
Summary Keynote RSD3: An appreciative critique

Design / Design education / Systemic Design

Emocionales y Conectados

Emotion / Design / Design and Emotion / Industrial Design / Product Design / The Internet of Things / Internet of Things / Diseño Industrial / Diseño / Emotional design / Internet of Things (IoT) / The Internet of Things / Internet of Things / Diseño Industrial / Diseño / Emotional design / Internet of Things (IoT)

Cuando los objetos configuran las creencias

Design / Design and Emotion / Industrial Design / Product Design / Cultural Anthropology / Diseño Industrial / Cultura Material / Diseño / Diseño Industrial / Cultura Material / Diseño

Empirical establishment of oligonucleotide probe design criteria

Design / Research Design / Multidisciplinary / Conception / Nucleic acid hybridization / Applied Environmental Microbiology / Design Criteria / Species Specificity / Shewanella / Oligonucleotide / Applied Environmental Microbiology / Design Criteria / Species Specificity / Shewanella / Oligonucleotide

An Experimental Approach to Multimodality

Semiotics / Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Music / Design / Architecture / Stylistics / Multimodal Interaction / Linguistics / Multimodality / Architecture / Stylistics / Multimodal Interaction / Linguistics / Multimodality

INNOVACIÓN POR DESIGN THINKING: Creatividad para los negocios (Primeros 2 capítulos)

Design / Management of Innovation / Design Innovation / Design thinking / Diseño / Innovación / Innovation Strategy / Innovación / Innovation Strategy

La construcción de la identidad visual de Canal Encuentro. Análisis del diseño institucional televisivo del primer canal argentino educativo y público, 2007-2011

Design / Corporate Identity Design / Brand Image / Branding / Motion Graphics / Diseño Grafico / Diseño / Corporate Branding / Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation / Corporate Visual Identity / Diseño Institucional / Identidad corporativa / Diseño Grafico / Diseño / Corporate Branding / Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation / Corporate Visual Identity / Diseño Institucional / Identidad corporativa

Proyectar es decidir. Ética y pedagogía del proyectar

Ethics / Design / Architecture / Teaching Methodology / Bauhaus / Bruno Munari / The HfG Ulm / Bruno Munari / The HfG Ulm

Los hombres y los objetos. El museo de Hamar (1967-1979)

Design / Architecture / Museums and Exhibition Design


Critical Theory / History / Military History / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Political Sociology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Military Science / Strategy (Military Science) / Anthropology / Medical Anthropology / Comparative Politics / Philosophy / Political Philosophy / Ethics / Philosophy Of Religion / Applied Ethics / Education / Media Studies / Theatre Studies / Social Anthropology / Cultural Sociology / Sociology of Education / Design / Architecture / Political Theory / Ethnography / Posthumanism / Race and Racism / Propaganda / Social and Cultural Anthropology / War Studies / Genocide Studies / Cultural Theory / Political Science / Mass Communication / Critical Race Theory / Race and Ethnicity / Antisemitism (Prejudice) / Political Violence and Terrorism / Politics / Political communication / Racism / Polotical Economy / Nihilism / Philosophy Of Race / Critical Race Theory and Whiteness theory / Biopolitics / Moral Philosophy / Military and Politics / Cultural Anthropology / Judaism / Ethnic Conflict and Civil War / Theatre / Ocultism / Nazi Germany / Anti-Racism / Berlin / Mass media / Arquitectura / Historia / Sociologia / Race / Antisemitism / Racismo y discriminación / Nazism / Military Dictatorship / Ejercito / Antropología Social / Adolf Hitler / Sociología / SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL / Nazismo / Hitler / Alemania / Masonry structures / Architecture and Public Spaces / Anthropology of Religion / Bioetica Nazi / History of Judaism In Antiquity / Exterminio Judío / Political Sociology / Psychology / Clinical Psychology / Psychoanalysis / Social Psychology / Military Science / Strategy (Military Science) / Anthropology / Medical Anthropology / Comparative Politics / Philosophy / Political Philosophy / Ethics / Philosophy Of Religion / Applied Ethics / Education / Media Studies / Theatre Studies / Social Anthropology / Cultural Sociology / Sociology of Education / Design / Architecture / Political Theory / Ethnography / Posthumanism / Race and Racism / Propaganda / Social and Cultural Anthropology / War Studies / Genocide Studies / Cultural Theory / Political Science / Mass Communication / Critical Race Theory / Race and Ethnicity / Antisemitism (Prejudice) / Political Violence and Terrorism / Politics / Political communication / Racism / Polotical Economy / Nihilism / Philosophy Of Race / Critical Race Theory and Whiteness theory / Biopolitics / Moral Philosophy / Military and Politics / Cultural Anthropology / Judaism / Ethnic Conflict and Civil War / Theatre / Ocultism / Nazi Germany / Anti-Racism / Berlin / Mass media / Arquitectura / Historia / Sociologia / Race / Antisemitism / Racismo y discriminación / Nazism / Military Dictatorship / Ejercito / Antropología Social / Adolf Hitler / Sociología / SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL / Nazismo / Hitler / Alemania / Masonry structures / Architecture and Public Spaces / Anthropology of Religion / Bioetica Nazi / History of Judaism In Antiquity / Exterminio Judío

Design innovation in Educational videogames fictional worlds. (Innovación en el Diseño de los mundos ficticios de los videojuegos educativos).

Game Theory / Game studies / Education / Design / Serious Games / Game Design / Video Games and Learning / Graphic Design / Video Game Design / Design Research / Design Innovation / Game Based Learning / Serious Gaming / GBL / Game Design / Video Games and Learning / Graphic Design / Video Game Design / Design Research / Design Innovation / Game Based Learning / Serious Gaming / GBL

Moisés Bazán de Huerta. Reseña sobre: GUTIÉRREZ VIÑUALES, Rodrigo, Libros argentinos, ilustración y modernidad (1910-1936), Buenos Aires, CEDODAL, 2014, 450 pp., 2.700 fotografías. I.S.B.N.: 978-987-1033-52-2. Publicada en: Norba. Revista de Arte. Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, Nº 34, 2014.

Design / Graphic Design / Illustration / Literatura Latinoamericana / Literatura / Literatura argentina / Diseño Grafico / Illustrated Books / Ilustración / Diseño Gráfico / Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano / Arte argentino / Historia del arte latinoamericano / Literatura argentina / Diseño Grafico / Illustrated Books / Ilustración / Diseño Gráfico / Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano / Arte argentino / Historia del arte latinoamericano

From Goods to Service Logic: service business model requirements in industrial design firms

Design / Business Modeling / Industrial Design / Design Research / Service-Dominant Logic / Business Models / Service Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) / Business Model / Business Models / Service Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) / Business Model

Contaminación artística. Vanguardia concreta, comunismo y peronismo en los años 40.

Design / Avant-Garde / Russian avant-garde art / Realism / Comunismo / Diseño / Political Realism / El Arte Abstracto / Realismo / Peronismo / Communist Parties / Tomás Maldonado, Arte concreto argentino / Vanguardia / Diseño / Political Realism / El Arte Abstracto / Realismo / Peronismo / Communist Parties / Tomás Maldonado, Arte concreto argentino / Vanguardia
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