

Industrial Design / Morphology / Diseño Industrial / Diseño / Morfologia


Epistemology / Education / Design / Higher Education / Industrial Design / Morphology / Epistemología / Diseño Industrial / Diseño / Morfologia / Morphology / Epistemología / Diseño Industrial / Diseño / Morfologia

New Polylactide/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites. 1. Preparation, Characterization, and Properties

Engineering / Materials Engineering / Chemistry / Materials Chemistry / Manufacturing / Morphology / Nanocomposites / Comparative Study / Polymer / Nanocomposite / Fabrication / Macromolecules / Structure Analysis / Flexural Strength / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Extrusion / Structural Properties / Biodegradability / Transmission Electron Microscope / Internal Structure / Shear / Thermal Properties / Material Properties / Filler / Polylactide / Composite Interfaces / Morphology / Nanocomposites / Comparative Study / Polymer / Nanocomposite / Fabrication / Macromolecules / Structure Analysis / Flexural Strength / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Extrusion / Structural Properties / Biodegradability / Transmission Electron Microscope / Internal Structure / Shear / Thermal Properties / Material Properties / Filler / Polylactide / Composite Interfaces

New Polylactide/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites, 6

Engineering / Materials Engineering / Chemistry / Materials Chemistry / Manufacturing / Morphology / Nanocomposites / Comparative Study / Polymer / Nanocomposite / Fabrication / Macromolecules / Structure Analysis / Flexural Strength / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Extrusion / Structural Properties / Biodegradability / Transmission Electron Microscope / Internal Structure / Shear / Thermal Properties / Material Properties / Filler / Polylactide / Composite Interfaces / Morphology / Nanocomposites / Comparative Study / Polymer / Nanocomposite / Fabrication / Macromolecules / Structure Analysis / Flexural Strength / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Extrusion / Structural Properties / Biodegradability / Transmission Electron Microscope / Internal Structure / Shear / Thermal Properties / Material Properties / Filler / Polylactide / Composite Interfaces

Todolí, Júlia (1992). \"Variants dels Pronoms de 3a Persona al PV. Regles fonosintactiques i morfologiques subjacents\"

Catalan Studies / Morphology / Pronouns / Romance Linguistics / Phonetics and Phonology

Homoplasious character combinations and generic delimitation: a case study from the Indo-Pacific arecoid palms (Arecaceae: Areceae

Botany / Evolutionary Biology / Plant Biology / Ecology / Morphology / Biogeography / Case Study / Molecular phylogenetics / Biogeography / Case Study / Molecular phylogenetics

Larval stages of Stenocionops furcatus (Olivier, 1791) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea) and a reappraisal of larval morphological characters for Mithracidae

Zoology / Plant Biology / Crustacea / Life history / Ecology / Morphology / Plankton / Rio Grande do Sul / Morphological Characters / Larva / West Indies / Larval Development / Setae / Morphology / Plankton / Rio Grande do Sul / Morphological Characters / Larva / West Indies / Larval Development / Setae

Del romaní ibérico al caló desde la perspectiva morfosintáctica: un esbozo de las etapas de desarrollo (2014)

Languages and Linguistics / Contact Linguistics / Morphology / Romani Studies / Spanish in contact with other languages / Language contact / Gypsy Studies / Mixed Languages / Caló / Language contact / Gypsy Studies / Mixed Languages / Caló

Ultrastructure of poison glands of South American frogs: A comparison betweenPhysalaemus albonotatus andLeptodactylus chaquensis (Anura: Leptodactylidae

Physiology / Zoology / Morphology / Animals / Anura / Skin / Ultrastructure / Golgi Apparatus / Skin / Ultrastructure / Golgi Apparatus

El operador sintáctico se en español

Syntax / Morphology / Spanish Linguistics / Minimalist Syntax / Generative linguistics

Submicron Silica/Polystyrene Composite Particles Prepared by a One-Step Sol−Gel Process

Engineering / Materials Chemistry / Morphology / Sol Gel Process / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Thermal Stability / Thermal Decomposition / Thermal Stability / Thermal Decomposition
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