

Ancient History / Numismatics / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Historia Antigua Clásica / Historia de Roma / Numismatica Romana / Octavio Augusto / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Emperadores romanos / Numismatica Romana: Alto Impero / Numismatica Romana / Octavio Augusto / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Emperadores romanos / Numismatica Romana: Alto Impero

La Colección Cervera. Moneda antigua de Hispania

Ancient History / Historiography / Numismatics

La imagen cambiante en el dinero. Análisis histórico-iconográfico del discurso visual del Estado mexicano: 1982, 1992, 2006.

Semiotics / Cultural History / Latin American Studies / Visual Studies / Iconography / Visual Semiotics / Cold War / Numismatics / 20th Century Mexico / Iconology / Mexico / Historia / Estética / Estudios Visuales / Mexican History / Iconografia / Historia Cultural / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Guerra Fría en América Latina / Historia Prehispánica / Numismatica / Modernidad / Posmodernidad / Dinero / Historia de México / Muralismo / Semiología Musical / Iconologia / Structural Reforms / Reformas Estructurales / Visual Semiotics / Cold War / Numismatics / 20th Century Mexico / Iconology / Mexico / Historia / Estética / Estudios Visuales / Mexican History / Iconografia / Historia Cultural / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Guerra Fría en América Latina / Historia Prehispánica / Numismatica / Modernidad / Posmodernidad / Dinero / Historia de México / Muralismo / Semiología Musical / Iconologia / Structural Reforms / Reformas Estructurales


Latin American Studies / Visual Studies / Iconography / Cuban Studies / Numismatics / Chile / Iconology / Che Guevara / Estudios Culturales / Historia / Poscolonial studies / Feminismo / Estética / Estudios Visuales / Iconografia / Gabriela Mistral / Ideología, Discursos Y Dominación / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Semiotica / Ideologia / Chilean Social and Cultural History / Numismatica / Posmodernidad / CEPAL / Pinochet / Revolución Cubana / Estudios Poscoloniales / Iconologia / Semiotica Visual / Discursos Visuales / Chile / Iconology / Che Guevara / Estudios Culturales / Historia / Poscolonial studies / Feminismo / Estética / Estudios Visuales / Iconografia / Gabriela Mistral / Ideología, Discursos Y Dominación / Estudios Latinoamericanos / Semiotica / Ideologia / Chilean Social and Cultural History / Numismatica / Posmodernidad / CEPAL / Pinochet / Revolución Cubana / Estudios Poscoloniales / Iconologia / Semiotica Visual / Discursos Visuales

Locus Iacobi. Orígenes de un santuario de peregrinación. Índice/Index

Christianity / History / Cultural History / Archaeology / Art History / High Middle Ages / Medieval History / History of Christianity / Medieval Studies / Urban History / Pilgrimage / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Cult of Saints / Early Medieval Archaeology / Saints' Cults / Numismatics / Architectural History / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Late Antiquity / Medieval Europe / Medieval Architecture / Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology) / Medieval ceramics (Archaeology) / Medieval Art / Late Antique Art and Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / Archeologia / Medieval Spain / Arqueología / History of Archaeology / Dark Ages History / Arqueologia Medieval / Archeologia medievale / Arqueologia / Middle Ages / Art and architecture associated with the medieval cult of saints / Archéologie / Archaeology of pilgrimage / Archeologia Cristiana / Camino de Santiago / Medieval pilgrimage / Mediaeval Cult of Relics and Saints / Roman Archaeology / Cult of the Apostles / High Middle Ages / Medieval History / History of Christianity / Medieval Studies / Urban History / Pilgrimage / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Cult of Saints / Early Medieval Archaeology / Saints' Cults / Numismatics / Architectural History / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Late Antiquity / Medieval Europe / Medieval Architecture / Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology) / Medieval ceramics (Archaeology) / Medieval Art / Late Antique Art and Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / Archeologia / Medieval Spain / Arqueología / History of Archaeology / Dark Ages History / Arqueologia Medieval / Archeologia medievale / Arqueologia / Middle Ages / Art and architecture associated with the medieval cult of saints / Archéologie / Archaeology of pilgrimage / Archeologia Cristiana / Camino de Santiago / Medieval pilgrimage / Mediaeval Cult of Relics and Saints / Roman Archaeology / Cult of the Apostles

Las acuñaciones de la ceca de Antioquía bajo los reinados de Decio Trajano y su familia y de Treboniano Galo y Volusiano (249-253 d.C.) [Revue OMNI Nº8]

Numismatics / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Roman Imperial Coins / Numismatica

Las monedas de San Martín de Dulantzi (Alegría-Dulantzi, Álava, País Vasco). Luces y sombras, Siglos I – XIV

