European nobility

“La creación de Títulos de Castilla durante los reinados de Felipe IV y Carlos II: concesiones y ritmos”

Early Modern History / Spanish History / Nobility / Early modern Spain / nobility Early Modern Spain / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / History of European Nobility in Late Medieval and Early Modern Ages / Castile / European nobility / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Habsburg Monarchy, History of (Early) Modern Nobility, administrative history / History of European Nobility in Late Medieval and Early Modern Ages / Castile / European nobility

Los archivos nobiliarios españoles: definición, tipologías documentales y localización de fondos

Archives / Nobility / Archivos / Spanish State Archives / PARES (Portal de Archivos Españoles) / Nobleza / European nobility / Library and Archival Science / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / Nobleza / European nobility / Library and Archival Science / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY

LOS LÍMITES DEL HONOR; nobles y jerarquías de Brasil, Nueva España y Perú, siglos XVII y XVIII

Portuguese / Portuguese History / Comparative History / Brazilian Studies / Brazilian History / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Nobility / Colonial Brazil / History of the Portuguese Empire / Brazilian Portuguese / Brasil Colonial / European nobility / La esclavitud en Hispanoamérica / Histoire militaire / História Do Brasil Colonial / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Nobility / Colonial Brazil / History of the Portuguese Empire / Brazilian Portuguese / Brasil Colonial / European nobility / La esclavitud en Hispanoamérica / Histoire militaire / História Do Brasil Colonial

Cervantes y la corte de Felipe II. Escritores en el entorno de Ascanio Colonna (1560-1608). Madrid: Polifemo (Colección \"La Europa de la Corte\", vol. 14), 2015.

Spanish Literature / Spanish Literature (Peninsular) / Nobility / Early Modern Literature / Patronage (History) / Republic of Letters (Early Modern History) / Courts and Elites (History) / Early Modern Spanish literature / Miguel de Cervantes / Cervantes / Historia Cultural / FRAY LUIS DE LEON / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / nobility Early Modern Spain / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Literary Patronage / Vittoria Colonna / European nobility / La Galatea / Campo Literario / Ascanio Colonna / Luis Gálvez de Montalvo / Pedro Fernández de Navarrete / Juan Rufo / Luis de Vargas / Juan Bautista de Vivar / Conde de Salinas / Republic of Letters (Early Modern History) / Courts and Elites (History) / Early Modern Spanish literature / Miguel de Cervantes / Cervantes / Historia Cultural / FRAY LUIS DE LEON / Literatura española del Siglo de Oro / Spanish Medieval and Golden Age Literature / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / nobility Early Modern Spain / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Literary Patronage / Vittoria Colonna / European nobility / La Galatea / Campo Literario / Ascanio Colonna / Luis Gálvez de Montalvo / Pedro Fernández de Navarrete / Juan Rufo / Luis de Vargas / Juan Bautista de Vivar / Conde de Salinas

Virtuosos y trágicos: la figura de Coriolano y la ética nobiliaria en el siglo XVII.

Cultural History / Ethics / Virtue Ethics / Political Culture / Baroque Art and Literature / Nobility / Shakespearean Drama / Aristocracy / Neostoicism / Political Ethics / Ética / Coriolanus / French drama (17th century) / European nobility / Early Modern Nobility / Coriolano / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / ética Y Política / Noble Culture / Neoestoicismo / Alexandre Hardy / Nobility / Shakespearean Drama / Aristocracy / Neostoicism / Political Ethics / Ética / Coriolanus / French drama (17th century) / European nobility / Early Modern Nobility / Coriolano / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / ética Y Política / Noble Culture / Neoestoicismo / Alexandre Hardy

Curiosidades genealógicas. Tomás de Egurza (m. 1546), agente del señor de Loyola en Roma (1529) y ascendiente de las casas reales europeas

European History / Social History / Basque History / History of the Royal Families of Europe / European nobility

El linaje Samaniego y la casa de San Meder. La proyección política de un apellido de Laguardia en los siglos XVII y XVIII

Courts and Elites (History) / Court history / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Escribanías Públicas / European nobility / Court representatives

Desde el mito a la grandeza: auge de una rama valenciana de la casa “Zapata de Calatayud” (siglos XVI-XVIII)

Modern History / Genealogy / Nobility / Genealogia / Historia I Genealogia / Nobleza / European nobility / La Nobleza En El Siglo XVIII / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Lordship / Nobleza Valenciana / Nobleza / European nobility / La Nobleza En El Siglo XVIII / SPANISH NOBILITY HISTORY / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Lordship / Nobleza Valenciana

\"Perspectivas políticas comparadas de las noblezas europeas en la transición del siglo XVI al XVII.\" Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, nº 28 (2003), pp. 167-183.

European History / Nobility / Culture and Politics / History of Political Thought / Cultura política / History of Political Ideas / Historia del Pensamiento Político / Nobleza / Nobiltà / European nobility / Historia de las ideas políticas / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / History of Political Ideas / Historia del Pensamiento Político / Nobleza / Nobiltà / European nobility / Historia de las ideas políticas / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA

Corte, poder y cultura política en el reino de las Dos Sicilias de Carlos de Borbón (1734-1759). Tesis Doctoral. Madrid: Departamento de Historia Moderna-Universidad Complutense, 2008.

