthetic Experience / Ética (Filosofia) / W.G. Sebald / Holocaust Shoah / Filosofía del arte / Arte y política / Estética y Teorías del arte. Arte contemporáneo. Etica y política. / Filosofía y Literatura / Experiencia Estética / Literatura y política / Ética e Filosofia Moral / Wg Sebald / Etica Filosofica / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics

Boletín de Estética, Nº 28

Aesthetics / Contemporary Art / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Pragmatism (Philosophy) / Fiction / Estética / Pragmatic Aesthetics / Film and emotions, film-phenomenology, film aesthetics / Cultural and Artistic Performance, media, forms and practices otf the contemporary imaginery / Analytical Philosophy of Literature / Artistic Identity and Practice / Practicas Artísticas / Fiction / Estética / Pragmatic Aesthetics / Film and emotions, film-phenomenology, film aesthetics / Cultural and Artistic Performance, media, forms and practices otf the contemporary imaginery / Analytical Philosophy of Literature / Artistic Identity and Practice / Practicas Artísticas

Boletín de Estética, Nº 27

Aesthetics / English Literature / Poetry / Hermeneutics / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Contemporary French Philosophy / T.S. Eliot / Paul Ricoeur / Memory Studies / 20th Century French Literature / Marcel Proust / Paul Valéry / Estética / Analogy / Filosofía del arte / Mirror / 20th century French philosophy / Romantic English poetry / M. H. Abrams / Philosophy of Art / Contemporary French Philosophy / T.S. Eliot / Paul Ricoeur / Memory Studies / 20th Century French Literature / Marcel Proust / Paul Valéry / Estética / Analogy / Filosofía del arte / Mirror / 20th century French philosophy / Romantic English poetry / M. H. Abrams

Boletín de Estética, Nº 22

Aesthetics / Chinese Studies / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Edmund Burke / Literary Theory / Chinese Language and Culture / Aesthetics and Ethics / Immanuel Kant / The Sublime / Chinese literature / Joseph Addison / History of Aesthetics / Modern Philosophy / Estética / Kantian Sublime / Filosofía del arte / Eighteenth-century philosophy / History of Philosophy / Theory of Sublime / Literary Theory / Chinese Language and Culture / Aesthetics and Ethics / Immanuel Kant / The Sublime / Chinese literature / Joseph Addison / History of Aesthetics / Modern Philosophy / Estética / Kantian Sublime / Filosofía del arte / Eighteenth-century philosophy / History of Philosophy / Theory of Sublime

Boletín de Estética, Nº 16

Aesthetics / Phenomenology / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Jorge Luis Borges / Friedrich Nietzsche / Nietzsche / Ontology of Art / Ontology of Artefacts / Argentine Literature / Phenomenological Aesthetics / Representations of Nazism / Literatura argentina / Nazism / Aesthetic Experience / Qualia and Aesthetic Experience / Dufrenne / Nietzscheanism / Mikel Dufrenne / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Ontology of Abstract Objects / Friedrich Nietzsche / Nietzsche / Ontology of Art / Ontology of Artefacts / Argentine Literature / Phenomenological Aesthetics / Representations of Nazism / Literatura argentina / Nazism / Aesthetic Experience / Qualia and Aesthetic Experience / Dufrenne / Nietzscheanism / Mikel Dufrenne / Continental Philosophy and Aesthetics / Ontology of Abstract Objects


