Literatura griega

SAPERE (2015) \"Implicancias lingüísticas y retóricas de la descripción del ostracismo en las Vidas Paralelas de Plutarco\", Revista Fortunatae 26, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, pp. 137-149. ISSN 1131-6810.

Greek History / Rhetoric / Biography / Athenian Democracy / Plutarch / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Biography / Ancient Greek Literature / Alcibiades / Plutarch, Greek Literature / Themistocles / Cimon / Historia de Grecia / Athenian ostracism / Ancient Athens / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Plutarco / Ostracism / Nicias / Plutarch's Parallel Lives / Aristides / Literatura griega / Plutarco. Vidas paralelas / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Biography / Ancient Greek Literature / Alcibiades / Plutarch, Greek Literature / Themistocles / Cimon / Historia de Grecia / Athenian ostracism / Ancient Athens / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Plutarco / Ostracism / Nicias / Plutarch's Parallel Lives / Aristides / Literatura griega / Plutarco. Vidas paralelas

Mar Abisal: del Póntos griego a lo sublime romántico. Una aproximación desde la Literatura Comparada

Comparative Literature / Greek Literature / German Romanticism / Ecocriticism / Romantic Literature / Mitocrítica / Myth Criticism / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / German romanticism and idealism / Romantic art and literature / Romantic literature: William Blake, Wordsworth, S.T. Coleridge and De Quincey / Teoría de la literatura y Literatura Comparada / Ecocritical Theory / Romanticismo Alemán / Teoría Sobre El Romanticismo / English Literature- Romanticism / Literatura griega / Mitocrítica / Myth Criticism / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / German romanticism and idealism / Romantic art and literature / Romantic literature: William Blake, Wordsworth, S.T. Coleridge and De Quincey / Teoría de la literatura y Literatura Comparada / Ecocritical Theory / Romanticismo Alemán / Teoría Sobre El Romanticismo / English Literature- Romanticism / Literatura griega

SAPERE (2016) “Τίς δὲ βίος, τί δὲ τερπνὸν ἄτερ χρυσῆς Ἀφροδίτης; Una interpretación de los fragmentos 1-6 de Mimnermo”. Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia 6/16, pp. 41-54. Barcelona. ISSN: 2014-1386.

Greek Literature / Greek Lyric Poetry / Classical philology / Early Greek poetry / Classical Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Literature / Archaic Greek Lyric / Archaic greek poetry / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / ancient Greek poetry / History of Classical Philology / Literatura griega / Ancient Greek Literature / Archaic Greek Lyric / Archaic greek poetry / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / ancient Greek poetry / History of Classical Philology / Literatura griega
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