New Product Development


Design / Industrial Design / Product Design / New Product Development / Diseño Industrial / Diseño


Cognitive Psychology / Cognitive Science / Design / Creativity / Industrial Design / Cognition / New Product Development / Industrial Engineering / Diseño Industrial / Psicología / Diseño / Psichology / Cognition / New Product Development / Industrial Engineering / Diseño Industrial / Psicología / Diseño / Psichology

Proceso metodológico y proyectual para el diseño de producto en el proyecto SAVELIGHT

Design / Design Research / Product Design / Design Process (Architecture) / New Product Development / Research Methodology on Product Mix

Enhancing New Product Development in Low Income Economies

Industrial Design / Developing Countries / New Product Development

Aprendizaje Basado en el Emprendimiento (ABE): una nueva técnica didáctica para el aprendizaje activo orientada a grupos interdisciplinarios

Entrepreneurship / Information Technology / Educational Technology / E-learning / Mobile Learning / Project Management / Active Learning / Product Design / Strategic Planning / Management of Innovation / Design Innovation / Digital Business Models / New Product Development / Technological Innovation / Strategy (Business) / Marketing Strategy / Business Models / Innovation Management / Business Model Innovation / ITIL and IT Service Management / IT Project Management / Start-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures / Virtual Organization Breeding Environments / Proyecto De Innovación Docente / Project Management / Active Learning / Product Design / Strategic Planning / Management of Innovation / Design Innovation / Digital Business Models / New Product Development / Technological Innovation / Strategy (Business) / Marketing Strategy / Business Models / Innovation Management / Business Model Innovation / ITIL and IT Service Management / IT Project Management / Start-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures / Virtual Organization Breeding Environments / Proyecto De Innovación Docente

Tecnología de Producción de Elementos para Techumbres Bioclimatizadas de Lámina de Zinc

Sustainable Building Design / Heat Transfer / Bioclimatic Architecture / Building Integrated Solar Energy Technologies / New Product Development / Heat Treatment / Health Care Management / Alternative Energy / Design Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture) / Product innovation / Industrial Product Design / Alternative Construction Materials & techniques / Innovation Management / Health Care Buildings / Engineering product development process / Production Technology / Public health Facilitation / Thermal comfort / Public Administrationl; Health Care Management / Environmental Architecture / Bioclimatology / Heat Conduction / Thermical Engineering / Cool Roofs / Design and Manufacture / Pilot Plant Scale Up Techniques / Thermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates / Thermic Confort / HEAT REFLECTIVE ROOF TILES + WATERPROOFING / Arquitectura Bioclimatica / Roofing in Hot and Dry Climate / Building Materials Roofing / Innovative Processes / Polyurethane Foam / Health Care Facilities / Health Care Infrastructure / Integrated Green Building Design / Pilot Plant / Foaming / Construction Elements / Health-care Facilities / Envikronmental Design Elements / Tropical Bioclimatology / Metal Roofing / Thermic Behaviour / Heat Treatment / Health Care Management / Alternative Energy / Design Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture) / Product innovation / Industrial Product Design / Alternative Construction Materials & techniques / Innovation Management / Health Care Buildings / Engineering product development process / Production Technology / Public health Facilitation / Thermal comfort / Public Administrationl; Health Care Management / Environmental Architecture / Bioclimatology / Heat Conduction / Thermical Engineering / Cool Roofs / Design and Manufacture / Pilot Plant Scale Up Techniques / Thermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates / Thermic Confort / HEAT REFLECTIVE ROOF TILES + WATERPROOFING / Arquitectura Bioclimatica / Roofing in Hot and Dry Climate / Building Materials Roofing / Innovative Processes / Polyurethane Foam / Health Care Facilities / Health Care Infrastructure / Integrated Green Building Design / Pilot Plant / Foaming / Construction Elements / Health-care Facilities / Envikronmental Design Elements / Tropical Bioclimatology / Metal Roofing / Thermic Behaviour

Capacidad de innovación de proceso y desempeño innovador: efecto mediador de la capacidad de innovación de producto

Emerging Economies / Management of Innovation / New Product Development / Technological Innovation / Innovation Management / New Product Development and Innovation / Capacidades De Innovación Tecnológicas / Innovation and emerging economies / Technological Innovation Capabilities / New Product Development and Innovation / Capacidades De Innovación Tecnológicas / Innovation and emerging economies / Technological Innovation Capabilities