Critical Theory / American Literature / Business Ethics / Neuroscience / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Political Sociology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Cognitive Science / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Neuropsychology / Logic And Foundations Of Mathematics / Modal Logic / Oceanography / Computer Science / Neurology / Psychiatry / Comparative Literature / Anthropology / Comparative Politics / Political Economy / Philosophy / Metaphysics / Philosophy of Mind / Philosophy Of Language / Political Philosophy / Ethics / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy of Technology / Literacy / Visual Studies / Philosophy Of Religion / Normative Ethics / Applied Ethics / Education / Logic / Media and Cultural Studies / Performing Arts / Theatre Studies / Humanities / Design / Languages and Linguistics / Historical Linguistics / Art / Social Sciences / Romanticism / Theology / Architecture / Art Theory / Dance Studies / Memory (Cognitive Psychology) / Teacher Education / Political Theory / Literature / Social Philosophy / Philosophy Of Mathematics / Sociolinguistics / Philosophy of Education / Human Rights / Linguistic Anthropology / Narrative / Contemporary Art / Posthumanism / Literature and cinema / Visual Culture / Psychotherapy and Counseling / Educational Psychology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Psychology of art / Philosophy of Psychology / Literary Criticism / Mindfulness / Fuzzy Logic / Cultural Theory / Cognition / Political Science / Social Cognition / Deconstruction / Theory of Mind / Logistics / Graphic Design / Hermeneutics / Phenomenology / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Politics / Continental Philosophy / Human Resource Management / Philosophy Of Law / Contemporary French Philosophy / Culture / Applied Linguistics / Literary Theory / Anthropology Of Art / Jorge Luis Borges / Friedrich Nietzsche / Martin Heidegger / Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism) / Science Fiction / Social Media / Sociology of Arts / Metaphysics of Mind / Corpus Linguistics / Philosophy of Mathematics Education / Postmodernism / Extended Mind / Philosophical Logic / Metaphor / Michel Foucault / Philosophy of Logic / Cognitive Linguistics / Nietzsche / History of Art / Peter Sloterdijk / Wittgenstein / Nihilism / Phenomenology of the body / Architectural Theory / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Linguistics / Ancient Philosophy / Derridean Deconstruction / Moral Philosophy / Heidegger / Cinema / Theory of Mind (Psychology) / Cognitive Neuroscience / Novel / Visual Arts / ROBERTO BOLAÑO / The Internet / Contemporary Philosophy / Literatura Latinoamericana / Fine Arts / Estudios Culturales / Filosofía Política / Arquitectura / Literatura / Ethical Hacking / Filosofía / Urban Design / Literatura argentina / Filosofía contemporánea / Psicología / Letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea / Filosofia contemporanea / Artes / Philosphy of Language / Historia del Arte / Teatro / Antropología / Letras / Arte contemporáneo / Neuropsicología / Psicologia Cognitiva / Psicología Social / Bioy Casares / Lógica / Mindfulness Meditation / Filosofía del arte / Posmodernidad / Artes Visuais / Bellas Artes / Entrevista Psicológica / Teoría De Sistemas / Filosofia contemporânea / Architecture and Public Spaces / History of Philosophy / Lógica Difusa / Peter Sloterdijk Spheres / Psicologia / Filosofia / Foucault / Neurosciences / Cultural Studies / Political Sociology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Cognitive Science / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Neuropsychology / Logic And Foundations Of Mathematics / Modal Logic / Oceanography / Computer Science / Neurology / Psychiatry / Comparative Literature / Anthropology / Comparative Politics / Political Economy / Philosophy / Metaphysics / Philosophy of Mind / Philosophy Of Language / Political Philosophy / Ethics / Philosophy of Science / Philosophy of Technology / Literacy / Visual Studies / Philosophy Of Religion / Normative Ethics / Applied Ethics / Education / Logic / Media and Cultural Studies / Performing Arts / Theatre Studies / Humanities / Design / Languages and Linguistics / Historical Linguistics / Art / Social Sciences / Romanticism / Theology / Architecture / Art Theory / Dance Studies / Memory (Cognitive Psychology) / Teacher Education / Political Theory / Literature / Social Philosophy / Philosophy Of Mathematics / Sociolinguistics / Philosophy of Education / Human Rights / Linguistic Anthropology / Narrative / Contemporary Art / Posthumanism / Literature and cinema / Visual Culture / Psychotherapy and Counseling / Educational Psychology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Psychology of art / Philosophy of Psychology / Literary Criticism / Mindfulness / Fuzzy Logic / Cultural Theory / Cognition / Political Science / Social Cognition / Deconstruction / Theory of Mind / Logistics / Graphic Design / Hermeneutics / Phenomenology / Philosophy of Literature / Philosophy of Art / Politics / Continental Philosophy / Human Resource Management / Philosophy Of Law / Contemporary French Philosophy / Culture / Applied Linguistics / Literary Theory / Anthropology Of Art / Jorge Luis Borges / Friedrich Nietzsche / Martin Heidegger / Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism) / Science Fiction / Social Media / Sociology of Arts / Metaphysics of Mind / Corpus Linguistics / Philosophy of Mathematics Education / Postmodernism / Extended Mind / Philosophical Logic / Metaphor / Michel Foucault / Philosophy of Logic / Cognitive Linguistics / Nietzsche / History of Art / Peter Sloterdijk / Wittgenstein / Nihilism / Phenomenology of the body / Architectural Theory / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Linguistics / Ancient Philosophy / Derridean Deconstruction / Moral Philosophy / Heidegger / Cinema / Theory of Mind (Psychology) / Cognitive Neuroscience / Novel / Visual Arts / ROBERTO BOLAÑO / The Internet / Contemporary Philosophy / Literatura Latinoamericana / Fine Arts / Estudios Culturales / Filosofía Política / Arquitectura / Literatura / Ethical Hacking / Filosofía / Urban Design / Literatura argentina / Filosofía contemporánea / Psicología / Letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea / Filosofia contemporanea / Artes / Philosphy of Language / Historia del Arte / Teatro / Antropología / Letras / Arte contemporáneo / Neuropsicología / Psicologia Cognitiva / Psicología Social / Bioy Casares / Lógica / Mindfulness Meditation / Filosofía del arte / Posmodernidad / Artes Visuais / Bellas Artes / Entrevista Psicológica / Teoría De Sistemas / Filosofia contemporânea / Architecture and Public Spaces / History of Philosophy / Lógica Difusa / Peter Sloterdijk Spheres / Psicologia / Filosofia / Foucault / Neurosciences

