Human Evolution

\"El origen del hombre\". Contexto y vigencia de un viejo artículo de Zubiri

Human Evolution / Xavier Zubiri / Teilhard de Chardin / Hominid dispersals / Hominisation

Los orígenes de nuestra especie. A que no sabías que llevas un neandertal en tu interior.

Paleoanthropology / Paleontology / Anthropology / Human Evolution / Evolution / Vertebrate Palaeontology / Vertebrate Paleontology / Palaeontology / Evolución / Antropología / Paleontologia de Vertebrados / Paleontologia / Paleoantropología / Evolución Humana / Paleontología / Evolucion / Vertebrate Palaeontology / Vertebrate Paleontology / Palaeontology / Evolución / Antropología / Paleontologia de Vertebrados / Paleontologia / Paleoantropología / Evolución Humana / Paleontología / Evolucion

An Aboriginal Australian genome reveals separate human dispersals into Asia

Human Evolution / Genomics / Phylogeography / Gene Flow / Population Genetics / Science / Native American / Multidisciplinary / The evolution of human diversity / Human evolutionary genetics / Phylogeny / Mitochondrial DNA / Humans / Far East / Computer Simulation / Haplotypes / Animals / Ancient DNA / out of Africa human dispersals / Asia / Male / Ethnic Groups / Multiple Dispersals / Australian prehistory / Aboriginal origins / Western Australia / Human Genome / Linkage Disequilibrium / Hominidae / European Continental Ancestry Group / Asian Continental Ancestry Group / Genome sequence / Science / Native American / Multidisciplinary / The evolution of human diversity / Human evolutionary genetics / Phylogeny / Mitochondrial DNA / Humans / Far East / Computer Simulation / Haplotypes / Animals / Ancient DNA / out of Africa human dispersals / Asia / Male / Ethnic Groups / Multiple Dispersals / Australian prehistory / Aboriginal origins / Western Australia / Human Genome / Linkage Disequilibrium / Hominidae / European Continental Ancestry Group / Asian Continental Ancestry Group / Genome sequence

Origen y evolución de los dientes

Human Evolution / Primatology / Paleoprimatology / Dental Anthropology / Mammalogy / Physical Anthropology / Animal Ecology / Primate Ecology / Foraging ecology / Mammalian Paleontology / Primate Dentition / Dental Ecology / Physical Anthropology / Animal Ecology / Primate Ecology / Foraging ecology / Mammalian Paleontology / Primate Dentition / Dental Ecology

Sesgos de género en la interpretación de los restos óseos humanos/ Sex, gender and sexuality biases in the interpretation of skeletal human remains

Queer Studies / Human Evolution / Feminist Theory / Queer Theory / Osteoarchaeology / Queer Archaeologies / Feminist Archaeology / Teoría Queer / Human Osteology / Queer Archaeology / Queer Archaeologies / Feminist Archaeology / Teoría Queer / Human Osteology / Queer Archaeology

My Koobi Fora experience (pp. 84-86)

Paleoanthropology / Biological Anthropology / Human Evolution / Africa / Kenya


Evolutionary Biology / Genetics / Human Evolution / Human Genetics / Population Genetics / Evolutionary genetics / Population genetics (Biology) / Evolution / Molecular Genetics / Darwinism / Darwin / Natural Selection / Charles Darwin / Teoría De La Selección Natural / Biometria / Biometria, Inteligencia artificial, redes neuronales / Evolucion / Francis Galton / Eugenesia Y Aborto / Evolutionary genetics / Population genetics (Biology) / Evolution / Molecular Genetics / Darwinism / Darwin / Natural Selection / Charles Darwin / Teoría De La Selección Natural / Biometria / Biometria, Inteligencia artificial, redes neuronales / Evolucion / Francis Galton / Eugenesia Y Aborto

El Género Homo. En: Madrigal L. y González-José R.,editors. Introducción a la Antropología Biológica. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología Biológica (ALAB); 2016. p. 442-467.

