Cross Correlation / optical CDMA / Digital design / Optical Communication System / Bit Error Rate / Matched Filter / Circuit Design / Local Area Network / Sampling Effect / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Dark Current / Matched Filter / Circuit Design / Local Area Network / Sampling Effect / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Dark Current
Terahertz / Thermal Conductivity / Optical physics / Low Temperature / Transmission Line / Polyethylene terephthalate / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Dark Current / Polyethylene terephthalate / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Dark Current
Quantum Mechanics / Photodetectors / Tunnelling / Current Density / Device Simulation / Effective mass / Quantum Well / Three Dimensional / Low Noise / Boundary Condition / Physical Model / Transient Response / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Schottky barriers / Dark Current / Effective mass / Quantum Well / Three Dimensional / Low Noise / Boundary Condition / Physical Model / Transient Response / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Schottky barriers / Dark Current