Strategic Planning / Configuration Management / Best practice / Environment and Development / Empirical Study / Client Server / Data Distribution / Software Configuration Management / Distributed Environment / Deductive Databases / Client Server / Data Distribution / Software Configuration Management / Distributed Environment / Deductive Databases
Computer Science / Program Comprehension / Experimental Software Engineering / Domain specific language / Empirical Study / Domain-specific langauges / Computer Science Information Systems / Domain-specific langauges / Computer Science Information Systems
Knowledge Management / Knowledge sharing / International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management / Close relationships / Information Sharing / Confirmatory factor analysis / Supply Chain Collaboration / Research and Development / Design Methodology / Empirical Study / Multiple Regression / Logistics Service Provider / Empirical evidence / Customer Relations / Business to Business / Confirmatory factor analysis / Supply Chain Collaboration / Research and Development / Design Methodology / Empirical Study / Multiple Regression / Logistics Service Provider / Empirical evidence / Customer Relations / Business to Business
Software Engineering / Software Maintenance / Software Testing / Regression Testing / Impact Analysis / Empirical Study / Software Systems / Capture recapture / Software System / Debugging / Digital System Testing / Field Data / Data Gathering / Empirical Study / Software Systems / Capture recapture / Software System / Debugging / Digital System Testing / Field Data / Data Gathering