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Cervical Vertebrae
Cervical Vertebrae
Is cervical lordosis relevant in laminoplasty?
Treatment Outcome / Humans / Female / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Laminectomy / Lumbar Lordosis / Neurosciences / Postoperative Period / Disability Evaluation / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Retrospective Studies / Laminectomy / Lumbar Lordosis / Neurosciences / Postoperative Period / Disability Evaluation
Hypopharyngeal injury leading to subcutaneous emphysema after anterior cervical discectomy and artificial cervical disc placement
Clinical Neuroscience / Cerebrospinal Fluid / Humans / Clinical / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Trachea / Iatrogenic Disease / Vascular Injury / Prosthesis Implantation / Neurosciences / Subcutaneous emphysema / Postoperative Period / Surgical Instruments / Postoperative Complications / Diskectomy / Hypopharynx / Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Trachea / Iatrogenic Disease / Vascular Injury / Prosthesis Implantation / Neurosciences / Subcutaneous emphysema / Postoperative Period / Surgical Instruments / Postoperative Complications / Diskectomy / Hypopharynx / Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
Hypopharyngeal injury leading to subcutaneous emphysema after anterior cervical discectomy and artificial cervical disc placement
Clinical Neuroscience / Cerebrospinal Fluid / Humans / Clinical / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Trachea / Iatrogenic Disease / Vascular Injury / Prosthesis Implantation / Neurosciences / Subcutaneous emphysema / Postoperative Period / Surgical Instruments / Postoperative Complications / Diskectomy / Hypopharynx / Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Trachea / Iatrogenic Disease / Vascular Injury / Prosthesis Implantation / Neurosciences / Subcutaneous emphysema / Postoperative Period / Surgical Instruments / Postoperative Complications / Diskectomy / Hypopharynx / Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
Anterior cervical arachnoid cyst with spinal cord compression
Cognitive Science / Humans / Female / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences
Cervicothoracic Multisegmental Transpinal Evoked Potentials in Humans
Engineering / Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Medicine / Multidisciplinary / Humans / Female / Spinal Cord / Male / Young Adult / Cervical Vertebrae / PLoS one / Motor Evoked Potentials / Adult / Reflex / Thoracic Vertebrae / Median Nerve / Multidisciplinary / Humans / Female / Spinal Cord / Male / Young Adult / Cervical Vertebrae / PLoS one / Motor Evoked Potentials / Adult / Reflex / Thoracic Vertebrae / Median Nerve
Nonsurgically treated cervical brucellar epidural abscess causing spinal cord compression
Clinical Neuroscience / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Humans / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Brucellosis / Adult / Laminectomy / Neurosciences / Clinical Sciences / Brucellosis / Adult / Laminectomy / Neurosciences
Anterior Cervical Osteophytes Causing Dysphagia and Dyspnea: An Uncommon Entity Revisited
Dysphagia / Humans / Fluoroscopy / Male / Differential Diagnosis / Dyspnea / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis / Degeneration / Cervical Spine / Video Recording / Dyspnea / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis / Degeneration / Cervical Spine / Video Recording
Bilateral high-level percutaneous cervical cordotomy in cancer pain due to lung cancer: a case report
Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Treatment Outcome / Lung Cancer / Case Report / Humans / Cancer pain / Spinal Cord / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Neuronavigation / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Computerized tomography / Catheter ablation / X ray Computed Tomography / Neurosciences / Functional Laterality / Cancer pain / Spinal Cord / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Neuronavigation / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Computerized tomography / Catheter ablation / X ray Computed Tomography / Neurosciences / Functional Laterality
Bilateral high-level percutaneous cervical cordotomy in cancer pain due to lung cancer: a case report
Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Treatment Outcome / Lung Cancer / Case Report / Humans / Cancer pain / Spinal Cord / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Neuronavigation / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Computerized tomography / Catheter ablation / X ray Computed Tomography / Neurosciences / Functional Laterality / Cancer pain / Spinal Cord / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Neuronavigation / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Computerized tomography / Catheter ablation / X ray Computed Tomography / Neurosciences / Functional Laterality
In vivo cervical intervertebral disc characterisation by elastography
Dentistry / Biomedical Engineering / Humans / Female / Male / Intervertebral disc / Cervical Vertebrae / Adult / Shear Strength / Intervertebral disc / Cervical Vertebrae / Adult / Shear Strength
Frameless stereotaxy in a transmandibular, circumglossal, retropharyngeal cervical decompression in a klippel-feil patient: technical note
Biomedical Engineering / Humans / Male / Cervical Vertebrae / Neuronavigation / Clinical Sciences / Adult / Klippel -Feil Syndrome / Clinical Sciences / Adult / Klippel -Feil Syndrome
Spinal cord perfusion after extensive segmental artery sacrifice: can paraplegia be prevented?
Paraplegia / Movement / Blood Pressure / Female / Animals / Spinal Cord / Perfusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Motor Evoked Potentials / Spectrum / Swine / Motor Function / Necrosis / Aortic Aneurysm / Thoracic Vertebrae / Aorta / Thoracic Surgery / Postoperative Period / Motor evoked potential / Spinal Cord / Perfusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Motor Evoked Potentials / Spectrum / Swine / Motor Function / Necrosis / Aortic Aneurysm / Thoracic Vertebrae / Aorta / Thoracic Surgery / Postoperative Period / Motor evoked potential
Spinal cord perfusion after extensive segmental artery sacrifice: can paraplegia be prevented?
Paraplegia / Movement / Blood Pressure / Female / Animals / Spinal Cord / Perfusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Motor Evoked Potentials / Spectrum / Swine / Motor Function / Necrosis / Aortic Aneurysm / Thoracic Vertebrae / Aorta / Thoracic Surgery / Postoperative Period / Motor evoked potential / Spinal Cord / Perfusion / Cervical Vertebrae / Motor Evoked Potentials / Spectrum / Swine / Motor Function / Necrosis / Aortic Aneurysm / Thoracic Vertebrae / Aorta / Thoracic Surgery / Postoperative Period / Motor evoked potential
Upper limbs dysmetria caused by cervical spinal cord injury: a case report
Cognitive Science / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Spinal Cord Injury / Case Report / Humans / Spinal Cord / Male / Arm / Cerebellar ataxia / Cervical Vertebrae / Middle Aged / Upper Limb / Spinal Cord Injuries / Neurosciences / Spinal Cord / Male / Arm / Cerebellar ataxia / Cervical Vertebrae / Middle Aged / Upper Limb / Spinal Cord Injuries / Neurosciences
Spinal epidural abscess after cervical pharyngoesophageal dilation
Dentistry / Catheterization / Humans / Female / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Esophagus / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Esophagus
Comparison of Flexiblade™ and Macintosh laryngoscopes: cervical extension angles during orotracheal intubation
Adolescent / Humans / Female / Anaesthesia / Fluoroscopy / Male / Young Adult / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Aged / Middle Aged / Head Movements / Adult / Neurosciences / Laryngoscopy / Male / Young Adult / Cervical Vertebrae / Clinical Sciences / General Anesthesia / Aged / Middle Aged / Head Movements / Adult / Neurosciences / Laryngoscopy
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