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Free Radical
Free Radical
Ferrous-Citrate Complex and Nigral Degeneration: Evidence for Free-radical Formation and Lipid Peroxidationa
Free Radicals / Kinetics / Multidisciplinary / Free Radical / Dopamine / Animals / Male / Substantia nigra / Neurons / Lipid peroxidation / Rats / Degeneration / Corpus striatum / Animals / Male / Substantia nigra / Neurons / Lipid peroxidation / Rats / Degeneration / Corpus striatum
Crude cacao theobroma cacao extract reduces mutagenicity induced by benzo[a]pyrene through inhibition of CYP1A activity in vitro
DNA damage / Free Radical / Biological Sciences / Phytotherapy / Animals / Salmonella Typhimurium / Male / Cacao / Theobroma Cacao / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ames Test / Antioxidant Activity / Plant extracts / Rats / Wistar Rats / Salmonella Typhimurium / Male / Cacao / Theobroma Cacao / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ames Test / Antioxidant Activity / Plant extracts / Rats / Wistar Rats
Cholesterol Oxides Accumulate in Human Cataracts
Free Radical / Humans / Solid Phase Extraction / Cholesterol / Cataract / Gas Chromatography / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Lens / Neurosciences / Oxidation-Reduction / Gas Chromatography / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Lens / Neurosciences / Oxidation-Reduction
Paramagnetic species in cataractous human lenses
Electron Spin Resonance / Multidisciplinary / Nature / Free Radical / Humans / Ultraviolet / Cataract / Tryptophan / Low Temperature / Quantum Yield / Crystallins / Ultraviolet / Cataract / Tryptophan / Low Temperature / Quantum Yield / Crystallins
Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extracts
Mass Spectrometry / Food Chemistry / Multidisciplinary / Free Radical / Tandem Mass Spectrometry / Agricultural and Food Chemistry / Polyphenol / Agricultural and Food Chemistry / Polyphenol
Antioxidant activity of Caesalpinia digyna root
Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Plant Biology / Ethnopharmacology / Free Radical / Antioxidants / Kidney / Liver / Nitric oxide / Animals / Male / Catalase / Plant Roots / Superoxide Dismutase / Lipid peroxidation / Hydrogen Peroxide / Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic compound / Plant extracts / Rats / Carbon Tetrachloride / Body Weight / Wistar Rats / Biological activity / Quntitative Thin Layer Chromatography / Caesalpinia / Total Phenolics / Oxidation-Reduction / Malondialdehyde / Molecular Structure / Kidney / Liver / Nitric oxide / Animals / Male / Catalase / Plant Roots / Superoxide Dismutase / Lipid peroxidation / Hydrogen Peroxide / Antioxidant Activity / Phenolic compound / Plant extracts / Rats / Carbon Tetrachloride / Body Weight / Wistar Rats / Biological activity / Quntitative Thin Layer Chromatography / Caesalpinia / Total Phenolics / Oxidation-Reduction / Malondialdehyde / Molecular Structure
Mitochondrial dysfunction promoted by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide as a possible link between cardiovascular disease and periodontitis
Free Radicals / Oxidative Stress / Mitochondria / Apoptosis / Cardiovascular disease / Free Radical / Inflammatory Immune Response / Lipopolysaccharide / Humans / Reactive Oxygen Species / CVD / Inflammatory disease / Oxidative stress and free radical biology and medicine / Mitochondrial dysfunction / Middle Aged / Lipopolysaccharides / Adult / Protein Expression / Periodontitis / Cardiovascular Diseases / Human Fibroblasts / Mitochondrial Membrane Potential / PBMC / Citrate Synthase / Biochemistry and cell biology / PORPHYROMONAS GINGIVALIS / Inflammatory response / fibroblasts / Free Radical / Inflammatory Immune Response / Lipopolysaccharide / Humans / Reactive Oxygen Species / CVD / Inflammatory disease / Oxidative stress and free radical biology and medicine / Mitochondrial dysfunction / Middle Aged / Lipopolysaccharides / Adult / Protein Expression / Periodontitis / Cardiovascular Diseases / Human Fibroblasts / Mitochondrial Membrane Potential / PBMC / Citrate Synthase / Biochemistry and cell biology / PORPHYROMONAS GINGIVALIS / Inflammatory response / fibroblasts
Esterification by solid acid catalysts—a comparison
Chemical Engineering / Free Radical / Activation Energy
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