History of Sculpture

El Cristo de la iglesia parroquial de Pradilla de Ebro: una obra procedente del Monasterio de Santa Engracia de Zaragoza

Art History / Art / Renaissance / Renaissance Art / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Visual Arts / Spanish Art / Fine Arts / ESCULTURA / Arte / Historia del Arte / Spanish Renaissance Art / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Iconografia / Retable Art / História da arte / Renacimiento / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Renaissance and Baroque Italian and Spanish art and theater / Arte Del Renacimiento / Renaissance Sculpture / Iconografia Cristiana / Jerónimos / Monasterios Jerónimos / Retablos / Retablística / Retables / Conservación, restauración de retablos / Orden de los Jerónimos / Sculpture / History of Art / Visual Arts / Spanish Art / Fine Arts / ESCULTURA / Arte / Historia del Arte / Spanish Renaissance Art / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Iconografia / Retable Art / História da arte / Renacimiento / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Renaissance and Baroque Italian and Spanish art and theater / Arte Del Renacimiento / Renaissance Sculpture / Iconografia Cristiana / Jerónimos / Monasterios Jerónimos / Retablos / Retablística / Retables / Conservación, restauración de retablos / Orden de los Jerónimos

La policromía en la retablística aragonesa entre los siglos XVI y XVII: El retablo de Nuestra Señora del Rosario del convento de Santo Domingo de Huesca (hoy en la parroquial de Plasencia del Monte)

Art History / Renaissance / Renaissance Art / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Polychromy / Historia del Arte / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Retable Art / History of Art and Architecture / History of Arts / Contrarreforma / Art Conservation, Technical Art History, Medieval Polychromy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Retábulo / Medieval and modern spanish art / Renaissance Sculpture / Sculptural polychromy / Art History / Historia del Arte / Huesca / Dominicos / Historia Y Teoría Del Arte / Retablos / Retables / Conservación, restauración de retablos / Policromía / Polycromie / History of Art / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Polychromy / Historia del Arte / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Retable Art / History of Art and Architecture / History of Arts / Contrarreforma / Art Conservation, Technical Art History, Medieval Polychromy / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Retábulo / Medieval and modern spanish art / Renaissance Sculpture / Sculptural polychromy / Art History / Historia del Arte / Huesca / Dominicos / Historia Y Teoría Del Arte / Retablos / Retables / Conservación, restauración de retablos / Policromía / Polycromie

La contribución italiana a la imagen monumental —escultórica y arquitectónica— de la Independencia en Honduras

Public Art / Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / 19th-20th Century Italian Sculpture / Caribbean art / Monuments / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence / Monuments / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence

Entre el bronce y la vida: los héroes de la Independencia en la estatuaria pública conmemorativa de la ciudad de Mérida (1842-1915)

Public Art / Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / Arte Y Esfera Pública / Monuments / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence

Estatua conmemorativa a Cristóbal Colón (1852-1860): ciencia y religión, hermanas civilizadoras

Public Art / Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / 19th-20th Century Italian Sculpture / Iconography and Iconology / Monuments / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence / Monuments / Art in public space / 19th-Century Sculpture and Monuments / Latin American Independence

El Brasil independiente y la defensa del Imperio a través de la escultura pública

Public Art / Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / Iconography and Iconology / Monuments / 19th Century Sculpture / Art in Public Spaces / Latin American Independence / 19th Century Sculpture / Art in Public Spaces / Latin American Independence

De Liguria a Argentina y de regreso: el monumento a Manuel Belgrano en Génova

Public Art / History of Sculpture / 19th-20th Century Italian Sculpture / Monuments / Art in public space / Latin American Independence

El antiguo retablo mayor del monasterio de Rueda

Art History / Renaissance / Renaissance Art / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Cistercians / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Historia del Arte / Retable Art / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Renaissance Sculpture / Alabastro / Alabaster Sculpture / Cistercian monasteries / Retablos / History of Art / Cistercians / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Historia del Arte / Retable Art / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Renaissance Sculpture / Alabastro / Alabaster Sculpture / Cistercian monasteries / Retablos

Palacio de la Exposición en Lima (1872)

Public Art / Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / Arte Y Esfera Pública / Scientists, Naturalists, Travelers and Explorers / Monuments / Art in public space / Universal Expositions / Monuments / Art in public space / Universal Expositions

La escultura costumbrista y popular en piedra de Huamanga (Estudio leído ante el XXVII Congreso de Americanistas reunido en Lima, 1939)

Latin American Art / History of Sculpture / Decorative Arts / Folk arts / Decorative arts 19th century / Naive Art, Folk Art, Decorative and Craft Arts / American decorative arts / Arte Popular / Naive Art, Folk Art, Decorative and Craft Arts / American decorative arts / Arte Popular

De lo clásico y lo contemporáneo III. Héroes de yeso y héroes contemporáneos: belleza e ideal clásico

History of Sculpture / Sculpture / Greek and Roman Sculpture / Neoclassical sculpture

Esculturas de Benito de Hita y Castillo en la parroquia de La Campana (Sevilla)

Art History / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / ESCULTURA / Historia del Arte / Siglo XVIII / Sevilla / Baroque Sculpture / Wooden sculptures / Seville / Escultura Barroca / Escultura sevillana / Sevillian Sculpture / Escultura barroca sevillana / Historia del Arte / Siglo XVIII / Sevilla / Baroque Sculpture / Wooden sculptures / Seville / Escultura Barroca / Escultura sevillana / Sevillian Sculpture / Escultura barroca sevillana

2015 Los retratos esculpidos en el pilar este de la arcada nova de la catedral de Valencia

Architectural History / History of Sculpture / History of Construction

Mercados y mecenas en el Brasil imperial: la cuestión nacional en la escultura

Art History / History of Sculpture / National Identity / Sculpture / History of Art / ESCULTURA / Historia del Arte / História da arte brasileira século XIX / ESCULTURA / Historia del Arte / História da arte brasileira século XIX

Jean-Pierre Cometti, Rodin y \"La voz interior\" o la anatomía del pensamiento

Aesthetics / Art History / Museum Studies / Philosophy of Art / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / Auguste Rodin / Sculpture / Auguste Rodin
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