
Interferon Gamma Gene Polymorphism as a Biochemical Marker in Egyptian Atopic Patients

Immunology / Polymorphism / Egypt / Humans / Allergic rhinitis / Polymerase Chain Reaction / Disease Severity / Immunoglobulin E / Gene Polymorphism / Eosinophils / Genotype / Prognosis / Biological markers / Disease Progression / Atopic Dermatitis / Somatic Cell Count / Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay / Immunoglobulin / Interferon gamma / Polymerase Chain Reaction / Disease Severity / Immunoglobulin E / Gene Polymorphism / Eosinophils / Genotype / Prognosis / Biological markers / Disease Progression / Atopic Dermatitis / Somatic Cell Count / Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay / Immunoglobulin / Interferon gamma

Desde Túnez y Egipto – Movimientos populares en la búsqueda de democracia en Norte de África

Egypt / Libia / Arab Spring (Arab Revolts) / Primavera Árabe / Egipto / Túnez / Norte de Áfricaa / Tunisi / Norte de África / Túnez / Norte de Áfricaa / Tunisi / Norte de África

Dos visiones hispano-medievales de un cuento del Egipto faraónico: variaciones de Abu Hamid Al-Garnati y Juan Ruiz de Alcalá, Arcipreste de Hita, sobre \"El Príncipe predestinado\"

Mythology And Folklore / Egyptology / French Literature / Spanish Literature / Folklore / Medieval Literature / Arabic Literature / Medieval History / Alchemy / Folk legends / Coptic Studies / Mozart / Egypt / Alexander the Great / Travel Literature / Alfonso X el Sabio / Predestination / Folk and Fairy Tales / Fairy tales / Mester de clerecia / Sicilia / Egiptologia / Alejandro Magno / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Granada / Crocodiles / Gog and Magog / Influencias De La Literatura ÁRabe / La Fábula En La Literatura áRabe / Medieval Literature / Arabic Literature / Medieval History / Alchemy / Folk legends / Coptic Studies / Mozart / Egypt / Alexander the Great / Travel Literature / Alfonso X el Sabio / Predestination / Folk and Fairy Tales / Fairy tales / Mester de clerecia / Sicilia / Egiptologia / Alejandro Magno / Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita / Granada / Crocodiles / Gog and Magog / Influencias De La Literatura ÁRabe / La Fábula En La Literatura áRabe

Reseña de Egipto y la península Ibérica, siglos de relación.

Diplomacy / Egypt / Spain / Arab world / Egiptology / Relaciones Internacionales / España / Diplomacia / Relaciones Internacionales / España / Diplomacia

Análisis de los cambios socio-políticos en Egipto a través de su cine

Cultural Studies / Middle East Studies / Egypt / Cinema / Cultural power and resistance / Cinema Studies / Egyptian Cinema / Egyptian Revolution / Palestinian Cinema, Lebanese Cinema, Arab Cinema, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cultural Studies, Ethnology, Cultural Production, Film, Art, Theatre, Social Media / Ciencias Sociales / Arab Spring (Arab Revolts) / Contemporary Egyptian Cinema / Cinema Studies / Egyptian Cinema / Egyptian Revolution / Palestinian Cinema, Lebanese Cinema, Arab Cinema, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cultural Studies, Ethnology, Cultural Production, Film, Art, Theatre, Social Media / Ciencias Sociales / Arab Spring (Arab Revolts) / Contemporary Egyptian Cinema

Caudate lobe resection: an Egyptian center experience

Treatment Outcome / Egypt / Humans / Female / Male / Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Statistical Significance / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Postoperative Complication / Adenoma / Blood Loss / Cohort Studies / Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Statistical Significance / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Postoperative Complication / Adenoma / Blood Loss / Cohort Studies

Bilharzial endocervical polyp

Medical Microbiology / Egypt / Humans / Female / Animals / Polyps / Adult / Uterus / Polyps / Adult / Uterus

Tan cerca de la ciudad y tan lejos de las tuberías: La gobernabilidad en el agua y el saneamiento periurbanos

Poverty / Venezuela / Egypt / Sustainable Water Resources Management / Urban And Regional Planning / Urbanization / Tanzania / India / Mexico / Sustainable Water & Sanitation / Urbanization / Tanzania / India / Mexico / Sustainable Water & Sanitation

