
(2013) El Salvaje en la Baja Edad Media

Anthropology / Iconography / Heraldry / Medieval Art / Medieval Art History / Medieval Iconography / Medieval and modern spanish art / Medieval Heraldry / Medieval Art--Gothic and Late Gothic Sculpture / Medieval Iconography / Medieval and modern spanish art / Medieval Heraldry / Medieval Art--Gothic and Late Gothic Sculpture

El desaparecido relieve de la Anunciación de Cambrón estaba en la Universidad de Yale

Iconography / Museum Studies / Romanesque Art / Christian Iconography / Romanesque / Museography / Museum and Heritage Studies / Romanesque Sculpture / Romanesque Archaeology / Tráfico Ilícito De Obras De Artes / Coleccionismo y Museos / Expolio Arqueológico / Romanic Art / Romanesque and pre-Romanesque sculpture / Romanico / Arte románico / Nuevo Testamento / Románico / Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art / Coleccionismo Americano / Museography / Museum and Heritage Studies / Romanesque Sculpture / Romanesque Archaeology / Tráfico Ilícito De Obras De Artes / Coleccionismo y Museos / Expolio Arqueológico / Romanic Art / Romanesque and pre-Romanesque sculpture / Romanico / Arte románico / Nuevo Testamento / Románico / Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art / Coleccionismo Americano

El LIMC (Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae) y la investigación española

Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Mythology / Classics / Iconography / Historiography

Los rostros silenciosos. Los huacos retrato de la cultura Moche (The Silent Faces. The Portrait Vessels of the Moche Culture). pp. 1-174

Iconography / Portraits / Portraiture / Precolumbian Cultures / Moche / Precolumbian Andes / The Moche of northern Peru / Precolumbian Art / Precolumbian archaelogy / Pre-Columbian Art Olmec Maya Moche / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology / Precolumbian Andes / The Moche of northern Peru / Precolumbian Art / Precolumbian archaelogy / Pre-Columbian Art Olmec Maya Moche / Moche Iconography / Moche Archaeology

Las formas de la memoria en Celtiberia y el ámbito vacceo entre los siglos II a.C. y I d.C.

Ancient History / Archaeology / Classics / Visual Studies / Iconography / Celtic Studies / Material Culture Studies / Visual Culture / Mnemonics / War Studies / Identity (Culture) / Memory Studies / Cultural Memory / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Prehistory / Celtic religion / Romanization / Iron Age / Ruins / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Memorialisation / Cultural Biography of Things / Vacceos / Roman Archaeology / Celtic Studies / Material Culture Studies / Visual Culture / Mnemonics / War Studies / Identity (Culture) / Memory Studies / Cultural Memory / Celtic Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Celtiberian History / Archaeology of Ritual and Magic / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Prehistory / Celtic religion / Romanization / Iron Age / Ruins / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Memorialisation / Cultural Biography of Things / Vacceos / Roman Archaeology

\"Dioniso en la figuración arcaica\"

Iconography / Ancient Greek Iconography / Greek Vases / Dionysus / Ancient Greek Pottery / Dionysos / Greek vase painting / Dionysos / Greek vase painting

\"Entre nosotros: representaciones de la presencia de Dioniso en la cerámica griega arcaica\"

Iconography / Ancient Greek Iconography / Greek Vases / Dionysus / Dionysos / Greek vase painting / Dionysiac imagery / Iconography of Ancient Greek Gods / Greek vase painting / Dionysiac imagery / Iconography of Ancient Greek Gods

Roma en el Románico: spolia, evemerismo y otras usurpaciones del siglo XII

Iconography / Romanesque Art / Romanesque Sculpture / Spolia / Roman Art

Nueva placa-relieve femenina en Augusta Emerita: identidad e iconografía de Lampas

Iconography / Greek Epigraphy / Hispania / Roman Art / Roman Archaeology

Guerreros, Estado y \"progreso\" en billetes del Stronismo (1954-89)

Iconography / Nationalism / Paraguay / Paraguayan History / Banknotes / Iconografia / Postal history,numismatics,banknotes. / Symbols on Coins and Banknotes / Iconografia / Postal history,numismatics,banknotes. / Symbols on Coins and Banknotes

La represión antiluliana del obispo Díaz de la Guerra en Andratx

Iconography / Church History / Christian Iconography / Religion and Popular Culture / Bishop / Lulismo

El devote peregrino y viaje de Tierra Santa de Antonio del Castillo y su influencia en la pintura virreinal del Perú

Iconography / Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru / Arte Colonial Americano / Arte colonial andino / Colonial Art and Portuguese and Spanish Empires

Entre la tierra y el cielo – la escalera alegórica en la pintura peruana y polaca

Iconography / Colonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru / Colonial Latin American Art / Arte Colonial Americano / Arte colonial andino
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