Literature / Poetry / Painting / Ekphrasis / Golden-Age poetry / Quevedo / Literatura / Spanish Golden Age / Poesía / Pintura / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / poesía española del Siglo de Oro / Francisco de Quevedo / Siglo de Oro / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Titian, Tiziano Vecellio / Theory of painting / Quevedo / Literatura / Spanish Golden Age / Poesía / Pintura / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / poesía española del Siglo de Oro / Francisco de Quevedo / Siglo de Oro / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Titian, Tiziano Vecellio / Theory of painting
Comparative Literature / Art and Science / Victorian cultural studies / Victorian Women Writers / Literature and Visual Arts / Ekphrasis / Feminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies / Food Studies / Still Life / Victorian Literature and Culture / Susan Glaspell / M.F.K Fisher, food writing, hunger / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Still life in contemporary art practise / Norman Bryson / Feminist Analysis of Food and Agricluture / Elizabeth Robins Pennell / Ekphrasis / Feminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies / Food Studies / Still Life / Victorian Literature and Culture / Susan Glaspell / M.F.K Fisher, food writing, hunger / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Still life in contemporary art practise / Norman Bryson / Feminist Analysis of Food and Agricluture / Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Travel Writing / Intertextuality / Ekphrasis / Travel Literature / Ecfrásis / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Literatura de viajes / Maurice Barrès / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Literatura de viajes / Maurice Barrès
Interactive Arts / Contemporary Opera / Sound and Noise / Interdisciplinary Research in Music / Sound and Noise ( in Poetry, Music, Fiction) / Performance Art and Interactivity / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Music and Graphics / Performance Art and Interactivity / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Music and Graphics
Ekphrasis / Teoría Literaria / Literatura mexicana / Visual Poetics / Interdisciplinarity in the Arts (experimental poetry, ekphrasis, contemporary art) / Intermedialidad Texto E Imagen