
El viaje de Entwistle a Canarias. Las colecciones egipcias de Tenerife y Gran Canaria.

Egyptology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Egyptian Archaeology / History of Egyptology / Egiptologia

3ª Circular V Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología (Cuenca 9-12 marzo 2015)

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Egyptian Archaeology / Egyptian language / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Ptolemaic Egyptian History / History of Egyptology / Old Kingdom (Egyptology) / Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt / New Kingdom (Egyptology) / 25th Dynasty (Egyptology) / Ancient Egyptian Iconography / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts / 1) cultural interconnections and trade (Egypt and Levant) / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Ptolemaic Egyptian History / History of Egyptology / Old Kingdom (Egyptology) / Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt / New Kingdom (Egyptology) / 25th Dynasty (Egyptology) / Ancient Egyptian Iconography / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts / 1) cultural interconnections and trade (Egypt and Levant)

Dos visiones hispano-medievales de un cuento del Egipto faraónico: variaciones de Abu Hamid Al-Garnati y Juan Ruiz de Alcalá, Arcipreste de Hita, sobre \"El Príncipe predestinado\"

Mythology And Folklore / Egyptology / French Literature / Spanish Literature / Folklore / Medieval Literature / Arabic Literature / Medieval History / Alchemy / Folk legends / Coptic Studies / Mozart / Egypt / Alexander the Great / Travel Literature / Alfonso X el Sabio / Predestination / Folk and Fairy Tales / Fairy tales / Mester de clerecia / Sicilia / Egiptologia / Alejandro Magno / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Granada / Crocodiles / Gog and Magog / Influencias De La Literatura ÁRabe / La Fábula En La Literatura áRabe / Medieval Literature / Arabic Literature / Medieval History / Alchemy / Folk legends / Coptic Studies / Mozart / Egypt / Alexander the Great / Travel Literature / Alfonso X el Sabio / Predestination / Folk and Fairy Tales / Fairy tales / Mester de clerecia / Sicilia / Egiptologia / Alejandro Magno / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Granada / Crocodiles / Gog and Magog / Influencias De La Literatura ÁRabe / La Fábula En La Literatura áRabe

Bastet, diosa egipcia [Bastet, an Egyptian Goddess]

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Bastet / Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) / Ancient Bronze Statuary

Anth.310 Documentary response sheet-7: PBS: Egypt’s Golden Empire parts 1-3 (Imperial & Post-Imperial Egypt, 1550 - 332 BC; by G. Mumford 2014)

Egyptology / Ramesses II / Hyksos / New Kingdom (Egyptology) / Hatshepsut / Thutmose III / Tutankhamun / Akhenaten / Amenhotep III / King Ahmose / Amenhotep IV / Thutmose III / Tutankhamun / Akhenaten / Amenhotep III / King Ahmose / Amenhotep IV

La maldición de la momia. Del Egipto faraónico al imaginario popular.

Mythology And Folklore / Egyptology / Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion) / History of Egyptology

Call for Papers (es) XIV Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua (V Edición Internacional) - 6, 7 y 8 mayo 2015, Madrid

Ancient History / Egyptology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Roman History / Hellenistic Philosophy / Hellenistic History / Egyptian Archaeology / Roman Law / Roman Religion / Greek Epigraphy / Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Latin Epigraphy / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Near East / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Ancient Greek Religion / Roman Army / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor / Ancient Greek Numismatics / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Etruscan Archaeology / Ancient Near East (Archaeology) / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Ancient Greek Language / Ancient Greek Literature / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / Roman Archaeology / Hellenistic History / Egyptian Archaeology / Roman Law / Roman Religion / Greek Epigraphy / Hellenistic and Roman Fortifications / Latin Epigraphy / Greek Archaeology / Ancient Near East / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Ancient Greek Religion / Roman Army / Ancient Greek History / Roman Empire / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor / Ancient Greek Numismatics / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Etruscan Archaeology / Ancient Near East (Archaeology) / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / Ancient Greek Language / Ancient Greek Literature / Roman Architecture / Roman Art / Roman Archaeology

Los primeros exploradores del Desierto Occidental Egipcio: evidencias del Neolítico Sahariano

Egyptology / Historiography / Saharan archaeology and palaeoenvironments

A Concise Guide to Marl C Pottery, Ägypten und Levante 12

Egyptology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Material Culture Studies / Egyptian Archaeology / Second Intermediate Period (Egyptology) / Middle Kingdom / Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Pottery / Middle Kingdom (Egyptology) / Pottery technology and function / Pottery studies / Middle Kingdom Pottery / Second Intermediate Period (Egyptology) / Middle Kingdom / Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Pottery / Middle Kingdom (Egyptology) / Pottery technology and function / Pottery studies / Middle Kingdom Pottery

Medamud en el Tercer Periodo intermedio y en la Baja Época

Egyptology / Third Intermediate Period / Medamoud

Resúmenes/Abstracts V Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología (Cuenca 9-12 marzo 2015)

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Egyptian Archaeology / Middle Egyptian / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Aegean Egyptian Interrelatlations / Ptolemaic Egyptian History / Nubian-Egyptian Relations / Egyptian Ritual Texts / Funerary Belief (Egyptology) / History of Egyptology / Old Kingdom (Egyptology) / Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt / New Kingdom (Egyptology) / 25th Dynasty (Egyptology) / Roman Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Architecture / Ancient Egyptian Iconography / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts / Ancient Egyptian Literature / Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Ancient Egyptian language / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Graeco-Roman Egypt / Aegean Egyptian Interrelatlations / Ptolemaic Egyptian History / Nubian-Egyptian Relations / Egyptian Ritual Texts / Funerary Belief (Egyptology) / History of Egyptology / Old Kingdom (Egyptology) / Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt / New Kingdom (Egyptology) / 25th Dynasty (Egyptology) / Roman Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Architecture / Ancient Egyptian Iconography / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts / Ancient Egyptian Literature / Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology / Ancient Egyptian language / Late Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt / Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art

Séquito de Horus, Tripulación de Ra: aspectos religiosos de las luchas de poder durante la dinastía VI egipcia [Horus\'s Following, Ra\'s Crew: religious features of power struggles during Egyptian Sixth Dynasty]

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Old Kingdom (Egyptology) / Ancient Egyptian History / Egyptian Kingship / Old Kingdom reliefs / Hathor / Ancient Egyptian royal inscriptions / Horus / Sixth Dynasty / Pepy I / Teti / Userkara / Atum / Egyptian Royal Titulary / Old Kingdom reliefs / Hathor / Ancient Egyptian royal inscriptions / Horus / Sixth Dynasty / Pepy I / Teti / Userkara / Atum / Egyptian Royal Titulary
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