History of Collecting

Julio Romero de Torres en la colección Deering de Sitges: su relación con Miguel Utrillo y el mundo artístico catalán

Collecting (Art) / History of Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Coleccionismo / Julio Romero de Torres / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering

Col·leccionisme, art i reminiscències medievals: Charles Deering i el Palau Maricel de Sitges.

Collecting (Art) / History of Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Coleccionismo / Bernat Martorell / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering / Palau Maricel / Retablo de Quejana / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering / Palau Maricel / Retablo de Quejana

El Templo de la Fama. Alegoría del marqués del Carpio, Fundación Arte Hispánico 2009

History of Collecting / Artistic relations between Italy and Spain

Paz política, rivalidad suntuaria: Francia y España en la isla de los Faisanes

17th-Century Studies / History of Collecting / Louis XIV / Philip IV / History of Collecting and Antiquarianism / Tapestries / Diego Velazquez / Habsburgs / Spanish Habsburgs / Mazarin / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Tapestries / Diego Velazquez / Habsburgs / Spanish Habsburgs / Mazarin / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe


Nobility / History of Collections / History of Collecting / Philip IV / History of Collecting and Antiquarianism / Pittura Bolognese 700 / Felipe IV / Guido Reni / Spanish Habsburgs / Habsburg Diplomacy, Philipp IV, Felipe IV / Pittura Bolognese 700 / Felipe IV / Guido Reni / Spanish Habsburgs / Habsburg Diplomacy, Philipp IV, Felipe IV


Early Modern Europe / Early Modern Italy / History of Collecting / Benedetto Croce / Artistic relations between Italy and Spain / spanish Habsburg world / pittura napoletana del Seicento / Viceroys' Collecctions / Viceroys' Patronage / Art collections by Neapolitan Viceroys in the 17th century. / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Spanish Naples / spanish Habsburg world / pittura napoletana del Seicento / Viceroys' Collecctions / Viceroys' Patronage / Art collections by Neapolitan Viceroys in the 17th century. / Art and diplomacy in XVIIth c. Europe / Spanish Naples

\"Pautas del coleccionismo artístico nobiliario en el siglo XVII\", in: I. Arellano, M. Vitse (dirs.), Modelos de vida en la España del Siglo de Oro, vol. I, El noble y el trabajador. (Madrid-Frankfurt: Iberoamericana-Vervuert), Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 30, pp. 123-158.

Nobility / History of Collections / Collecting (Art) / Collecting and Collections / Early modern Spain / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / Habsburg Spain / Spanish Aristocracy / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / Habsburg Spain / Spanish Aristocracy

Coleccionismo y mecenazgo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Desde la transición política a la actualidad

Collecting (Art) / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / History of Collecting and Antiquarianism / Art Collecting

Una venda frustrada: el frontal trescentista de la Seu de Manresa i el col·leccionista nord-americà Charles Deering

Art History / Collecting (Art) / Medieval Art / History of Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Coleccionismo / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering / Coleccionismo / Miquel Utrillo / Charles Deering

La colección arqueológica del Dr. Fernando Sologuren

Mesoamerican Archaeology / Oaxaca (Archaeology) / History of Collecting

El gabinete arqueológico de Francisco Belmar

Mesoamerican Archaeology / Oaxaca (Archaeology) / History of Collecting

Lujo, ostentación y poder: los palacios madrileño y lucentino de don Luis de Aragón, VII duque de Cardona, a través de sus inventarios

Art History / Painting / Nobility / Collecting (Art) / Baroque art and architecture / Collecting and Collections / History of Collecting / Tapestry / Pintura / Art Patronage during the XVIIth Century / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobleza / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Plateria / Lucena (Córdoba) / Collecting and Collections / History of Collecting / Tapestry / Pintura / Art Patronage during the XVIIth Century / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Nobleza / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Plateria / Lucena (Córdoba)

Seven entries in the exhibition catalogue \"Les Esterházy, princes collectionneurs\" (Pinacothèque de Paris, 2011): Raphael, Luini, Bassano, Tintoretto, Veronese, Desubleo

Italian Renaissance Art / Collecting and Collections / History of Collecting / Bernardino Luini / Raphael / Raffaello / Esterházy family / Paolo Veronese / Jacopo Tintoretto / Jacopo Bassano / Esterházy / Italian Renaissance painting / Michele Desubleo / Raffaello / Esterházy family / Paolo Veronese / Jacopo Tintoretto / Jacopo Bassano / Esterházy / Italian Renaissance painting / Michele Desubleo

“La colección arqueológica del marqués de Cerralbo: datos sobre su procedencia”, en R. C. RECIO MARTÍN (ed.) (2015): Museos y Antigüedades. Actas Encuentro Internacional. Museo Cerralbo, 26 septiembre 2013 [Internet]. Madrid: S. G. de Docum. y Publ., pp. 74-100

Archaeology / Historiography / History of Collections / Collecting and Collections / Arqueología / History of Collecting / Historiografía / Coleccionismo / Coleccionismo De Objetos Artísticos E Históricos / Coleccionismo y Museos / Coleccionistas / History of Collecting / Historiografía / Coleccionismo / Coleccionismo De Objetos Artísticos E Históricos / Coleccionismo y Museos / Coleccionistas

CRUZ CABRERA, J. P. (ed.). Arte y Cultura en la Granada renacentista y barroca. 2 vols. Granada: Universidad, 2014.

Art History / Architecture / Renaissance Studies / Painting / Sculpture / Collecting and Collections / Spain / History of Collecting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Granada / Collecting and Collections / Spain / History of Collecting / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Granada

Las dos águilas del emperador Carlos V. Las colecciones y el mecenazgo de Juana y Maria de Austria en la corte de Felipe II

Habsburg Studies / Patronage (History) / Collecting (Art) / Collecting and Collections / Spain (History) / Spain / Charles V / Early modern Spain / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Early Modern Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Madrid / Female Patronage / Political patronage / Convents / Patronage / Historia de Madrid / Female convents / Jacopo da Trezzo / Philip II of Spain / Descalzas Reales / Juana of Austria As Patron and Collector / The Court of Philip II / Juan de Herrera / Descalzas Reales Convent / Early modern convents / Pomepo Leone / Spain / Charles V / Early modern Spain / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Early Modern Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Madrid / Female Patronage / Political patronage / Convents / Patronage / Historia de Madrid / Female convents / Jacopo da Trezzo / Philip II of Spain / Descalzas Reales / Juana of Austria As Patron and Collector / The Court of Philip II / Juan de Herrera / Descalzas Reales Convent / Early modern convents / Pomepo Leone
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