Toward Artificial Ion Channels:  A Lipophilic G-Quadruplex

Circular Dichroism / Potassium / The / Hydrogen Bond / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Single Crystal

Vector parametrization, partial angular momenta and unusual commutation relations in physics

Engineering / Chemical Physics / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES

Targeted Recruitment of Histone Acetyltransferase Activity to a Locus Control Region

Biological Chemistry / Biological Sciences / Humans / Mice / Animals / Histone Modification / Chromatin / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Histones / Histone acetyltransferases / Gene Targeting / Transcription Start Site / Histone Modification / Chromatin / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Histones / Histone acetyltransferases / Gene Targeting / Transcription Start Site

Electron-energy-loss spectra and the structural stability of nickel oxide: An LSDA+U study

Structural Stability / Physical sciences / Physical / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Nickel Oxide

Excess electron transfer in G-quadruplex

Water / Chemical / DNA / Electron Transfer / Electron Transport / CHEMICAL SCIENCES

Luminescence quenching in PbS nanoparticles

Technology / Physical sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES

Antiprotozoal activity of Neurolaena lobata

Medicinal Plants / Leishmania / Biological Sciences / Phytotherapy / Humans / Animals / Trichomonas vaginalis / Asteraceae / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Plant extracts / Trypanosoma Cruzi / Plant Leaves / Animals / Trichomonas vaginalis / Asteraceae / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Plant extracts / Trypanosoma Cruzi / Plant Leaves

The loading history of trace metals and nutrients in Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón, lagoon complex, northwestern Mexico

Geology / Agricultural Development / Trace Metals / Mexico / Biological Sciences / Heavy metals / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Environmental Radioactivity / Stable Isotope / Animals / Coastal lagoon / Seawater / Trace Elements / Anthropogenic impact / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ecosystem / MEXICO / Water Movements / Organic Matter / Food Chain / Environmental / Biological Availability / Geologic Sediments / Heavy metals / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Environmental Radioactivity / Stable Isotope / Animals / Coastal lagoon / Seawater / Trace Elements / Anthropogenic impact / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ecosystem / MEXICO / Water Movements / Organic Matter / Food Chain / Environmental / Biological Availability / Geologic Sediments

Epitaxial Growth of Si by Low-energy DC-plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

Engineering / Epitaxial Growth / Low Energy Buildngs / CHEMICAL SCIENCES

Determination of Young\'s modulus of dental composites: A phenomenological model

Engineering / Materials Science / Statistical Analysis / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / PHENOMENOLOGICAL MODEL

Physicochemical characterization of drug-cyclodextrin complexes prepared by supercritical carbon dioxide and by conventional techniques

Inclusion / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Supercritical carbon dioxide / Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Ti-modified alumina supports prepared by sol–gel method used for deep HDS catalysts

Engineering / Sample Preparation / Pore Size / Nickel / Specific surface area / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Structural Properties / Physico chemical Properties / Sol Gel Method / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Structural Properties / Physico chemical Properties / Sol Gel Method

The loading history of trace metals and nutrients in Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón, lagoon complex, northwestern Mexico

Geology / Agricultural Development / Trace Metals / Mexico / Biological Sciences / Heavy metals / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Environmental Radioactivity / Stable Isotope / Animals / Coastal lagoon / Seawater / Trace Elements / Anthropogenic impact / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ecosystem / MEXICO / Water Movements / Organic Matter / Food Chain / Environmental / Biological Availability / Geologic Sediments / Heavy metals / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Environmental Radioactivity / Stable Isotope / Animals / Coastal lagoon / Seawater / Trace Elements / Anthropogenic impact / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Ecosystem / MEXICO / Water Movements / Organic Matter / Food Chain / Environmental / Biological Availability / Geologic Sediments

Developmental expression of extra-embryonic endodermal cytockeletal proteins

Biological Chemistry / Biological Sciences / CHEMICAL SCIENCES
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