History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Historical Archaeology / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Medieval History / Basque Studies / Death Studies / Material Culture Studies / Medieval Studies / Material culture of religion / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Medieval Iberian History / Early Medieval Archaeology / Numismatics / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Funerary Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Monetary history / Funeral Practices / Medieval Europe / Islamic Numismatics / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Post Medieval Numismatics / Late Roman Empire / Dress and identity / Roman Empire / Late Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Merovingian period / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Acculturation and 'Romanisation' / Archeologia / Medieval trade / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Medieval Islamic Numismatics / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Numismatics / Early medieval numismatics / The Iberian kingdoms of Leon and Castile, 8th. - 12th. centuries / Medieval Spain / Arqueología / Roman coins / Medieval numismatics / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Monetary circulation / Dark Ages History / Historia / Merovingian and Carolingian / Coins finds as archaeological artefacts / Ancient Numismatics / Archaeology, Historical Archaeology. Medieval Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Identities, Material Culture, Artefact Studies, Diaspora Studies, Trade and Exchange / Arqueología histórica / Arqueologia Medieval / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Archeologia medievale / Alta Edad Media / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Arqueologia / Tardoantico / Great Migration period / Numismatique / Medieval Coinage / Roman Small Finds / The Merovingians / Archeologie / Antigüedad Tardía / Archaeology of death and burial / Archéologie / História / Historia Medieval / Archeologia Tardoantica E Paleocristiana / History of Navarre / Numismatica medievale / Archeologia Cristiana / Sacred Space / Coin Circulation / Archeologia Romana / Numismatica / Histoire et archéologie du haut Moyen-âge / Coins / Islamic and medieval iberian numismatics / Archéologie du mobilier métallique des périodes historiques / Medieval islamic numismatic / Castilla / Deserted Medieval Villages / PAIS VASCO / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / Medival Archaeology / Archéologie Mérovingienne / Early Medieval Coins / Navarra / Merovingian Archaeology / Late Roman and Visigothic Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology, Great Migration Period / Roman Imperial Coinage / Archeology / Monedas En Contexto / Medieval History / Basque Studies / Death Studies / Material Culture Studies / Medieval Studies / Material culture of religion / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Medieval Iberian History / Early Medieval Archaeology / Numismatics / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Archaeology of Religion / Funerary Archaeology / Late Antiquity / Monetary history / Funeral Practices / Medieval Europe / Islamic Numismatics / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology) / Post Medieval Numismatics / Late Roman Empire / Dress and identity / Roman Empire / Late Roman Archaeology / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Hispania (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Merovingian period / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Acculturation and 'Romanisation' / Archeologia / Medieval trade / Archaeology of the Basque Country / Medieval Islamic Numismatics / Visigothic Spain / Visigothic Numismatics / Early medieval numismatics / The Iberian kingdoms of Leon and Castile, 8th. - 12th. centuries / Medieval Spain / Arqueología / Roman coins / Medieval numismatics / Roman Provincial Archaeology / Monetary circulation / Dark Ages History / Historia / Merovingian and Carolingian / Coins finds as archaeological artefacts / Ancient Numismatics / Archaeology, Historical Archaeology. Medieval Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Identities, Material Culture, Artefact Studies, Diaspora Studies, Trade and Exchange / Arqueología histórica / Arqueologia Medieval / Kingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Archeologia medievale / Alta Edad Media / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics / Arqueologia / Tardoantico / Great Migration period / Numismatique / Medieval Coinage / Roman Small Finds / The Merovingians / Archeologie / Antigüedad Tardía / Archaeology of death and burial / Archéologie / História / Historia Medieval / Archeologia Tardoantica E Paleocristiana / History of Navarre / Numismatica medievale / Archeologia Cristiana / Sacred Space / Coin Circulation / Archeologia Romana / Numismatica / Histoire et archéologie du haut Moyen-âge / Coins / Islamic and medieval iberian numismatics / Archéologie du mobilier métallique des périodes historiques / Medieval islamic numismatic / Castilla / Deserted Medieval Villages / PAIS VASCO / Barbarians societies, Late Antiquity, Ethnogenesis, Funerary World, Goths, Vandals, Sueves, Alans / Medival Archaeology / Archéologie Mérovingienne / Early Medieval Coins / Navarra / Merovingian Archaeology / Late Roman and Visigothic Hispania / Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Archaeology, Great Migration Period / Roman Imperial Coinage / Archeology / Monedas En Contexto

Libros de medallas en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca

Numismatics / Coleccionismo / Bibliografia / Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

DAMIÁN R. SALGADO, Numismática: Concepto y metodología, Buenos Aires, 2009 (Recensión)

Numismatics / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Ancient Numismatics / Greek and Roman Coinage, Roman Provincial coins / Numismatica / Numismatica Antica / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics / Greek and Roman Coinage, Roman Provincial coins / Numismatica / Numismatica Antica / Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics

La moneda castellana y leonesa en la Art Gallery de la Universidad de Yale

Numismatics / Medieval numismatics / Numismatica / Numismatica medieval y moderna

GLENN MURRAY, Casa de Moneda de Madrid: cantidades acuñadas y ensayadores, 1614-1868. Segovia, 2014

Economic History / Early Modern History / Spanish History / Numismatics / Monetary history / Numismatica / Medieval and Modern Mints / Numismatica / Medieval and Modern Mints

El conjunto de monedas procedente de la zona de Villarrubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real)

Numismatics / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture / Iberian Peninsula

Relaciones comerciales de las ciudades celtibérico-lusonas del área del Moncayo con el litorial mediterráneo a través de los testimonios de la circulación monetaria

Numismatics / Celtiberian History / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Roman Spain / Ancient Iberian Numismatics / Pre-roman Spain / Ancient celtiberian Numismaics / Celtiberos / Celtiberian Archaeology / Pre-roman Spain / Ancient celtiberian Numismaics / Celtiberos / Celtiberian Archaeology
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