Oceania (Anthropology)

“Bom Bombed Kwin”: How Two Card Games Model Contemporary Goroka

Social Change / Anthropology / Social Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Gambling Studies / Social History of Gambling / Oceania (Anthropology) / Papua New Guinea / Cultural Anthropology / History of Gambling / Melanesia (Anthropology) / Pacific History / History of Games / Melanesia / Gambling / Oceania / Melanesian studies / Card Games / Social History of Gambling / Oceania (Anthropology) / Papua New Guinea / Cultural Anthropology / History of Gambling / Melanesia (Anthropology) / Pacific History / History of Games / Melanesia / Gambling / Oceania / Melanesian studies / Card Games

Conceptualización de la mujer, el cuerpo y la sexualidad en Chuuk (Micronesia)

Gender Studies / Anthropology / Kinship (Anthropology) / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Gender and Sexuality / Gender / Oceania (Anthropology) / Oceania / Micronesia / Gender / Oceania (Anthropology) / Oceania / Micronesia

Cuerpo de hermana, cuerpo de mujer. Sexualidad, pudor y tabú del incesto en Chuuk, Micronesia

Kinship (Anthropology) / Gender and Sexuality / Oceania (Anthropology) / Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia / Géneros y sexualidades / Parentesco Y Organización Social / Incest Taboos / Parentesco Y Organización Social / Incest Taboos

La hermana en Chuuk (Micronesia): mujer paradójica, mujer plural

Gender Studies / Kinship (Anthropology) / Gender and Sexuality / Oceania (Anthropology) / Estudios de Género / Sexualidad / Micronesia / Género y sexualidad / Antropología del parentesco / Sexualidad / Micronesia / Género y sexualidad / Antropología del parentesco


American History / Human Geography / Legal History / History of Sexuality / Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas / Participatory Democracy / Oceania (Anthropology) / Early Modern European Witchcraft / Werewolves - Trials and Theoretical Demonology / Freedom of Speech / Mountaineering / Obscenity Studies / History textbooks / Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation / Participatory Democracy / Oceania (Anthropology) / Early Modern European Witchcraft / Werewolves - Trials and Theoretical Demonology / Freedom of Speech / Mountaineering / Obscenity Studies / History textbooks / Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Food Production, Environment, and Culture in Central-Eastern Micronesia

Archaeology / Archaeobotany / Food Production / Oceania (Archaeology) / Paleoethnobotany / Oceania (Anthropology) / Micronesia Archaeology / Micronesia / Pohnpei / Oceania (Anthropology) / Micronesia Archaeology / Micronesia / Pohnpei

(2016) La hipótesis transpacífica: América y Polinesia; dos espacios encontrados

Historical Linguistics / Polynesian Studies / Oceania (Anthropology) / Precolumbian transoceanic migrations / Rapa Nui / Sweet Potato / Tuber digging / TRANSPACIFIC CONTACTS / POLYNESIA-MAPUCHE / Cultivated Food Plants / Indigenous Farming System / Sweet Potato / Tuber digging / TRANSPACIFIC CONTACTS / POLYNESIA-MAPUCHE / Cultivated Food Plants / Indigenous Farming System
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