
La cueva de El Pindal (Pimiango, Ribadedeva, Asturias): revisión de los materiales conservados en el Museo arqueológico de Asturias

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mesolithic Archaeology / Malacology / Mesolithic/Epipalaeolithic Archaeology / Mesolithic Europe / Mesolithic (Iberian Prehistory) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Mesolithic / Cantabrian Palaeolithic / Cantabrian Region / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Final Upper Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Hunter-gatherers / Mesolithic Fauna and Flora / Mesolithic (Iberian Prehistory) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Mesolithic / Cantabrian Palaeolithic / Cantabrian Region / Palaeolithic Europe, Palaeolithic archaeology, Mesolithic archaeology, Prehistoric transitions, Environmental archaeology, Archaeozoology, Pleistocene fauna, Palaeoclimate, Refugia and recolonisation, Spatial analysis, Palaeolithic art and symbolism / Final Upper Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Hunter-gatherers / Mesolithic Fauna and Flora

Cambios ambientales altimontanos en los Pirineos Orientales durante el Holoceno: el valle del Madriu-Perafita-Claror (Andorra). Estudio Paleoambiental y arqueológico

Palaeoclimatology / Geomorphology / Palaeoenvironment / Environmental Archaeology / Landscape Archaeology / Cultural Landscapes / Palynology / Upland Archaeology / Impact Of Human Activies On Plants / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Holocene sea level change / Mesolithic / Pyrenees / Pollen / Charcoal / Mesolithic-Neolithic transition / High Mountain Research / Pyrénées / Andorra / Human impact / Pollen analysis / Fires / Grazing / Palaeonvironment / Pollen Analyses / Glacial / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Pyrénées Orientales / Cultural Landscapes / Palynology / Upland Archaeology / Impact Of Human Activies On Plants / Charcoal analysis (Archaeology) / Mesolithic/Neolithic / Holocene sea level change / Mesolithic / Pyrenees / Pollen / Charcoal / Mesolithic-Neolithic transition / High Mountain Research / Pyrénées / Andorra / Human impact / Pollen analysis / Fires / Grazing / Palaeonvironment / Pollen Analyses / Glacial / Mountain Archaeology / High Mountain Archaeology / Pyrénées Orientales

Gallego Lletjós 2013 El Mesolítico en la Península Ibérica. Historia crítica de la investigación y estado actual del conocimiento

Historiography / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Mesolithic / Prehistoria, Neolítico, Mesolítico

Las unidades industriales mesolíticas en la alta-media cuenca del Ebro

Typology / Evolution / Radiocarbon / Mesolithic / Economy / Chronology / Settlement / Habitat / Land Use / Dating / Notch / Blade / Complutum / Chronology / Settlement / Habitat / Land Use / Dating / Notch / Blade / Complutum

Las unidades industriales mesolíticas en la alta-media cuenca del Ebro

Typology / Evolution / Radiocarbon / Mesolithic / Economy / Chronology / Settlement / Habitat / Land Use / Dating / Notch / Blade / Complutum / Chronology / Settlement / Habitat / Land Use / Dating / Notch / Blade / Complutum

Algunes consideracions entorn al\" temps\" en el mesolític, neolític i calcolític de Catalunya

Neolithic Archaeology / Mesolithic / Chronology / Chalcolithic / Dating / Prehistory Iberian Peninsula

Algunes consideracions entorn al \"temps\" en el mesolític, neolític i calcolític de Catalunya

Neolithic Archaeology / Mesolithic / Chronology / Chalcolithic / Dating / Prehistory Iberian Peninsula
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