Environmental History

\"Papa Francesco e l\'ambiente: la ripresa di un Concilio incompiuto\", in \"Greenreport\", 16.6.2015 and in \"eddyburg\" 28.6.2015.

History of Christianity / Political Ecology / Environmental History / Catholic Social Teaching / Environmental Political Theory / Theology and Culture / Catholic Theology / History of Roman Catholicism / History of Church Councils / Political Theology / Environmental Sustainability / Second Vatican Council / Religion and nature / Environmentalism / post-Vatican II Catholic Church / Nature protection / Theology and History of Vatican II / Catholic Church History / Holy See / Concilio Vaticano II / Vaticano II / Jorge Mario Bergoglio / Environmentalisms / Theology and Culture / Catholic Theology / History of Roman Catholicism / History of Church Councils / Political Theology / Environmental Sustainability / Second Vatican Council / Religion and nature / Environmentalism / post-Vatican II Catholic Church / Nature protection / Theology and History of Vatican II / Catholic Church History / Holy See / Concilio Vaticano II / Vaticano II / Jorge Mario Bergoglio / Environmentalisms

Lo vulnerable y lo sanguinario: explotación histórica de tortugas y tiburones en la costa de Oaxaca

Political Ecology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Environmental History / Environmental Sustainability / Mexico (Anthropology) / Sea Turtles / Oaxaca / Sea Turtles / Oaxaca

Lateglacial and early Holocene environmental changes in northeastern Lithuania

Archaeology / Geology / Climate Change / Environmental History / Accelerator Mass Spectrometry / Environmental Change / Palaeobotany / Quaternary / Populus / Holocene / Younger Dryas / Loss on Ignition / Oscillations / Late Glacial / Water Temperature / High Resolution / Early Holocene / Cold Tolerance / Vegetation Cover / Water Level / Forest Cover / Shallow Water / Vegetation Change / Environmental Change / Palaeobotany / Quaternary / Populus / Holocene / Younger Dryas / Loss on Ignition / Oscillations / Late Glacial / Water Temperature / High Resolution / Early Holocene / Cold Tolerance / Vegetation Cover / Water Level / Forest Cover / Shallow Water / Vegetation Change

Conflictividad ambiental y poder local en el primer franquismo. El \'lobby de la madera\' en Santa Fe (1936-1951)

Environmental History / Fascism / Local Government / Spain / Francoism / Autarky / Franquismo / Environmental Conflicts / Authoritarism / Autarky / Franquismo / Environmental Conflicts / Authoritarism

¿Es el colapso un factor inevitable de la naturaleza de las sociedades complejas?

Ancient History / Environmental Economics / Environmental Studies / Environmental History / Environmental Sustainability / Societal Collapse / Archaeology of Societal Collapse / Collapse / Bronze Age Collapse / Societal Collapse / Archaeology of Societal Collapse / Collapse / Bronze Age Collapse

Monotonía, aislamiento y atraso agrícola. Descripciones de viajeros del siglo XIX e historia agraria de la Sabana de Bogotá (Colombia)

Environmental History / Agrarian History / Colombian History / Latin American Environmental History / Historia agraria / Historia De Colombia / Historia ambiental / Colombia Siglo XIX / Historia De Colombia / Historia ambiental / Colombia Siglo XIX

Agua y abastecimiento: gestión de cuerpos de agua en la ciudad de San Luis Potosí (México), 1831-1887

Environmental History / Mexico History / Local and regional history / Historia Regional y Local / Historia ambiental / Historia de México

Cinturon Verde en el Santuario del Manati Bahia de Chetumal: Avances de Investigacion

Development Economics / Natural Resources / Student Motivation And Engagement / Environmental History / Green Infrastructure / Regional Planning/Development / History of Environmental design and Science in Architecture / Environmental Sustainability / 20th Century Mexico / Economics of Higher Education and Research / Protected areas / Sociology of Sustainability / Research in Higher Education / Enviornmental Economics / Green Belts / 20th Century Mexican History / Social and Cultural Participation / Geoeconomics, regional development, sustainability / Green Star / Sociology of Economic Change and Development / Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education / Green and Sustainability Practices / Sociology and Social Change Impact of Education / Economic Impact of Higher Education, Social Value of Higher Education, Social Impact / Environmental Impacts of renewable energy projects and road projects / Green Business Strategy / Regional Planning, Sustainability, Natural Resource Management / 21th Century Mexican History / Xavier Gamboa Villafranca / Regional Planning/Development / History of Environmental design and Science in Architecture / Environmental Sustainability / 20th Century Mexico / Economics of Higher Education and Research / Protected areas / Sociology of Sustainability / Research in Higher Education / Enviornmental Economics / Green Belts / 20th Century Mexican History / Social and Cultural Participation / Geoeconomics, regional development, sustainability / Green Star / Sociology of Economic Change and Development / Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education / Green and Sustainability Practices / Sociology and Social Change Impact of Education / Economic Impact of Higher Education, Social Value of Higher Education, Social Impact / Environmental Impacts of renewable energy projects and road projects / Green Business Strategy / Regional Planning, Sustainability, Natural Resource Management / 21th Century Mexican History / Xavier Gamboa Villafranca

Repercusiones ambientales en Tijuana durante el crecimiento industrial 1937–1980. Una aproximación desde la historia ambiental

Interdisciplinarity / Urban History / Agrarian Studies / Environmental History / Agrarian History / Latin American Environmental History / História Ambiental-Eco-História / Environmental History / Historia agraria / Mexico / Historia Urbana / History of Mexico / Environmental History / Historia ambiental / Historia Economica / Historiografía / Historia de México / Historia Industrial / História Económica Regional / Historia del norte de México XX / Latin American Environmental History / História Ambiental-Eco-História / Environmental History / Historia agraria / Mexico / Historia Urbana / History of Mexico / Environmental History / Historia ambiental / Historia Economica / Historiografía / Historia de México / Historia Industrial / História Económica Regional / Historia del norte de México XX

El ambiente como objeto de estudio de la complejidad

Complexity Theory / Environmental History / Arqueología / História Ambiental-Eco-História / Environmental History / Paleontologia / Pensamiento Complejo

¿Reconstruir o tributar? El terremoto de Angaraes de 1687 y una aproximación a un conflicto social en torno a la extracción de azogue. Summa Humanitatis, Vol. 8, No. 1, PUCP, 2015

Urban History / Environmental History / Historia Social / Colonial Latin American History / Historia / Historia ambiental / Historia del Perú / Terremotos / Historia ambiental / Historia del Perú / Terremotos
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