\"Ecos artísticos de la Edad Media en Toro\"

Sculpture / Medieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century) / ESCULTURA / Gothic Sculpture / Edad Media / Zamora / Escultura Medieval / Imaginería Mariana / Escultura Gótica / Imaginería / Zamora / Escultura Medieval / Imaginería Mariana / Escultura Gótica / Imaginería

\'Pedro Duque Cornejo (1678-1757): la integración de las artes en el barroco\'. Workshop \'Geografías de la Pintura Barroca\'. Museo del Prado / Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma. Rome, 10-12 May 2016

Art History / History of Perspective in Painting / Painting / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Baroque art and architecture / ESCULTURA / Barroco / History of Art / Baroque art and architecture / ESCULTURA / Barroco

Reseña \"Olmecas, obras maestras del sur de Veracruz\"

Olmec archaeology / ESCULTURA / Veracruz / Pre-Columbian Art Olmec Maya Moche / Olmec / Los Olmecas / Preclásico en Mesoamerica / Los Olmecas / Preclásico en Mesoamerica

Pedro Lira y José Miguel Blanco: Sus \"luchas artísticas\" y la articulación de un sistema del arte en Chile

Art History / Latin American Art / ESCULTURA / Artes / Historia del Arte / Coleccionismo y Museos / Estudios sobre las ideas. Literatura e Historia cultural en América latina. Debates intelectuales. / Historia del arte latinoamericano / Coleccionismo y Museos / Estudios sobre las ideas. Literatura e Historia cultural en América latina. Debates intelectuales. / Historia del arte latinoamericano

-“El Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre en Madrid en el contexto museístico y político del tardofranquismo”

Public Art / Arte Y Esfera Pública / ESCULTURA / Franquismo / Madrid / Museos

De la cueva al Sacromonte: cuerpos y territorios. El Santo Entierro del Amaqueme

Mexico / ESCULTURA / Nueva España / Santo Sepulcro / Estado de Mexico / Arte Novohispano / Procesiones Religiosas / Arte Virreinal / Imágenes De Culto / Amecameca / Señor del Sacromonte / Sacromonte de Amecameca / Santo Entierro del Amaqueme / Santo Entierro / Santisimo Sacramento / Cristos ligeros / Arte Novohispano / Procesiones Religiosas / Arte Virreinal / Imágenes De Culto / Amecameca / Señor del Sacromonte / Sacromonte de Amecameca / Santo Entierro del Amaqueme / Santo Entierro / Santisimo Sacramento / Cristos ligeros

La catedral de Zaragoza de la Baja Edad Media al Primer Quinientos. Estudio documental y artístico

Art History / Architecture / Construction Materials / Construction Technology / Renaissance / Painting / Renaissance Art / Medieval Church History / Architectural History / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Drawings (Architecture) / Church History / Romanesque Art / Architectural Conservation / Architectural Heritage / Medieval Crown of Aragon / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / History of Construction / Prints and Drawings / History of architecture / Medieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century) / Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / ESCULTURA / Gothic architecture / Romanesque architecture / Drawings / Historia del Arte / Romanesque Sculpture / Gothic Cathedral construction / Pintura / Gothic Painting / Late Gothic Painting / Gothic Art / Gothic / Cathedral archaeology / Cathedrals / Gothic Sculpture / Late Gothic Architecture / Cathedral chapters / Retable Art / Medieval Wall Paintings / Renacimiento / Gothic cathedrals / Architettura / Catholic Church History / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Architettura Medievale / Arquitectura y urbanismo / Catedrales / Gothic wall painting / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Brick Masonry / Pintura mural / Architectural Drawing / Vaulted Systems / Zaragoza / Gotico / Escultura Medieval / Renaissance Sculpture / Gótico / Gothic Art and Architecture / Brick Vault / Medieval Sculpture / Alabaster Sculpture / Pintura Mural Gótica / Architecture Gothique / Gothique / Masonry Vaults / Retablos / Painting / Renaissance Art / Medieval Church History / Architectural History / History of Sculpture / Sculpture / History of Art / Drawings (Architecture) / Church History / Romanesque Art / Architectural Conservation / Architectural Heritage / Medieval Crown of Aragon / Cathedrals (Medieval Studies) / History of Construction / Prints and Drawings / History of architecture / Medieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century) / Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / ESCULTURA / Gothic architecture / Romanesque architecture / Drawings / Historia del Arte / Romanesque Sculpture / Gothic Cathedral construction / Pintura / Gothic Painting / Late Gothic Painting / Gothic Art / Gothic / Cathedral archaeology / Cathedrals / Gothic Sculpture / Late Gothic Architecture / Cathedral chapters / Retable Art / Medieval Wall Paintings / Renacimiento / Gothic cathedrals / Architettura / Catholic Church History / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Architettura Medievale / Arquitectura y urbanismo / Catedrales / Gothic wall painting / Historia y Teoria del Arte y la Arquitectura / Brick Masonry / Pintura mural / Architectural Drawing / Vaulted Systems / Zaragoza / Gotico / Escultura Medieval / Renaissance Sculpture / Gótico / Gothic Art and Architecture / Brick Vault / Medieval Sculpture / Alabaster Sculpture / Pintura Mural Gótica / Architecture Gothique / Gothique / Masonry Vaults / Retablos

Juan Blanco Pajares. Escultor-Imaginero (1898-1984)

