
Conferencia y exposición de la AIST - Muestra del estado del arte de la industria siderúrgica a nivel mundial

Metallurgy / Steel Making / Steel / Blast Furnace / Ironmaking and Steelmaking

Novedades tecnológicas en la laminación de chapas en caliente

Metallurgy / Steel / Hot Strip Mill / Hot Strip Rolling

Obturacion de buzas de cuchara : caso de aceros de alto carbono calmados a1 silicio-manganeso-aluminio

Metallurgy / Steel Making / Steel / Continuous Casting / Ladle Refining / Inclusions

Cueva de Biniedrís: una historia por contar

Bioarchaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Metallurgy / Archaeology of death and burial / Balearic prehistory / Worked Bone Technology

Montelirio Un Gran Monumento Megalitico de la Edad del Cobre

Zooarchaeology / Stable Isotope Analysis / Bioarchaeology / Iberian Studies / Metallurgy / Paleodiet / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Human Osteology / Copper age / Megaliths / Ivory and bone technology / Paleodiet / Megalithic Monuments / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Human Osteology / Copper age / Megaliths / Ivory and bone technology

Tensión superficial, viscosidad y densidad de algunas escorias CaO-Al203

Physical Chemistry / Metallurgy / Density / Steel / Viscosity / Surface Tension / Steel Slag / Surface Tension / Steel Slag

Seguimiento de la fabricacion de aceros de alta maquinabilidad

Metallurgy / Steel / Hot Rolling / Free cutting steel / Sulphides

Seminario de la ABM Intercambio de experiencias en el estado del arte de la aceria en Brasil

Metallurgy / Steel Making / Steel / Continuous Casting / EAF / Ladle Refining / BOF Steelmaking / Ladle Refining / BOF Steelmaking

Ritual campaniforme, ritual colectivo: la necrópolis de cuevas artificiales de Valle de las Higueras, Huecas, Toledo

European Studies / Prehistoric Archaeology / Ritual / Metallurgy / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Bell Beakers (Archaeology) / Megalithic Monuments / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / C14 Dating / Comensality / Alimentos / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Bell Beakers (Archaeology) / Megalithic Monuments / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Megaliths (Archaeology) / C14 Dating / Comensality / Alimentos

El campaniforme en Toledo. Releyendo Ciempozuelos

European Studies / Ritual / Metallurgy / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)


Metallurgy / Ingenieria Mecanica / Punzonado de metales

Contact System Design to Improve Energy Efficiency in Copper Electrowinning Processes

Engineering / Metallurgy / Finite Element Analysis / Design for Manufacture / Electrowinning
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