Modern Architecture

Miguel de Lózar de la Viña

Meaning / Modern Architecture / Technique / Spanish Architecture

Giuseppe Terragni’s Casa del Fascio: Ambiguity Between Fascism and Modernism

Architecture / Fascism / Architectural History / Modern Architecture / Rationalism / Italian fascism / Giuseppe Terragni / Italian fascism / Giuseppe Terragni

Modesto Modernism Movie Guide

Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism) / Modern Architecture / Modernism

De Interbau en Berlín a Montbau en Barcelona. Una contribución para el estudio de la influencia de las exposiciones internacionales en la arquitectura moderna española

Architecture / Architectural knowledge / Architectural History / Urbanism / Housing / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / Barcelona / Berlin / Exhibitions / Spanish Architecture (XXth Century) / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / Barcelona / Berlin / Exhibitions / Spanish Architecture (XXth Century)

El espacio público de Le Corbusier tras la Segunda Grande Guerra. Ruptura o continuidad?

Architecture / Architectural knowledge / Architectural History / Urbanism / Housing / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / France / Public Space / Le Corbusier / Living Roofs / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / France / Public Space / Le Corbusier / Living Roofs

Tipología e implantación hotelera en el proceso de transformación del litoral portugués en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX

Architecture / Architectural knowledge / Architectural History / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / Tourism / Portugal / Hotels / Seaside Hotels / Seaside Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / Tourism / Portugal / Hotels / Seaside Hotels / Seaside Architecture

Toit-civique. Le Corbusier y el espacio publico a 50 m del suelo

Architecture / Architectural knowledge / Architectural History / Urbanism / Housing / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / France / Public Space / Le Corbusier / Symmetry / Living Roofs / Modulor / Eurhythmy / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Housing and Dwelling (Architecture) / 20th Century / France / Public Space / Le Corbusier / Symmetry / Living Roofs / Modulor / Eurhythmy

Cino Zucchi: tra classicismo e romanticismo / Between classicism and romanticism: Cino Zucchi\'s projects and works compared

Modern Architecture / Classicism in Architecture / Romanticism In Architecture / Cino Zucchi

Analisis de proyectos de los primeros egresados de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNA. Parte I: Arturo Herreros

Latin American Studies / Architecture / Paraguay / Modern Architecture / Paraguayan History

Juan José Martín Frechilla: La modernidad venezolana tras bastidores

Architectural History / Venezuela / Modern Architecture / Historiography (in Art History) / Architectural Heritage / History and Theory of Modern Architecture / Historia de la Arquitectura / History and Theory of Modern Architecture / Historia de la Arquitectura

Futuros Suspendidos: Aproximación a la ruina arquitectónica moderna.

Architectural History / Venezuela / Architectural Theory / Modern Architecture / Architectural Heritage / History and Theory of Modern Architecture / Architectural Design / History and Theory of Modern Architecture / Architectural Design

“Fotografía y arquitectura moderna en España, 1925-65″

Photography / Modern Architecture / Architectural Photography / History of photography

La fragilidad de un nido. Estación de servicio en Doctor Esquerdo, Madrid

Modern Architecture / History and Theory of Modern Architecture / Arquitectura Moderna Española

La construcción de una nación bajo El Nuevo Ideal Nacional. Obras públicas, representación e ideología durante la dictadura de Pérez Jiménez 1952-1958

Latin American Studies / Architecture / Urban Studies / Modernity / Venezuela / Modern Architecture / Modernidad En América Latina / Modern Architecture / Modernidad En América Latina
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