Early Modern History / Enlightenment / XVIII century / Political History / Nobility / Early Modern Italy / Courts and Elites (History) / European Enlightenment / Court history / Court Culture / Herculaneum / Hercules / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Pompeii and Herculaneum / The Kingdom of Naples / Bourbon Spain / House of Bourbon / Cultural History of Naples and Campania / Napoli / Herculaneum Papyri / Bourbons / European nobility / Collezioni di antichità dal XVI al XVIII secolo / Bernardo Tanucci / Reign of Naples History / The Kingdom of Two Sicilies / Early Modern Naples / Carlo III Di Borbone / Storia Del Mezzogiorno / Ercolano / Count of Santiesteban / José Joaquín de Montealegre, marquis of Salas / Early Modern Italy / Courts and Elites (History) / European Enlightenment / Court history / Court Culture / Herculaneum / Hercules / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Pompeii and Herculaneum / The Kingdom of Naples / Bourbon Spain / House of Bourbon / Cultural History of Naples and Campania / Napoli / Herculaneum Papyri / Bourbons / European nobility / Collezioni di antichità dal XVI al XVIII secolo / Bernardo Tanucci / Reign of Naples History / The Kingdom of Two Sicilies / Early Modern Naples / Carlo III Di Borbone / Storia Del Mezzogiorno / Ercolano / Count of Santiesteban / José Joaquín de Montealegre, marquis of Salas

Instituciones Nobiliarias: Las Probanzas de Nobleza en España para el ingreso en las corporaciones nobiliarias

Medieval Nobility / nobility Early Modern Spain / Nobleza / Nobiltà / European nobility / Nobleza castellana / Early Modern Nobility / Pruebas De Nobleza / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Órdenes Militares Españolas / Nobleza castellana / Early Modern Nobility / Pruebas De Nobleza / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Órdenes Militares Españolas

La Nobleza Balear: Instituciones Nobiliarias del Reino de Mallorca

Nobility / Medieval Nobility / Historia medieval de España / Mallorca / Historia Medieval / Historia Contemporánea de España / European nobility / Historia De La Corona De Aragón / Palma de Mallorca; Evolution and development / Pruebas De Nobleza / Nobleza medieval / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Medieval Mallorca / hISTORIA DEL REINO DE MALLORCA / Historia de Mallorca / Historia Contemporánea de España / European nobility / Historia De La Corona De Aragón / Palma de Mallorca; Evolution and development / Pruebas De Nobleza / Nobleza medieval / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Medieval Mallorca / hISTORIA DEL REINO DE MALLORCA / Historia de Mallorca

Heráldica y Nobiliaria Escocesa: Scottish nobility and heraldry

Heraldry / Early Medieval Scotland / Nobility / Late Medieval Scotland / Medieval Nobility / Sociology of Scotland / Scotland / European nobility history / History of the Highlands and Islands Scotland / Vikings in Scotland / Scottish genealogy, great glen clans, quarriers / Scottish Clanship / Nobleza / European nobility / Medieval Heraldry / Early Modern Nobility / Emblemática / Scottish Clans / Escudo Heráldico / Diseño Heráldico / Sociology of Scotland / Scotland / European nobility history / History of the Highlands and Islands Scotland / Vikings in Scotland / Scottish genealogy, great glen clans, quarriers / Scottish Clanship / Nobleza / European nobility / Medieval Heraldry / Early Modern Nobility / Emblemática / Scottish Clans / Escudo Heráldico / Diseño Heráldico

Nobleza y Heráldica del Imperio Napoleónico (Noblesse et Héraldique de l’Empire Napoleonien)

Heraldry / Landed Nobility / Nobility / Heraldry and Vexillology / Elites (Political Science) / French Revolution and Napoleon / Napoleonic Europe / Aristocracy / State sovereignty and competing notions of individual sovereignty, the latter not as a matter of noblesse oblige, but because the individual has a right to rights, including when that right bumps up against the state's interests. / Elites / Heraldry and Family History / Napoleonic History / Aristocrazia / NAPOLEON BONAPARTE / Nobleza / European nobility / Napoléon III / Heraldica / Heraldique / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Emblemática / Noblesse / Noblesse Française / Histoire de la noblesse / Heraldica Napoleonica / Colegio Heraldico de ESpaña y de las Indias / Noblesse d'Empire Napoleonique / French Revolution and Napoleon / Napoleonic Europe / Aristocracy / State sovereignty and competing notions of individual sovereignty, the latter not as a matter of noblesse oblige, but because the individual has a right to rights, including when that right bumps up against the state's interests. / Elites / Heraldry and Family History / Napoleonic History / Aristocrazia / NAPOLEON BONAPARTE / Nobleza / European nobility / Napoléon III / Heraldica / Heraldique / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Emblemática / Noblesse / Noblesse Française / Histoire de la noblesse / Heraldica Napoleonica / Colegio Heraldico de ESpaña y de las Indias / Noblesse d'Empire Napoleonique

Los Ducados Concedidos por los Reyes de España

Landed Nobility / Nobility / History of Elites / Medieval Nobility / Courts and Elites (History) / Elites and Society / Aristocracy / Elites / Sociology of elites / Nobleza / European nobility / Nobleza castellana / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Aristocracia / Noblesse / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Noblesse Médiévale / Nobleza española / Grandes de España / Títulos Nobiliarios Españoles / Elites and Society / Aristocracy / Elites / Sociology of elites / Nobleza / European nobility / Nobleza castellana / NOBLEZA EDAD MODERNA / Aristocracia / Noblesse / Historia De La Nobleza Española / Noblesse Médiévale / Nobleza española / Grandes de España / Títulos Nobiliarios Españoles

La transformación de la Monarquía en el siglo XVIII. Corte y casas reales de Felipe V

Early Modern History / Enlightenment / Domesticity / Nobility / Domestic Space / Patronage (History) / Courts and Elites (History) / 18th Century / Court history / Aristocracy / Spanish Monarchy / Bourbons / Court Studies / European nobility / 18th Century Spanish Monarquía / Patronage (History) / Courts and Elites (History) / 18th Century / Court history / Aristocracy / Spanish Monarchy / Bourbons / Court Studies / European nobility / 18th Century Spanish Monarquía
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