El Mawardy Jewelry: Expansion During a Recession

International Business / Egypt / Strategy (Business) / United Kingdom / Middle East / Qatar / Jewelry / Qatar / Jewelry

La Batalla de Qadesh. La rivalidad de los Titanes

Ancient History / Military History / Near Eastern Studies / Anatolian Studies / Hittitology / War Studies / Hittite / Egypt / Ancient Near East / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Near Eastern History / Historia / Warfare in the Ancient World / Warfare in ancient Egypt / Kadesh / Historia Militar / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Syro-Anatolia in the second and first millennium BCE / Egiptologia / Hititas / Historia Antigua / Hatti/Egypt diplomacy / Historia Antigua del Cercano Oriente / Hititology / Proximo Oriente Antiguo / Orientalismo / Battle of Qadesh / War Studies / Hittite / Egypt / Ancient Near East / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Near Eastern History / Historia / Warfare in the Ancient World / Warfare in ancient Egypt / Kadesh / Historia Militar / Ancient Weapons and Warfare / Syro-Anatolia in the second and first millennium BCE / Egiptologia / Hititas / Historia Antigua / Hatti/Egypt diplomacy / Historia Antigua del Cercano Oriente / Hititology / Proximo Oriente Antiguo / Orientalismo / Battle of Qadesh

EPIGRAPHY OF OXYRRYNCHUS: 393. Una inscripció romana trobada a Oxirrinc (Oxyrrynchus), en Ex Aegypto lux et sapientia, Barcelona 2015, pp. 393-398.

History / Ancient History / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Egyptology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Egyptian Archaeology / Egypt / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Ancient Near East / Roman Epigraphy / Historia / Oriental Studies / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía / Arhaeology, Ancient History / Epigrafía romana / Roman Archaeology / Classics / Roman History / Humanities / Social Sciences / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Egyptian Archaeology / Egypt / Latin Epigraphy / Classical philology / Ancient Near East / Roman Epigraphy / Historia / Oriental Studies / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ciências Sociais / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía / Arhaeology, Ancient History / Epigrafía romana / Roman Archaeology

Concepciones egipcias de la realeza

Religion / Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Egypt / Egyptian religion / Egipto Faraónico / Egyptian Pharaohs / Realeza egipcia / Pharaohs / Egipto Faraónico / Egyptian Pharaohs / Realeza egipcia / Pharaohs

Egipto faraónico. Cosmovisión y realeza. Religión y Sociedad.

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Egyptology / Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Cosmology / Ancient Egyptian History / Ancient Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Society / Egipto Faraónico / Realeza egipcia / Ancient Egyptian social history / Egyptian Society Studies / Ancient Egypt / Ancient Egyptian Society / Egipto Faraónico / Realeza egipcia / Ancient Egyptian social history / Egyptian Society Studies

Inaro y Mirina. La mitología líbica en el Antiguo Egipto (Inaros and Myrina. The lybian mythology in Ancient Egyp)

Religion / Ancient Egyptian Religion / History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Geography / African Studies / Archaeology / Egyptology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Gender Studies / Anthropology / Mythology / Art History / Women's Studies / Architecture / Art Theory / Cultural Heritage / Landscape Archaeology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / African History / Cultural Theory / Gender and Sexuality / Identity (Culture) / Gender / Culture / Egypt / Ancient Near East / Ancient Greek History / Visual Arts / Historia / Cultural Studies / Geography / African Studies / Archaeology / Egyptology / Near Eastern Archaeology / Gender Studies / Anthropology / Mythology / Art History / Women's Studies / Architecture / Art Theory / Cultural Heritage / Landscape Archaeology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / African History / Cultural Theory / Gender and Sexuality / Identity (Culture) / Gender / Culture / Egypt / Ancient Near East / Ancient Greek History / Visual Arts / Historia

En los tiempos primordiales... cuando los dioses eran de cobre

Egypt / Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt / Copper

O labirinto autoritario exipcio

Egypt / Islamism / Islamisation / Egypt, Arab Spring, middle east, Arab studies / Arab Spring (Arab Revolts) / Primavera Árabe / Printemps arabe / Egipto / Islamist movements / Revoluciones árabes-Egipto / Arab Spring / Islamist Political Parties / Islamists In Power / Printemps Arabes / Primavera Árabe / Printemps arabe / Egipto / Islamist movements / Revoluciones árabes-Egipto / Arab Spring / Islamist Political Parties / Islamists In Power / Printemps Arabes
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