Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Plasma nitric oxide, endothelin-1, arginase and superoxide dismutase in pre-eclamptic women

Obstetrics / Pregnancy / Humans / Nitric oxide / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Young Adult / Superoxide Dismutase / Adult / Endothelin-1 / Case Control Studies / Pre Eclampsia / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Young Adult / Superoxide Dismutase / Adult / Endothelin-1 / Case Control Studies / Pre Eclampsia

Empowering women to control post-partum haemorrhage

Maternal Mortality / Pregnancy / Humans / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Lancet / MISOPROSTOL / Patient Advocacy / Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postnatal Care / Lancet / MISOPROSTOL / Patient Advocacy / Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postnatal Care

Megacystis-Microcolon-Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome: A Case Report

Genetics / Gastroenterology / Pediatric Urology / Transgenic Mice / Case Report / Pediatric Surgery / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Pediatric radiology / Acetylcholine / Clinical Sciences / Prenatal Diagnosis / Pediatric Surgery / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Pediatric radiology / Acetylcholine / Clinical Sciences / Prenatal Diagnosis

Incisional Hernia in Pregnancy: A Review

Gynaecology / Pregnancy / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / High risk pregnancy / Use of Prolene mesh for repair of hernia / Abdominal Wall Hernias

Monica H. Green, \"Constantine’s De genecia Revisited: Women’s Medicine at Monte Cassino\" (abstract for Kalamazoo 2016)

Medieval History / Women's History / History of Medicine / Medieval Studies / Medieval Women / Social History of Medicine / Manuscripts (Medieval Studies) / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Constantinus Africanus / Cleopatra VII / Montecassino Abbey / Muscio / Beneventan Script / Constantine the African / Monte Cassino / Social History of Medicine / Manuscripts (Medieval Studies) / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Constantinus Africanus / Cleopatra VII / Montecassino Abbey / Muscio / Beneventan Script / Constantine the African / Monte Cassino

Ovarian intratumoral 21-hydroxylase deficiency in a postmenopausal hirsute woman

Endocrinology / Ovarian Cancer / Endocrinology & Metabolism / Medicine / Humans / Testosterone / Female / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Obstetrics and gynecology / Medical Physiology / Middle Aged / Hirsutism / Ovary / Testosterone / Female / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Obstetrics and gynecology / Medical Physiology / Middle Aged / Hirsutism / Ovary

Empowering women to control post-partum haemorrhage

Maternal Mortality / Pregnancy / Humans / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Lancet / MISOPROSTOL / Patient Advocacy / Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postnatal Care / Lancet / MISOPROSTOL / Patient Advocacy / Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postnatal Care

Plasma nitric oxide, endothelin-1, arginase and superoxide dismutase in pre-eclamptic women

Obstetrics / Pregnancy / Humans / Nitric oxide / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Young Adult / Superoxide Dismutase / Adult / Endothelin-1 / Case Control Studies / Pre Eclampsia / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Young Adult / Superoxide Dismutase / Adult / Endothelin-1 / Case Control Studies / Pre Eclampsia

Ovarian intratumoral 21-hydroxylase deficiency in a postmenopausal hirsute woman

Endocrinology / Ovarian Cancer / Endocrinology & Metabolism / Medicine / Humans / Testosterone / Female / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Obstetrics and gynecology / Medical Physiology / Middle Aged / Hirsutism / Ovary / Testosterone / Female / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Obstetrics and gynecology / Medical Physiology / Middle Aged / Hirsutism / Ovary

Feto – maternal haemorrhage in parturients: Incidence and its determinants

Obstetrics / Nigeria / Prospective studies / Pregnancy / Humans / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Incidence / Newborn Infant / Adult / Pregnancy Outcome / Fetal Hemoglobin / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Incidence / Newborn Infant / Adult / Pregnancy Outcome / Fetal Hemoglobin

La Industrialización del Nacimiento Un análisis de causas y consecuencias

Health Sciences / Critical Bioethics / Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and pregnancy outcome

Pregnancy / Humans / Portal hypertension / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Young Adult / Newborn Infant / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Pregnancy Outcome / Young Adult / Newborn Infant / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Pregnancy Outcome

Pseudo-Meigs\' Syndrome Secondary to Broad Ligament Leiomyoma: A Case Report

Humans / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Differential Diagnosis / Middle Aged / Ascites / Leiomyoma / Ascites / Leiomyoma

Role of pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer: Current evidence

Quality of life / Humans / Female / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Staging / Pelvis / Survival Rate / Aorta / Pelvis / Survival Rate / Aorta
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