Archaeology / Paleoanthropology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Human Evolution / Africa / Prehistory / Hominin evolution / Palaeolithic Archaeology, Hominin Palaeontology, Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Psychology, Palaeoecology, Palaeoenvironment, and Palaeoclimate studies, Anthropological Genetics, Palaeopathology / Human Evolution, Hominin Fossil, Early Pleistocene / Hominin Fossils / Hominin Paleobiology / Evolution of Hominin and Human Behaviour / Prehistory / Hominin evolution / Palaeolithic Archaeology, Hominin Palaeontology, Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Psychology, Palaeoecology, Palaeoenvironment, and Palaeoclimate studies, Anthropological Genetics, Palaeopathology / Human Evolution, Hominin Fossil, Early Pleistocene / Hominin Fossils / Hominin Paleobiology / Evolution of Hominin and Human Behaviour

An Aboriginal Australian genome reveals separate human dispersals into Asia

Human Evolution / Genomics / Phylogeography / Gene Flow / Population Genetics / Science / Native American / Multidisciplinary / The evolution of human diversity / Human evolutionary genetics / Phylogeny / Mitochondrial DNA / Humans / Far East / Computer Simulation / Haplotypes / Animals / Ancient DNA / out of Africa human dispersals / Asia / Male / Ethnic Groups / Mitochondrial Genome / Multiple Dispersals / Australian prehistory / Aboriginal origins / Western Australia / Human Genome / Linkage Disequilibrium / Hominidae / European Continental Ancestry Group / Asian Continental Ancestry Group / Genome sequence / Science / Native American / Multidisciplinary / The evolution of human diversity / Human evolutionary genetics / Phylogeny / Mitochondrial DNA / Humans / Far East / Computer Simulation / Haplotypes / Animals / Ancient DNA / out of Africa human dispersals / Asia / Male / Ethnic Groups / Mitochondrial Genome / Multiple Dispersals / Australian prehistory / Aboriginal origins / Western Australia / Human Genome / Linkage Disequilibrium / Hominidae / European Continental Ancestry Group / Asian Continental Ancestry Group / Genome sequence

Las dietas de los hominini plio-pleistocénicos de África del este y del sur: del bosque cerrado a las sabanas abiertas

Human Evolution / Dental Anthropology / Diet / Hominin Diet / Dental microwear / Foraging ecology / Hominid / Australopithecus / Popular Science / Dental Ecology / Paranthropus / Hominin evolution / Teeth / Early Hominids / Foraging ecology / Hominid / Australopithecus / Popular Science / Dental Ecology / Paranthropus / Hominin evolution / Teeth / Early Hominids

Design space and cultural transmission: a case study from Paleoindian Eastern North America

Evolutionary Biology / Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Human Evolution / Design / Cultural Transmission (Evolutionary Biology) / Evolution / Cultural Evolution / Social learning / Lithic Technology / Lithics / Upper Paleolithic / Paleoindians / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / The peopling of the Americas / Stone tools / Stone tool technology / Lithic Analysis / Upper Palaeolithic / Paleoindian archaeology / Paleoindian / Clovis / Cultural Transmission (Evolutionary Biology) / Evolution / Cultural Evolution / Social learning / Lithic Technology / Lithics / Upper Paleolithic / Paleoindians / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / The peopling of the Americas / Stone tools / Stone tool technology / Lithic Analysis / Upper Palaeolithic / Paleoindian archaeology / Paleoindian / Clovis

Human Evolution in Late Quaternary Eastern Africa

Prehistoric Archaeology / Human Evolution / Africa / Palaeolithic Archaeology / East Africa / Middle Stone Age (Archaeology) / Palaeoanthropology / Prehistory / African prehistory / Quaternary environments / East African prehistory / Modern Human Origins / Middle Stone Age / Anatomically Modern Humans / African Middle Stone Age / African Middle Ston Age, Lithic technology / Human Origins Behaviour / Evolution of Modern Humans / African biogeography / Middle Stone Age (Archaeology) / Palaeoanthropology / Prehistory / African prehistory / Quaternary environments / East African prehistory / Modern Human Origins / Middle Stone Age / Anatomically Modern Humans / African Middle Stone Age / African Middle Ston Age, Lithic technology / Human Origins Behaviour / Evolution of Modern Humans / African biogeography

Human Evolution in Late Quaternary Eastern Africa

Human Evolution / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Modern Human Origins / African Middle Stone Age


Human Evolution / Evolution / Evolution and Human Behavior / Homosexuality

Ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA), un ácido graso esencial a nivel cerebral

Human Evolution / Brain development / Neuroprotection
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