Archivo Celan. Presentación, selección, traducción y notas

Comparative Literature / Philosophy of Literature / 20th Century German Literature / Contemporary French Philosophy / Translation of Poetry / Jacques Derrida / Poetry Translation / Derrida / German Poetry / Paul Celan / Poesía / Literatura Comparada / Comparative Literature, World Literature, Translation and Poetry / Erinnerung und Poesie; Paul Celan / French poetry / Literatura alemana / German philosophy and poetry / Contemporary German poetry / Paul Celan, Poesia de Língua Alemã / Filosofía De La Literatura / 20th Century Poetry and Poetics / Paul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et Philosophie / Poetry and Translation / Gisèle Celan-Lestrange / German 20the century Poetry / Jacques Derrida / Poetry Translation / Derrida / German Poetry / Paul Celan / Poesía / Literatura Comparada / Comparative Literature, World Literature, Translation and Poetry / Erinnerung und Poesie; Paul Celan / French poetry / Literatura alemana / German philosophy and poetry / Contemporary German poetry / Paul Celan, Poesia de Língua Alemã / Filosofía De La Literatura / 20th Century Poetry and Poetics / Paul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et Philosophie / Poetry and Translation / Gisèle Celan-Lestrange / German 20the century Poetry

Boletín de Estética, Nº 9

Self and Identity / Art Theory / Philosophy of Literature / Jorge Luis Borges / Henri Bergson / Modernism (Art History) / David Hume / Rubén Darío / Estética / Theory of literature / Art Theory and Criticism / Teoria E Critica De Arte / Filosofía del arte / Filosofia del arte / Borges / Giovanni Segantini / José León Pagano / Modernism (Art History) / David Hume / Rubén Darío / Estética / Theory of literature / Art Theory and Criticism / Teoria E Critica De Arte / Filosofía del arte / Filosofia del arte / Borges / Giovanni Segantini / José León Pagano
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