
Paraganglioma cervical simulando nódulo tiroideo con afectación del nervio recurrente

Humans / DYSPHONIA / Female / Adult / X ray Computed Tomography / Thyroidectomy / Thyroid nodule / Paraganglioma / Thyroidectomy / Thyroid nodule / Paraganglioma

Paraganglioma cervical simulando nódulo tiroideo con afectación del nervio recurrente

Humans / DYSPHONIA / Female / Adult / X ray Computed Tomography / Thyroidectomy / Thyroid nodule / Paraganglioma / Thyroidectomy / Thyroid nodule / Paraganglioma

Mediastinal paraganglioma: A surgical experience

Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Adolescent / Humans / Female / Male / Follow-up studies / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Survival Rate / X ray Computed Tomography / Thoracic Surgery / Paraganglioma / Follow-up studies / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Survival Rate / X ray Computed Tomography / Thoracic Surgery / Paraganglioma

Vagal paraganglioma: The Jefferson experience

Family history / Methods / Humans / Neural Crest / Female / Male / Ct Scan / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery / Treatment planning / Head and Neck Surgery / Retrospective Study / Vagus Nerve / Paraganglioma / Male / Ct Scan / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery / Treatment planning / Head and Neck Surgery / Retrospective Study / Vagus Nerve / Paraganglioma

Recurrent multiple spinal paragangliomas as a manifestation of a metastatic composite paraganglioma-ganglioneuroblastoma

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Ganglioneuroblastoma / Neurosciences / Paraganglioma / Neurosciences / Paraganglioma

Adenopatía metastásica de un microcarcinoma tiroideo, diagnóstico final de un supuesto paraganglioma

Somatostatin / Humans / Female / Adult / Radiopharmaceuticals / X ray Computed Tomography / Thyroidectomy / Paraganglioma / X ray Computed Tomography / Thyroidectomy / Paraganglioma

Vagal paragangliomas: two case reports

Humans / Female / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / X ray Computed Tomography / Vagus Nerve / Cerebral Angiography / Paraganglioma / Vagus Nerve / Cerebral Angiography / Paraganglioma

Intraosseous sacral paraganglioma with extradural extension: Case report

Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Radiation Therapy / Treatment Outcome / Low back pain / Urinary incontinence / Case Report / Humans / Male / Differential Diagnosis / Clinical Sciences / Aged / ACTA / X ray Computed Tomography / Laminectomy / Sacrum / Neuroendocrine Tumors / Neurosciences / Paraganglioma / Case Report / Humans / Male / Differential Diagnosis / Clinical Sciences / Aged / ACTA / X ray Computed Tomography / Laminectomy / Sacrum / Neuroendocrine Tumors / Neurosciences / Paraganglioma

Tracheal Paraganglioma: A Rare Vascular Neoplasm

Humans / Male / American / Clinical Sciences / Adult / Paraganglioma / Tracheal neoplasms / Paraganglioma / Tracheal neoplasms

Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies MDH2 as a New Familial Paraganglioma Gene

Humans / Male / Pheochromocytoma / Middle Aged / HeLa cells / Exome / Paraganglioma / Down-Regulation / Exome / Paraganglioma / Down-Regulation

Tracheal Paraganglioma: A Rare Vascular Neoplasm

Humans / Male / American / Clinical Sciences / Adult / Paraganglioma / Tracheal neoplasms / Paraganglioma / Tracheal neoplasms

Case report: Intra-renal paraganglioma masquerading as a renal cyst

Kidney diseases / Case Report / Humans / Male / Differential Diagnosis / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Nephrectomy / Paraganglioma / Neuron specific enolase / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Nephrectomy / Paraganglioma / Neuron specific enolase

Diagnóstico tardío de un caso índice de síndrome paraganglioma/feocromocitoma asociado a la SDH

Humans / Mutation / Male / Pheochromocytoma / Aged / Succinate Dehydrogenase / Syndrome / Delayed Diagnosis / Paraganglioma / Succinate Dehydrogenase / Syndrome / Delayed Diagnosis / Paraganglioma
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