Obstetrics / Surgery / Research Methodology / Cancer / Randomization / Treatment / Population Dynamics / Treatment Outcome / Health / Medicine / Population / Humans / Chronic Disease / Fertility and Sterility / Female / Young Adult / Clinical Sciences / Postoperative pain / Developed Countries / Gynecology / Chronic Pelvic Pain / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Endometriosis / Time Factors / Randomized Controlled Trial / Dysmenorrhea / Ovary / Long Term / Dyspareunia / Laparoscopy / SECONDARY PREVENTION / Cyclic / Oral Contraceptive / Treatment / Population Dynamics / Treatment Outcome / Health / Medicine / Population / Humans / Chronic Disease / Fertility and Sterility / Female / Young Adult / Clinical Sciences / Postoperative pain / Developed Countries / Gynecology / Chronic Pelvic Pain / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Endometriosis / Time Factors / Randomized Controlled Trial / Dysmenorrhea / Ovary / Long Term / Dyspareunia / Laparoscopy / SECONDARY PREVENTION / Cyclic / Oral Contraceptive
Health Psychology / Communication / Health Promotion / Community Development / Advertising / Mass Communication / Health / Marketing Communications / Advertising and Marketing Communications / Mass Communication / Health / Marketing Communications / Advertising and Marketing Communications
Sexual and Reproductive Health / Personality / Colombia / Behavior / Reproduction / Sexuality / Developing Countries / Health / Adolescent / Population / Humans / Child / Reproductive health / Female / Male / Public health systems and services research / Urban Population / Value Orientation / Sexuality / Developing Countries / Health / Adolescent / Population / Humans / Child / Reproductive health / Female / Male / Public health systems and services research / Urban Population / Value Orientation
History / Sexual and Reproductive Health / History of Medicine / Public Health Policy / Argentina / Health / Public Health / Health Policy / Health Care Management / History of Venereal Disease / Historia / Historia Argentina / Legislation / Historia de la Medicina / Salud Publica / International Aid and Development / Burocracia / Burocracy / Historia De La Salud Publica / Health / Public Health / Health Policy / Health Care Management / History of Venereal Disease / Historia / Historia Argentina / Legislation / Historia de la Medicina / Salud Publica / International Aid and Development / Burocracia / Burocracy / Historia De La Salud Publica
Health Promotion / Health Education / Qualitative Research / Health / Growth and development / Public health systems and services research / Point of View / Public health systems and services research / Point of View