
Bioestratigrafía con foraminíferos planctónicos de la parte inferior de la Formación IEPER (Ypresiense estratotípico) en el sondeo Knokke (Bélgica)

Evolutionary Biology / Geology / Ecology / Biostratigraphy / Planktonic Foraminifera / Eocene / Chronostratigraphy / Bioestratigrafía / Ypresian / Eocene / Chronostratigraphy / Bioestratigrafía / Ypresian

Avistamientos recientes de Corvus corax (Cuervo Grande) en las tierras altas de Guatemala

Ornithology / Bioacoustics / Conservation / Soundscape Studies / Ecology / Ecological biogeography

The Covariance between Genetic and Environmental Influences across Ecological Gradients

Genetics / Ecology / Multidisciplinary / Animals / Biological evolution / Phenotype / Genetic variation / Phenotype / Genetic variation

Latitudinal differences in somatic energy storage: adaptive responses to seasonality in an estuarine fish (Atherinidae: Menidia menidia )

Genetics / Ecology / Seasonality / Oecologia / Energy Storage / Geographic Variation / Adaptive Response / Geographic Variation / Adaptive Response

Optimizing environmental flow rules – a conceptual model

Statistics / Wetlands / Optimization (Mathematics) / Ecology / Optimization techniques / Modeling and Simulation / Sustainable Water Resources Management / Environmental Sustainability / Optimisation techniques / Irrigation Systems Design / Environmental flows / Plants / Trees / Murray Darling / Modeling and Simulation / Sustainable Water Resources Management / Environmental Sustainability / Optimisation techniques / Irrigation Systems Design / Environmental flows / Plants / Trees / Murray Darling

Listado actualizado y distribución espacial de la riqueza de las serpientes del estado Lara, Venezuela

Zoology / Ecology / Venezuela / Vertebrates / Checklist / Serpentes / Vertebrate Zoology / Zoologia de vertebrados / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Serpientes / Listado de fauna / Serpentes / Vertebrate Zoology / Zoologia de vertebrados / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Serpientes / Listado de fauna

Los elefantes de guerra en los ejércitos de la Antigüedad (The war elephants in the armies of Antiquity) | Español (Spanish) See link

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Geography / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Anthropology / Art History / Animal Science / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Animal Behavior / Landscape Archaeology / Popular Culture / Animal Studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / War Studies / Cultural Theory / Culture / Ecology / Animal Ecology / Historia / Human-elephant conflict / Elephants / Asian Elephants in Culture and History / Antropología / Animals / Understanding Human Elephant Interaction / Roman Archaeology / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Anthropology / Art History / Animal Science / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Animal Behavior / Landscape Archaeology / Popular Culture / Animal Studies / Social and Cultural Anthropology / War Studies / Cultural Theory / Culture / Ecology / Animal Ecology / Historia / Human-elephant conflict / Elephants / Asian Elephants in Culture and History / Antropología / Animals / Understanding Human Elephant Interaction / Roman Archaeology

Environmental and sea-level changes on Banks Peninsula (Canterbury, New Zealand) through three glaciation–interglaciation cycles

Evolutionary Biology / Palaeogeography / Geology / Ecology / Sea Level / New Zealand / Vegetation history / Marine Isotope Stage / Sea Level Change / Late Quaternary / New Zealand / Vegetation history / Marine Isotope Stage / Sea Level Change / Late Quaternary

A new lobster Paraclytia valashtensis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Nephropidae) from the Late Cretaceous of the central Alborz Range, Iran

Evolutionary Biology / Geology / Ecology / Czech Republic / Fossil record / Late Cretaceous / First record / Late Cretaceous / First record
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