NPD as a sustainable work process in a dynamic business environment

R&D Management / New Product Development / New Technology / Business and Management / Business environment

El Efecto Interactivo De Las Capacidades y Las Estra- Tegias Competitivas en El Resultado De La Empresa

New Product Development / Firm Performance / Competitive strategy / Profitability / Process Innovation / Interaction effect / New Products / Palabras Clave: BIM / Interaction effect / New Products / Palabras Clave: BIM

Social media content and product co-creation: an emerging paradigm

New Product Development / Social Media Marketing / Socialmedia / Socialmediaanalytics

La integración metodológica para el desarrollo de productos: Marketing, Diseño Industrial e Ingeniería

Marketing / Engineering / Industrial Design / Product Design / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Industrial Engineering / Marketing Strategy / Marketing Management / Desarrollo Local / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Industrial Engineering and Management / Industrial Design Engineering / Industrial and Mechanical Engineering / Local Government and Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Industrial Engineering / Marketing Strategy / Marketing Management / Desarrollo Local / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Industrial Engineering and Management / Industrial Design Engineering / Industrial and Mechanical Engineering

La necesidad de integrar diseño, emprendedorismo y marketing en los territorios locales

Entrepreneurship / Marketing / Design / Social Entrepreneurship / Small Business / Services Marketing and Management / Industrial Design / Regional and Local Governance / Engineering Product Design / Product Design / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Marketing Strategy / Small and Medium-scale Enterprises / SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Marketing Management / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Small Business Management / Entrepreneurship and Small business Management / Entrepreneurship Education / internationalization of SMEs / Industrial Design Engineering / Local Goverment and Local Development / SMEs performance / Start-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures / Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship / Services Marketing and Management / Industrial Design / Regional and Local Governance / Engineering Product Design / Product Design / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Marketing Strategy / Small and Medium-scale Enterprises / SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Marketing Management / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Small Business Management / Entrepreneurship and Small business Management / Entrepreneurship Education / internationalization of SMEs / Industrial Design Engineering / Local Goverment and Local Development / SMEs performance / Start-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures / Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship

Diseño y desarrollo local en la experiencia italiana

Design / Innovation statistics / Design for Social Innovation / Industrial Design / Innovation Policy / Design Research / Product Design / Economics of Innovation / Management of Innovation / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / Productivity / Design Innovation / New Product Development / Technological Innovation / Innovation and Creativity (Business) / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Social Innovation / Innovation Management / Innovación / Local Goverment and Local Development / Design Research / Product Design / Economics of Innovation / Management of Innovation / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / Productivity / Design Innovation / New Product Development / Technological Innovation / Innovation and Creativity (Business) / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Social Innovation / Innovation Management / Innovación / Local Goverment and Local Development

La necesidad de integrar diseño, emprendedorismo y marketing en los territorios locales

Entrepreneurship / Marketing / Design / Social Entrepreneurship / Small Business / Services Marketing and Management / Industrial Design / Regional and Local Governance / Engineering Product Design / Product Design / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Marketing Strategy / Small and Medium scale Enterprises / SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Marketing Management / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Small Business Management / Entrepreneurship and Small business Management / Entrepreneurship Education / internationalization of SMEs / Industrial Design Engineering / Local Goverment and Local Development / SMEs performance / Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship / Services Marketing and Management / Industrial Design / Regional and Local Governance / Engineering Product Design / Product Design / Local Economic Development / Local Government and Local Development / Local Development / International Marketing / Marketing Research / New Product Development / Marketing Strategy / Small and Medium scale Enterprises / SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / Marketing Management / Industrial Product Design / Desarrollo Local / Local Development / Local and Regional Economic Development / Small Business Management / Entrepreneurship and Small business Management / Entrepreneurship Education / internationalization of SMEs / Industrial Design Engineering / Local Goverment and Local Development / SMEs performance / Micro and Small Business Entrepreneurship

Diseño sustentable: la industria, los consumidores y los profesionales del diseño industrial en el desarrollo de productos y en la preservación del medio ambiente

Design / Industrial Design / Sustainable Development / Product Design / New Product Development / Ecodesign / Enviromental Studies / Industrial Product Design / Product Development / Architecture and enviromental design / Industrial Process Design / Ecodesign / Enviromental Studies / Industrial Product Design / Product Development / Architecture and enviromental design / Industrial Process Design

A New Approach to Teach Electrical Engineering Using a Para Didactic Laboratory

Engineering Education / Management of Innovation / New Product Development / Coaching and mentoring
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