
Dido y Medea: aproximaciones a una lectura intratextual de las Heroidas VII y XII

Intertextuality / Heroides / Dido / Medea / Intratextuality

Amor, abandono, celos, venganza: algunas heroínas ovidianas en la General Estoria de Alfonso X el Sabio

Translation and Ideology / Heroides / Classical Reception Studies / Alfonso X el Sabio / Medea and women in mythology / General Estoria / Ovid Metamorphoses / Translation in the Middle Ages / Procne, Tereus, Philomela / Translation and Ideology in the Middle Ages / Reception of Ovid / The Reception of Classical Myth In the Middle Ages / General Estoria / Ovid Metamorphoses / Translation in the Middle Ages / Procne, Tereus, Philomela / Translation and Ideology in the Middle Ages / Reception of Ovid / The Reception of Classical Myth In the Middle Ages

¿Fuente no identificada o amplificatio? Los discursos de Hipermestra, Casandra e Ilia en la General Estoria

Spanish Literature / Medieval Iberian Literature / Medieval Historiography / Audience and Reception Studies / Heroides / Medieval Spanish Literature / Classical Reception Studies / Alfonso X el Sabio / Medea and women in mythology / Littérature Française / Literatura Medieval / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / General Estoria / Literatura Española Medieval / eusebius of Caesarea / Histoire de la traduction / Roman de Troie / Literatura Medieval Española / The Reception of Classical Myth In the Middle Ages / Histoire Ancienne jusqu'à César / Medieval Spanish Literature / Classical Reception Studies / Alfonso X el Sabio / Medea and women in mythology / Littérature Française / Literatura Medieval / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / General Estoria / Literatura Española Medieval / eusebius of Caesarea / Histoire de la traduction / Roman de Troie / Literatura Medieval Española / The Reception of Classical Myth In the Middle Ages / Histoire Ancienne jusqu'à César

Amor & Fatum en Dido Aeneae

Latin Literature / Epistolary literature / Ovid / Heroides / Epistolary Novel / Latin Elegiac Poetry / Latin epistolography / Latin Elegiac Poetry / Latin epistolography

Πάθος en la heroida Dido Aeneae

Ovid / Heroides / Elegy / Ovid (Classics) / Pathos / Latin love elegy / Aeneas / Dido and Aeneas / Ovid, Heroides / Roman Love Poetry / Dido Aeneae / Latin love elegy / Aeneas / Dido and Aeneas / Ovid, Heroides / Roman Love Poetry / Dido Aeneae

Irene SALVO GARCÍA, « Las Heroidas en la General Estoria de Alfonso X: texto y glosa en el proceso de traducción y resemantización de Ovidio », Cahiers d’études hispaniques médiévales, 32, 2009, p. 205-228

Translation Studies / Ovid / Heroides / Medieval Spanish Literature / Alfonso X el Sabio / Alfonso X of Castille / General Estoria / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages / Ovidio / Ovid, Heroides / Reception of Ovid / Traducciones Medievales / Alfonso X of Castille / General Estoria / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages / Ovidio / Ovid, Heroides / Reception of Ovid / Traducciones Medievales
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