Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

Cuentos del cuento

Narrativa Española Contemporánea / Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Literature / Literatura española contemporánea / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Metaficción

“La gota de sangre”: una poética detectivesca pardobazaniana

Spanish Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Emilia Pardo Bazán / letteratura Spagnola moderna e contemporanea

Retornados e inadaptados. El \"americano\" gallego, entre mito y realidad

Galician Studies / Migration Studies / Modern Spanish History / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

Apóstrofe y silencio en Blas de Otero

Spanish Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

José Ramón González. Pensar por lo breve: aforística española de entresiglos (1980-2012) (review)

Spanish Literature / Fragments and Aphorisms / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Aphorism

“Excavando tumbas en el sonido”: memoria de la represión e historia de la recepción de la poesía de Antonio Gamoneda

Testimony / Poetry / Spanish Civil War / Literary Testimony / Literature of the Spanish Civil War / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish poetry / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish poetry

Reseña de Aguirre, el Magnífico_Olga Campiglia

Spanish Literature / Spain / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Manuel Vicent

El papel de la literatura en la construcción de la memoria cultural: Tres modos de representar la Guerra Civil española y el franquismo en la novela española actual [tesis doctoral]

Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film / Literatura española / Memoria Histórica / GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA / Nueva novela histórica / Novela histórica / Literatura española e hispanoamericana / Segunda República y Guerra Civil Española / Literatura española contemporánea / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Contemporary Spanish Novel / Cultural memory/Memorialization / Literatura Española Del Siglo XIX / Novela Española Del Siglo XXI / Novela Española Contemporanea / Novela histórica / Literatura española e hispanoamericana / Segunda República y Guerra Civil Española / Literatura española contemporánea / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Contemporary Spanish Novel / Cultural memory/Memorialization / Literatura Española Del Siglo XIX / Novela Española Del Siglo XXI / Novela Española Contemporanea

Hacia una caracterización del poema extenso moderno. To characterize the modern long poem. Revista Forma

Memory Studies / Contemporary Poetry / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Théorie des genres littéraires / Long Poem

\"El bolero y otros símbolos estructurantes en \"Si tú me dices ven\" de Antonio Muñoz Molina\"

Literatura Fantástica / Antonio Muñoz Molina / Contemporary Spanish Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

La construcción de la imagen del personaje a partir del cine de aventuras en Juegos de la edad tardía de Luis Landero

Spanish Literature / Spanish Literature (Peninsular) / Literature and cinema / Peninsular Spanish Literature / Contemporary Literature / Spanish (Iberian) Literature / 20th Century Spanish Literature / Early Modern Spanish literature / Cinematography / Bakhtin carnival and the grotesque body / Cinema Studies / Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film / Spanish and Latin American Contemporary Literature / Carnival / Carnivalesque / 20th Century Spanish Novel / Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Contemporary Spanish Novel / Spanish Language and Literature / Masquerades and Carnival / Luis Landero / Spanish Literature and Film / Spanish (Iberian) Literature / 20th Century Spanish Literature / Early Modern Spanish literature / Cinematography / Bakhtin carnival and the grotesque body / Cinema Studies / Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film / Spanish and Latin American Contemporary Literature / Carnival / Carnivalesque / 20th Century Spanish Novel / Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Contemporary Spanish Novel / Spanish Language and Literature / Masquerades and Carnival / Luis Landero / Spanish Literature and Film

\"García de la Huerta y Napoli Signorelli: itinerarios de una controversia. Preceptiva dramática, polémicas y enemistad literaria\"

Critical Theory / Enlightenment / 18th Century Spain / 18th Century Spanish Literature / Neoclassical Theory / Spanish enlightenment / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish drama / Comparative literature (spanish and italian) / Neoclassical Dramatic Theory / Polemics and Apologetics / Spanish enlightenment / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish drama / Comparative literature (spanish and italian) / Neoclassical Dramatic Theory / Polemics and Apologetics

La fotografía es la misma muerte ruina, espectro y testimonio de Antonio Machado en Guerra en España de Juan Ramón Jiménez Hispanic Review 83.4 Fall 2015

Historical memory / Peninsular Spanish Literature / Spanish Civil War / Literature and photography / Literary Testimony / Spanish Republican Exile / Antonio Machado / Juan Ramón Jimenez / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish poetry / Jordi Gracia / Spanish Republican Exile / Antonio Machado / Juan Ramón Jimenez / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Spanish poetry / Jordi Gracia

Sobre María de Magdala de Ernestina de Champourcin: un tema olvidado

Spanish Literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

Galdos_Memorias de un desmemoriado.pdf

Memory Studies / Early Modern Spanish literature / Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature / Benito Pérez Galdós
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