ESCULTURA / Extremadura / Don Benito / Esculturas religiosas / Imaginero

Documentos para la historia de la Colegiata de Santa María de Calatayud

Archival Studies / Art History / Architecture / Cultural Heritage / Renaissance / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Archives / Architectural History / History of Sculpture / History of construction technology / Art Conservation / Drawing / Sculpture / History of Art / Drawings (Architecture) / Medieval Architecture / Architectural Conservation / World Cultural Heritage / Architectural Heritage / Medieval Art / Baroque art and architecture / Medieval Crown of Aragon / History of Construction / Prints and Drawings / Baroque Architecture / Spanish Art / Heritage / History of architecture / Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / ESCULTURA / Gothic architecture / Architectural Design / Mudéjar Art and Architecture / Conservación y Restauración / Patrimonio Cultural / Historia del Arte / CONSERVACION Y RESTAURACION / Restauration and Conservation / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Renaissance architecture / Patrimoine / Architectural Drawings / Gothic Art / Gothic / Late Gothic Architecture / Sauvegarde du patrimoine / Cloisters / Brick and Tile / Architettura / Conservação e restauro / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Architettura Medievale / Patrimonio / Patrimoine Architectural Et Urbanistique / Representation of ancient architecture (technical and pictoresques drawings) / Conservazione e restauro / Restauro Monumentale / Architectural Drawing / Restauro / Conservation Du Patrimoine Architectural Et Culturel / Arquitectura y Diseño / Brick Vault / Alabaster Sculpture / Patrimoine Mondial (Culturel Et Naturel) / Architectural Heritage Conservation / Northern European Sculpture 1330-1550; Alabaster / Drawing as a research tool / Restauro Architettonico / Calatayud / Conservazione E Restauro Dei Beni Culturali / Colegiatas / Cultural Heritage Conservation / Heritage Conservation / Archives / Architectural History / History of Sculpture / History of construction technology / Art Conservation / Drawing / Sculpture / History of Art / Drawings (Architecture) / Medieval Architecture / Architectural Conservation / World Cultural Heritage / Architectural Heritage / Medieval Art / Baroque art and architecture / Medieval Crown of Aragon / History of Construction / Prints and Drawings / Baroque Architecture / Spanish Art / Heritage / History of architecture / Arquitectura / Historia de la Arquitectura / Historia de la Construcción / ESCULTURA / Gothic architecture / Architectural Design / Mudéjar Art and Architecture / Conservación y Restauración / Patrimonio Cultural / Historia del Arte / CONSERVACION Y RESTAURACION / Restauration and Conservation / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Renaissance architecture / Patrimoine / Architectural Drawings / Gothic Art / Gothic / Late Gothic Architecture / Sauvegarde du patrimoine / Cloisters / Brick and Tile / Architettura / Conservação e restauro / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Architettura Medievale / Patrimonio / Patrimoine Architectural Et Urbanistique / Representation of ancient architecture (technical and pictoresques drawings) / Conservazione e restauro / Restauro Monumentale / Architectural Drawing / Restauro / Conservation Du Patrimoine Architectural Et Culturel / Arquitectura y Diseño / Brick Vault / Alabaster Sculpture / Patrimoine Mondial (Culturel Et Naturel) / Architectural Heritage Conservation / Northern European Sculpture 1330-1550; Alabaster / Drawing as a research tool / Restauro Architettonico / Calatayud / Conservazione E Restauro Dei Beni Culturali / Colegiatas

La portada de Santa María de Calatayud. Estudio documental y artístico

Art History / Renaissance / Renaissance Art / Heritage Conservation / History of Sculpture / French Renaissance / Sculpture / History of Art / French art / Cross-cultural transfers / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Histoire de l'art / Historia del Arte / Restauration and Conservation / STORIA DELL'ARTE / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Transferts culturels / História da arte / Renacimiento / Monarquía Hispánica / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Cultural Transfers / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Conservation-Restauration / Arte Del Renacimiento / Fernando el Católico / Italian artists in France / Normandie / Normandy / Renaissance France / Alabaster Sculpture / Altars and Wooden Sculpyure / Northern European Sculpture 1330-1550; Alabaster / Arte Aragonés / Transferts Culturels / Cultural Transfers / Calatayud / French Renaissance Sculpture / French Renaissance / Sculpture / History of Art / French art / Cross-cultural transfers / Spanish Art / ESCULTURA / Histoire de l'art / Historia del Arte / Restauration and Conservation / STORIA DELL'ARTE / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Transferts culturels / História da arte / Renacimiento / Monarquía Hispánica / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Cultural Transfers / ARTES PLÁSTICAS, ESCULTURA / Conservation-Restauration / Arte Del Renacimiento / Fernando el Católico / Italian artists in France / Normandie / Normandy / Renaissance France / Alabaster Sculpture / Altars and Wooden Sculpyure / Northern European Sculpture 1330-1550; Alabaster / Arte Aragonés / Transferts Culturels / Cultural Transfers / Calatayud / French Renaissance Sculpture

La lista de pinturas y esculturas «de mérito» de la catedral de Granada (1792)

Historiography / Eighteenth Century History / Enlightenment / Baroque art and architecture / ESCULTURA / Pintura / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historiografía / Granada / Literatura Artística / Reinassance Art / Pintura / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Historiografía / Granada / Literatura Artística / Reinassance Art
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